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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 9 OcTOber 2018

            'Walking Dead' star trades arc of weapons for arc of story

            By JEFF MARTIN                                                                                                      veers from that narrative to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    create  new  tales.  It's  built
            SENOIA,  Ga.  (AP)  —  An-                                                                                          around  a  cast  of  charac-
            drew Lincoln will no longer                                                                                         ters  struggling  to  survive
            evade  the  arc  of  a  knife,                                                                                      in a world that's fallen into
            a bullet or a bloody base-                                                                                          chaos and become infest-
            ball  bat  wrapped  with  ra-                                                                                       ed  with  zombies  they  call
            zor wire on the Georgia set                                                                                         "walkers."  The  humans  also
            where  AMC's  "The  Walking                                                                                         break  into  factions  and
            Dead" is filmed.                                                                                                    sometimes  wage  war  with
            The show's upcoming ninth                                                                                           one another.
            season,  which  premieres                                                                                           As the show enters its final
            Sunday  night,  will  be  the                                                                                       season  with  Lincoln's  char-
            last  for  his  character,  sher-                                                                                   acter, he speaks lovingly of
            iff's  Deputy  Rick  Grimes,                                                                                        the "less-is-more" aspect of
            and  Lincoln  has  wrapped                                                                                          the upcoming season.
            his last scene.                                                                                                     "There's less gas, there's less
            Now  he's  hoping  to  direct                                                                                       guns,  there's  less  food,"  he
            an  episode  of  the  show,                                                                                         says.  "But  we've  got  more
            so he's "shadowing" one of                                                                                          tension as a result, and thrills
            the  directors  during  film-                                                                                       and spills. If something goes
            ing near the small town of                                                                                          wrong  in  this  landscape
            Senoia.                      In this March 17, 2017 file photo, Andrew Lincoln attends the 34th annual PaleyFest: "The Walking   that  we  inhabit  now,  then
            "I've always had a fascina-  Dead" event in Los Angeles.                                                            we're in serious trouble."
            tion  with  the  language  of                                                                      Associated Press  Lincoln  says  "The  Walking
            film," he told The Associated                                                                                       Dead" has always been an
            Press in a recent interview.  put  my  money  where  my  "You're    interrupting   my  probably  being  taught  at  ensemble  show  that's  not
            "And  I'm  a  control  freak.  I  mouth is."              shadowing!"     he    says.  the moment."                 dependent  on  any  one
            have  strong  opinions  aes-  His  trademark  humor  finds  "There's   lessons   being  The  drama  sometimes  fol-  character. "The themes this
            thetically,  and  maybe  it's  its way into many of his an-  taught out there right now  lows  the  story  lines  of  a  season are absolutely what
            time for me to own up to it  swers to questions about his  and  I'm  not  there.  Which  comic  book  series  that  we set out to achieve in the
            and see if I can, you know,  future.                      way to point the camera is  debuted  in  2003,  but  also  first season," he said. q

            First woman Doctor Who wants to be a role model to all

            By JOHN CARUCCI                                                                                                     get the role, she noted that
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Jodie                                                                                           the casting announcement
            Whittaker  calls  being  cast                                                                                       seemed like a bigger deal
            as  the  first  woman  to  por-                                                                                     than it was because "gen-
            tray Doctor Who "a step in                                                                                          der  becomes  immediately
            the right direction" when it                                                                                        irrelevant  within  the  show
            comes  to  gender  equality                                                                                         because  the  Doctor  is  the
            in  Hollywood,  but  doesn't                                                                                        Doctor."
            feel  that  she's  broken  a                                                                                        The  actress  calls  herself  a
            glass   ceiling   because                                                                                           "New Whovian" that began
            there's  more  work  to  be                                                                                         watching  the  show  after
            done.                                                                                                               she got the role. What she
            Moments  before  the  lat-                                                                                          learned  from  her  binge
            est season of "Doctor Who"                                                                                          watching  was  "how  inclu-
            debuted  in  a  global-wide                                                                                         sive it is."
            telecast  on  Sunday,  Whit-                                                                                        On the floor of Comic Con,
            taker  was  at  New  York                                                                                           fans spoke positively about
            Comic  Con  with  showrun-                                                                                          this Doctor.
            ner  Chris  Chibnall,  and                                                                                          Twelve-year  old  Danielle
            Executive  Producer  Matt                                                                                           Nickelson,  dressed  as  Har-
            Strevens  talking  about  the                                                                                       ley Quinn, was glad to see
            new season and the histori-                                                                                         a woman in the role. "I like
            cal casting decision.                                                                                               that  they  made  it  a  wom-
            "Do I think the glass ceiling   In this July 21, 2018 file photo, Jodie Whittaker attends the Entertainment Weekly Comic-Con Cel-  an,  because  usually  now-
            is  broken?  No.  Do  I  think   ebration in San Diego.                                                             adays  shows  don't  really
            that this is a positive step in                                                                    Associated Press  have girls in them. It's more
            the direction of equality in                                                                                        like  boys,  like  Spider-Man,"
            the representation on film?  help people, without doing  gardless of gender.           a hero for a girl, which is not  Nickelson said.
            Yeah.  But  it's  not  broken,"  anything  drastic  that  may  "When  I  was  growing  up,  the case," she said. "And so,  And  in-between  practic-
            Whittaker said.              alter the course of history.  there  was  never  a  ques-  I  think  the  wonderful  thing  ing  moves  from  her  favor-
            The  long-running  television  Whittaker became the 13th  tion that as a girl you would  about  this  is  being  a  role  ite  video  game,  "Street
            series  chronicles  the  ad-  to  play  the  eponymous  look up to guys. That's what  model  for  anyone,  which  Fighter,"  longtime  fan  Lia
            ventures  of  an  extraterres-  character,  and  explains  you  did.  Whereas  there's  the Doctor has always been  Vanderlinden had her own
            trial  time  lord  who  travels  why she hopes to be a role  a  slight  mythology  in  the  regardless of gender."While  take on accepting the new
            to different time periods to  model  for  everyone,  re-  sense if you're a girl, you're  Whittaker  was  honored  to  Doctor.q
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