P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
               Saturday 8 September 2018

             Teacher strikes, unrest hit West Coast as unions flex muscle

            By SALLY HO                                                                                                         said  the  state  was  violat-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   ing  its  own  Constitution  by
            SEATTLE  (AP) — Fights over                                                                                         inadequately  funding  K-12
            teacher salaries and work-                                                                                          schools.
            ing conditions are escalat-                                                                                         This  year,  many  of  the
            ing  along  the  West  Coast,                                                                                       teachers urged their school
            emboldened  in  part  by                                                                                            districts to reopen bargain-
            the momentum from wide-                                                                                             ing  talks  in  the  middle  of
            spread  teacher  strikes  in                                                                                        their contract period in or-
            more conservative states.                                                                                           der to settle the pay dispar-
            The teachers in these blue                                                                                          ity.
            states — with robust teach-                                                                                         Teachers  at  Seattle  Public
            ers' unions, the right to strike                                                                                    Schools,  the  state's  largest
            and  legislatures  that  are                                                                                        district,  had  authorized  a
            generally  more  support-                                                                                           strike  but  reached  a  one-
            ive  of  education  funding                                                                                         year deal giving them 10.5
            —  are  tapping  into  a  shift                                                                                     percent raises.
            in  public  sentiment  that                                                                                         In  some  smaller  communi-
            supports  better  wages  for                                                                                        ties,  school  district  officials
            teachers  that  came  as  a                                                                                         have  pushed  back  by  su-
            result  of  the  "Red4Ed"  pro-                                                                                     ing the unions to get them
            test movement that began                                                                                            to work.
            earlier this year.                                                                                                  The  state  union  is  backing
            The latest disputes are par-                                                                                        all  teachers  with  a  new
            ticularly  acute  in  Wash-                                                                                         political  tactic,  ordering
            ington, a state that has in-                                                                                        for  the  first  time  "bargain-
            fused  at  least  $1  billion  for                                                                                  ing season" television, radio
            teacher  pay  to  resolve  a                                                                                        and Facebook ads to both
            long-running  court  battle.                                                                                        put  pressure  on  the  dis-
            With   students   returning                                                                                         tricts  and  urge  community
            to  school  in  the  last  few                                                                                      members to stand with the
            weeks, teachers in at least                                                                                         teachers.
            18 public school districts so                                                                                       One  ad  highlights  the
            far have voted to authorize                                                                                         state's  teacher  shortage
            a  strike,  gone  on  strike  or   Striking Tacoma Teachers walk a picket line, Thursday, Sept. 6, 2018, in front of Lincoln High School   while  saying  salaries  aren't
            settled their strikes in order   in Tacoma, Wash.                                                                   competitive  in  a  region
            to get pay raises.                                                                                 Associated Press  flush with tech money.
            "We  saw  everywhere  from                                                                                          That's also a show of force
            Arizona  to  West  Virginia  School  District  also  voted  jor rally in North Carolina.  Michael  Hansen,  an  edu-  for  the  unions  after  a  U.S.
            standing  up  for  fair  wag-  last  week  to  authorize  a  Except  for  Colorado,  all  cation policy expert at the  Supreme  Court  ruling  in
            es. Now that it's coming to  strike,  although  a  walkout  of  those  states  have  "right  Brookings  Institution,  said  late  June  that  declared
            Washington state, we don't  isn't  imminent.  The  union  to  work"  laws,  which  lim-  the  teachers'  cause  is  un-  government  workers  can't
            feel isolated. We know we  and  district  in  the  nation's  its  the  ability  for  teachers  doubtedly  helped  by  the  be  required  to  contribute
            have the support of our lo-  second-largest  school  sys-  to  strike.  Teachers  there  political  dynamics  shifting  money to labor groups. As
            cal community," said Con-    tem  have  failed  to  reach  instead  scheduled  wide-   in  the  national  conversa-  the  state  teachers  union
            nie Vernon, an elementary  an  agreement  on  pay  spread  protest  "walkouts."  tion about teacher value.          flexed  its  political  muscle
            teacher  in  the  Washougal  raises,  smaller  class  sizes  In  West  Virginia,  teachers  As  the  protest  movement  by  spending  in  such  an
            School District in southwest  and other issues. Both sides  won a 5-percent raise even  moves from fiscally-conser-  unprecedented  but  high-
            Washington, where a nine-    have filed charges against  though they lacked collec-    vative  red  states  without  stakes  way,  local  leaders
            day  walkout  ended  Thurs-  the other and a state me-    tive  bargaining  rights  and  much labor power, Hansen  say their membership num-
            day.                         diation session is scheduled  had no legal right to strike.  said momentum has shifted  bers  have  not  been  af-
            Rich Wood, spokesman for  Sept. 27.                       The  Washington  teachers'  to more union-friendly blue  fected  by  the  ruling  even
            the  state  teachers'  union,  The momentum earlier from  union said it has been fight-  states where pay and cost  though it has the potential
            said  local  bargaining  units  teacher protests in West Vir-  ing  for  schools  funding  for  of  living  are  substantially  to significantly weaken the
            at  two-thirds  of  the  state's  ginia, Oklahoma, Kentucky,  more than a decade, and  higher.  The  red-state  fights  revenue  base  for  all  labor
            295  school  systems  have  Colorado  and  Arizona  has  that the timing of their lat-  thrived  as  state-wide  ac-  unions.
            sought to renegotiate sala-  also carried into other kinds  est contract and strike dis-  tions,  while  the  blue-state  Washougal's   superinten-
            ries.                        of actions, including an or-  cussions  was  coincidental  disputes  are  at  the  district  dent  Mary  Templeton  said
            In  California,  teachers  in  ganized  teacher  hunger  to the national teacher up-   level.                       the state union relationship
            the  Los  Angeles  Unified  strike in Georgia and a ma-   rising.                      "They  sort  of  feel  like  a  with  the  locals  has  been
                                                                                                   tipping  point  has  been  affected by these broader
                                                                                                   crossed,"   Hansen    said.  elements  and  that  it's  evi-
                                                                                                   "Strategically,  if  you're  go-  dent by the rush of political
                                                                                                   ing to advance and advo-     activity  being  carried  out
                                                                                                   cate for more teacher pay,  by the larger labor group.
                                                                                                   this is the time."           She  said  the  district  also
                                                                                                   More  state  money  to-      wants  to  support  teach-
                                                                                                   ward  teacher  salaries  was  ers  with  a  new  salary  pay
                                                                                                   funded by the Washington  scale.
                                                                                                   Legislature  after  a  court  "We gave a lot because we
                                                                                                   ruling  that  stemmed  from  know  how  important  they
                                                                                                   a  2007  lawsuit.  The  ruling  are," Templeton said.q
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