P. 7
Diabierna, 17 Mei 2019 AWEMainta 7
Tin varios punto cu
SPA kier discuti cu Mando Policial
y cu Alto Comisario, prome cu
bin den publicidad cu nan
ULTIMO dianan tin masha desaroyo den Cuerpo JOIN OUR AWARD - WINNING TEAM
Policial ta tumando lugar, cu tin varios miembro di
Sindicato di Polis disgusta. Te hasta nan ta cues- Ranked among top 10 Hotels in the World by TripAdvisor
tiona e silencio di parti di SPA. EXCELLENT BENEFITS: Featured in top 10 Hotels in the Caribbean by Travel + Leisure
E noticianan cu a yega na redaccion di AWEMain- Compeuuve Salaries, Pension Plan, Health-Disability-Life Insurances, Dental & Vision Insurance,Savings
ta ta e.o. cu un miembro di Mando Policial, tabata Plan, Loan Availability, Shii Meal, General Bonus.
burachi y a dal e auto di servicio. REQUIREMENTS:
Proficient in English for all posiuons is required.
Aparentemente Polis no tin e accidente aki regis-
tra, pasobra e propio alto funcionario aki no a ni - Highly confident in your abiliues and detail-oriented
yama Polis pa haci e registro aki. - Must be able to work all stauons and shiiwork
- Knowledgeable of internauonal cuisine, special diet, vegan and vegetarian food
- Must be able to delegate to a small kitchen team
Tin miembro di Cuerpo di Polis a reacciona, ale-
gando laga si tabata un Polis di menos rango, di - Manage and Control Purchasing and receive incoming goods
biaha lo a tuma medida. Ningun Polis a ser yama - Costs out menus in conjuncuon with F&B director and acuvely manage cost
pa traha un raport di loke a pasa, loke ta mustra - Booking of purchases, requisiuons and reviewing discrepancy report
- Conduct month-end inventory and prepare month end reports
- Some relevant experience required
cu e incidente aki a ser tapa.
Tambe t’asina cu tin un otro alto oficial a pidi PART-TIME BREAKFAST HOST / HOSTESS
pa bay cu VUT, pero el a ser nenga. Pero si a sa - Outgoing personality with excellent interpersonal skills
di haya un promocion pa despues a bay cu bu- - Excellent verbal skills in English, other European language(s) are a plus
iten bezwaar pe por train su deporte faborito. Su
interes ta pa sigui practica su deporte faborito, pa BREAKFAST SERVER
- Must be friendly, courteous, quick and efficient in his/ her work
pronto bringa hasta pa titulo mundial. - Must have some proven knowledge of service excellence standards
- Excellent verbal skills in English, other European language(s) are a plus
Como cu ta ser senti cu tur esnan cu ta den BEACH ATTENDANT
Mando Policial, tin nan propio agenda, mucho no - Outgoing personality with excellent interpersonal skills
ta ser haci. P.e. no tin un plan di maneho traha pa - Prior relevant experience is a plus
- Responsible to serve guests and ensure the beach area is maintained in immaculate condiuon
2019/2020. Hasta tin papia pa trece Trudy Hasell
bek den Cuerpo Policial, pasobra top ta swak. Cu WELLNESS EXPERIENCE SUPERVISOR
un Trudy Hasell na cabez, bo por ta sigui cu tin - Passion and interest in health and holisuc wellness
- Self-starter with great organizauonal and project management skills
un maneho cu disciplina. No ta conoci pa nos, si - Outgoing personality with excellent interpersonal & sales skills
Trudy Hasell lo kier bin bek. - Experience in hospitality, wellness or service related industry
- Nutriuonal experuse preferred
- Contacts in and knowledge of the local wellness offerings preferred
Relaciona cu e informacinnan aki, AWEMainta a
tuma contacto cu sr. Jose Dirksz, Presidente di - HVAC, Mechanical and electrical skills / experience
SPA. E tabata breve den reaccion, alegando cu - Ability to work shiis, flexible and can work independently
- Prior relevant work experience required.
SPA no ta acepta e ponencia cu nan ta keda keto.
Pasobra 90% di trabou di sindicato ta tras di cor- HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT
- Works efficient and has excellent interpersonal skills
Si t’asina otro siman SPA lo tin un reunion cu - Excellent verbal skills in English and Dutch, Papiamento and Spanish are a plus
- Affinity and Interest in Human Resources
Mando Policial y cu Alto Comisario, unda lo - Prior HR experience and knowledge of the Aruban labor laws is a plus
- Excellent administrauve skills including Microsoi office
discuti tur e puntonan cu AWEMainta a trece.
To aply, please send your resume by Email:
Despues di esaki, SPA lo evalua si lo kier trece e or Call: 583-1100 ext 136 for more informauon.
puntonan menciona den publicidad.