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Rose All Day

                                                                                        July 23, 2019
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                                                                                                                                                Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Deal sealed on federal budget, ensuring no shutdown, default

            By ANDREW TAYLOR
            Associated Press
            WASHINGTON       (AP)   —
            President  Donald  Trump
            and  congressional  lead-
            ers  announced  Monday
            a  critical  debt  and  bud-
            get  agreement  that’s  an
            against-the-odds    victory
            for Washington pragmatists
            seeking  to  avoid  political
            and economic tumult over
            the possibility of a govern-
            ment shutdown or first-ever
            federal default.
            The  deal,  announced  by
            Trump  on  Twitter  and  in  a
            statement  by  Democratic
            House  Speaker  Nancy  Pe-
            losi and Senate Democrat-
            ic  leader  Chuck  Schumer,
            will  restore  the  govern-
            ment’s ability to borrow to
            pay its bills past next year’s
            elections  and  build  upon
            recent large budget gains
            for both the Pentagon and
            domestic agencies.
            “I  am  pleased  to  an-
            nounce  that  a  deal  has   Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., addresses the NAACP convention, Monday, July 22, 2019, in Detroit.
            been struck,” Trump tweet-                                                                                                      Associated Press
            ed, saying there will be no   er big victory to our Great  next year and slightly more  dictable  path  amid  politi-  seeking to protect domes-
            “poison pills” added to fol-  Military and Vets!”         in fiscal 2021.              cal turmoil and polarization,  tic programs.
            low-up legislation.          The  agreement  is  on  a  It  would  mean  a  win  for  defense hawks determined
            “This  was  a  real  compro-  broad  outline  for  $1.37  tril-  lawmakers eager to return  to  cement  big  military  in-
            mise in order to give anoth-  lion  in  agency  spending  Washington to a more pre-    creases  and  Democrats              Continued on Page 3
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