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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Monday 16 SepteMber 2019
            US biologists eye unusual deaths                                                                                             HEALTH

            of Alaska ice seals                                                                                                    DOCTOR ON DUTY

            By DAN JOLING                                                                          FOR SALE                     Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
            Associated Press                                                                       Divi Studio                  Tel. 527 4000
            ANCHORAGE,  Alaska  (AP)                                                               wk 35 8/31 dutch Village rm 128    San Nicolas
            —  Seals  that  rely  on  sea                                                          buy $1,995                    IMSAN 24 Hours
            ice  off  Alaska's  northwest                                                          divi Golf wk 35 8/31, unit 4201,   Tel.524 8833
                                                                                                   start $1,995
            coast have been dying at                                                                                            Women in Difficulties
            uncommon rates, and fed-                                                               e-mail:       PHARMACY ON DUTY
                                                                                                   or call 508-651-0016
            eral marine mammal biolo-
            gists Thursday declared an                                                             _________________________________211687    Oranjestad:
                                                                                                                                del Pueblo Tel. 582 1253
            "unusual mortality event."                                                                                          San Nicolas:
            The  cause  of  death  for                                                                                          Aloe Tel. 584 4606
            nearly 300 ringed, bearded                                                                                          Women in Difficulties
            and  spotted  seals  since                                                                                          OTHER
            June 1, 2018, is not known,                                                                                         Dental Clinic 587 9850
            according  to  the  fisheries                                                                                       Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            arm  of  the  National  Oce-  This undated photo provided by the U.S. National Park Service                         Urgent Care 586 0448
            anic    and   Atmospheric    shows a dead seal found on a beach near Kotzebue, Alaska.                              Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
                                                                                                                                +297 588 0539
            Administration,  the  man-                                            Associated Press                              Women in Difficulties
            agement  agency  for  the                                                                                           EMERGENCY
            marine mammals.              significant  die-off  and  de-  ter until they have grown a                            Police           100
            "We're  looking  at  a  broad  mand  an  immediate  re-   blubber layer.                                            Oranjestad       527 3140
            spectrum     of    possible  sponse.  The  declaration  Spotted seals are medium-                                   Noord            527 3200
            causes  and  trying  to  rule  allows the agency to focus  size  seals  with  light  coats                          Sta. Cruz        527 2900
            out what we can and nar-     resources  on  an  investiga-  and dark spots. They often                              San  Nicolas      584 5000
            row  it  down,"  NOAA  Fish-  tion.                       are found at the outer mar-                               Police Tipline      11141
            eries  spokeswoman  Julie  Bearded  seals  get  their  gins of shifting ice floes.                                  Ambulancia       911
                                                                                                                                Fire Dept.
            Speegle said.                name  from  short  snouts  NOAA  Fisheries  also  de-                                  Red Cross        582 2219
            Viruses,  bacteria  and  al-  covered  with  thick,  long,  clared an unusual mortality
            gal  blooms  are  possible  white  whiskers.  Bearded  event  following  abnormal                                   TAXI SERVICES
            causes.  Water  tempera-     seals  give  birth  and  rear  molting  and  deaths  of  ice                           Taxi Tas      587 5900
            ture  in  the  northern  Bering  pups on drifting pack ice.  seals  and  walruses  from                             Prof. Taxi    588 0035
            Sea  and  the  Chukchi  Sea  Ringed seals are the small-  2011  to  2016.  A  definitive                            Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
            the last two summers have  est of Alaska's ice seals and  cause  was  not  identified.                              Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
            been  higher  than  normal.  are the main prey of polar  But biologists don't believe                               A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
            The  agency  is  looking  at  bears. They get their name  that event, marked by ani-                                Women in Difficulties
            possible  ecosystem  influ-  from  small,  light-colored  mals with hair loss and skin                              TRAVEL INFO
            ences,   including   dimin-  circles on their coats.      lesions, is connected to the                              Aruba Airport   524 2424
            ished sea ice, Speegle said.  Ringed  seals  are  the  only  current event. The agency                              American Airlines 582 2700
            Alaska Native coastal com-   seals  that  thrive  in  com-  estimated  that  657  seals                             Avianca       588 0059
            munities hunt all three seals  pletely  ice-covered  Arc-  were  affected  over  those                              Jet Blue      588 2244
            for meat and hides as part  tic waters. They use strong  six years.                                                 Surinam       582 7896
            of a subsistence life.       claws  to  maintain  breath-  Ringed  seals  and  some
            NOAA  Fisheries  received  ing  holes  in  thick  ice  and  populations  of  bearded                                Women in Difficulties
            reports  of  282  dead  seals,  give  birth  in  lairs  dug  in  seals  are  listed  as  threat-                    CRUISES
            almost  five  times  more  snow  that  accumulates  ened  species  because  of
            than  the  average  number  on top of ice. Young pups  the  loss  of  sea  ice  due  to
            of reported strandings, ac-  cannot survive in cold wa-   climate warming. q
            cording to the agency. The
            count  included  85  beard-                                                                                         September 17
            ed seals, 66 ringed seals, 40                                                                                       Celebrity equinox
            spotted  seals  and  91  seals                                                                                      September 18
            that were not identified.                                                                                           Monarch
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            The  deaths  occurred  over                                                                                         Carnival Magic
            all age groups. The deaths                                                                                          AID FOUNDATIONS
            both years occurred mostly                                                                                          FAVI- Visually Impaired
            from June to September.                                                                                             Tel. 582 5051
            Some  stranded  seals  were                                                                                         Alcoholics Anonymous
            missing  fur  or  were  skinnier                                                                                    Tel. 736 2952
            than  normal,  but  the  time                                                                                       Narcotics Anonymous
            between  death  and  dis-                                                                                           Tel. 583 8989
            covery of a carcass hinder                                                                                          Women in Difficulties
            investigators.                                                                                                      Tel. 583 5400
            "Many  of  the  seals  have                                                                                         Centre for Diabetes
            been pretty badly decom-                                                                                            Tel. 524 8888
            posed so it's been hard to                                                                                          Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 4433
            identify  exactly  what  the
            fat layer is," Speegle said.                                                                                        Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            Federal law defines an un-                                                                                          General Info
            usual  mortality  event  as                                                                                         Phone Directory Tel. 118
            strandings  that  involve  a
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