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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 25 March 2017

                  Aruba Aloe’s Flag & Anthem Day Celebration a Huge Success

            HATO  -  Last  Saturday,  for coming and making this
            March 18, Aruba Aloe con-    event such a success.”
            tributed  to  the  festive  at-  As part of the celebration,
            mosphere on the island by  Aruba  Aloe  launched  a
            welcoming the community  very  special  promotion  in
            to  its  Flag  &  Anthem  Day  its  Hato  store  in  honor  of
            Celebration.    The  celebra-  Flag and Anthem Day—all
            tion  was  a  major  success,  prices  were  in  Aruban  flo-
            drawing    an    impressive  rins.    Marketing  manager
            number of attendees look-    Jessica  Posner  comment-
            ing  to  celebrate  national  ed,  “The  promotion  was
            pride in a fun, family-friend-  a  great  success.    On  this
            ly way.                      national  holiday  that  cel-
            The celebration took place  ebrates  Aruban  pride,  we
            at  Aruba  Aloe’s  Factory,  thought it was only fitting to
            Museum, and Store in Hato,  give our clients the oppor-
            with  free  guided  tours  of  tunity to really stock up on
            the  factory  and  museum,  all their favorite Aruba Aloe
            traditional  steel  pan  music  products,  which  have  be-
            as  well  as  entertainment  come Aruba’s pride.”
            by DJ Chris &Sodo y Cuero,  Those  who  missed  the
            face-painting,  pony  rides  event  can  pass  by  the  fa-
            in the Aloe fields, and food  cility in Hato anytime to en-
            and Aloe smoothies provid-   joy the free curated tour of
            ed  by  Blue  Eyes  Catering  the  Museum  and  Factory.
            and The Little One.          Tours  are  offered  every  15
            Aruba  Aloe’s  managing  minutes, Monday to Friday,
            director,  Remko  van  der  8 am to 4:30 pm, and Satur-
            Veldt, shared, “We couldn’t  day, 9 am to 4:30 pm.  The
            be  happier  with  the  turn-  tour highlights the history of
            out…it was packed!  We’re  Aloe  cultivation  on  Aruba
            delighted  that  so  many  and unveils the entire man-
            members  of  the  commu-     ufacturing  process,  from
            nity  joined  us  in  celebrat-  the  hand-cutting  of  the
            ing Aruba’s unique identity,  Aloe leaves to the packag-
            which certainly includes its  ing of the final products.
            rich  Aloe  tradition  that  we  Aruba  Aloe,  founded  in
            at  Aruba  Aloe  have  been  1890,  is  one  of  the  only
            carrying out for more than  Aloe  companies  in  the
            125  years.    We  extend  a  world that grows, harvests,  on-site.  This  Aloe,  consid-  in the world, is the base of  tail stores, and its products
            warm  thanks  to  everyone  and processes its own Aloe  ered  to  be  the  finest  Aloe  an ever-growing collection  are available for purchase
                                                                                                   of  premium  skin,  hair,  and  on
                                                                                                   sun  care  products.    Aruba  (US & Canada) and www.
                                                                                                   Aloe  currently  has  16  re- (Europe).q
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