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Thursday 8 augusT 2019
Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino is leveling up
The 3rd edition of ‘Rosé All Day’ will take place on August 10
ORANJESTAD - This year fect bites to pair with your
Renaissance Aruba Resort favorite bubbly. The main
& Casino will host the 3rd attraction is the bar from
edition of ‘Rosé All Day.’ the Arion Wine Company,
This is the event where all where visitors can order
the wine lovers gather for select wines such Whisper-
an afternoon of relaxation, ing Angel, Champagne
good music, and delicious Bollinger, Ti Amo and also
Rose comparable to an in- The Palm Rose. The orga-
ternational ‘picnic’ where nization has really thought
you can just be barefoot of all the details to make
and relax with a group this edition of 'Rosé All Day'
of friends. ‘Rosé All Day’ as memorable as possi-
will take place at Iguana ble. There will be different
Beach on Renaissance Is- scenes during the event
land. where you can take pic-
tures and share them on In-
The concept ‘Rosé All Day' stagram. Get ready to Eat,
has proven itself to be an Slay and Rosé on August
exceptional experience for 10th at the Renaissance Is-
all participants each year, land.
so far. A boat trip to the pri-
vate Island, live music, fea- Tickets are already on sale
turing Robin and The Reb- at the Navigator desks in
els; and DJ Lee-Croes with the lobby of the Renais-
Joyride, will get the party sance Marina Hotel and
started, right. This year, a at Renaissance Ocean
VIP deck on the water has Suites for $40 including a
been added. It will, surely, swag-bag, cooler-bag, a
be the center of attention. blanket’ and also $10 wine
This edition is expected to credit. They also have a
surpass all expeatations, VIP ($600) which include
and will be very exciting for the entire general pack-
the tourist and locals, alike. age plus personal service,
2 bottles of wine, a snack-
Upon arrival, each visitor platter and a high-boy
will get a backpack, in- on a VIP deck all this for 6
cluding their own rosé cup, persons. Availability is lim-
a cooler bag, a blanket ited. For more information
and $10 rosé wine credit to about the 'Rose All Day,’
spend. There will be several please call 523-6115 or visit
food stations on location, the Facebook page of Re-
all different Renaissance naissance Aruba Resort &
Aruba Resort & Casino res- Casino. Dress code for this
taurants, serving the per- event is white or pink.q