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              Wednesday 6 February 2019

            Tickle your Taste Buds with Tierra del Sol

            NOORD — There is a place on the  Restaurant  at  Tierra  del  Sol  invites
            Northern  part  of  the  island  that  you  to  taste  as  many  tapa-sized
            makes  up  for  your  perfect  dream  items as you wish from their exten-
            night. The location: the island’s rug-  sive fine dining menu.
            ged  north  coast  and  blue  ocean
            forming your panoramic from Tierra  Fresh  Oysters,  Tuna  Crab  Duo,
            del Sol’s restaurant, either from the  Bruchetta   Caprese,   Portobello
            poolside  outdoor  terrace  or  from  Mushroom, Smoked Beef Tataki or
            the elegant indoor restaurant. The  Chicken  Curry  Waldorf  Salad  are
            offering:  From  breakfast  to  dinner  only some of the welcoming dish-
            excellent  cuisine,  friendly  service,  es.  For  the  main  courses  you  can
            and  a  gorgeous  setting,  but  now  decide  for  Skirt  Steak,  Duck  Veni-
            even  more  special  with  the  NEW  son Duo or Pumpkin Risotto among
            ‘All  You  Can  Taste’  concept  –  on  others and to top it off with a sweet
            from  Tuesdays  to  Saturdays  from  surrender  a  Duo  of  Quesillo  &
            6PM – 10PM.                         Brownie, Melon Martini or Cheese-
                                                cake are one of the choices. This
            Tune in for an experience that will  all for a special price and including
            give  dining  another  perspective.  a glass of sangria. Indulge into this
            We are not talking about the stan-  culinary  discovery  at  the  most  ro-
            dard  3-course  menu,  but  about  mantic scenery of our One Happy
            a  journey  through  taste-land.  The  Island. q

            Monetary Policy (December 2018)

                                                            International reserves                          a  year  earlier.  On  balance,  this  was  mainly
                                                            Total  international  reserves  (including  revalu-  the result of the increase in the BBO-rate and
                                                            ation differences) declined by Afl. 28.0 million  higher prices in the transport and food compo-
                                                            in October 2018, the second consecutive con-    nents. The twelve-month average inflation rate
                                                            traction.  Compared  to  December  2017,  the  amounted to 2.7 percent in October 2018. The
                                                            level of international reserves decreased by Afl.  twelve-month average core inflation rate (ex-
                                                            14.6  million  (−0.8  percent),  despite  an  Afl.  9.2  cluding energy and food) stood at 1.4 percent
                                                            million increase of the official reserves (+0.6 per-  in October 2018.
                                                            cent). Consequently, the international reserves
                                                            and the official reserves stood at, respectively,  Tourism
                                                            Afl. 1,809.6 million and Afl. 1,658.4 million at end-  During the first ten months of 2018, tourism de-
                                                            October 2018.                                   velopment indicators noted upturns, as growth
                                                                                                            was registered in tourist arrivals (+1.3 percent),
                                                            Credit developments                             visitor nights (+1.4 percent), cruise visitor arrivals
                                                            The  year-to-date  2.4  percent  rise  in  overall  (+5.8 percent), and tourism receipts recorded
            ORANJESTAD ―  During its meeting of December    commercial bank credit was mainly driven by  at the commercial banks (+9.7 percent).
            20, 2018, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC)    housing mortgages (+6.5 percent) and business
            of the Centrale Bank van Aruba (CBA) decided    loans (+1.7 percent). A 9.5 percent decline was  Money supply
            to keep the reserve requirement at 11.0 percent   registered  in  personal  loans  (a  component  of  In  October  2018,  money  supply  registered  an
            and to uphold the advance rate at 1.0 percent,   consumer credit).                              increase of Afl. 83.3 million to Afl. 4,323.2 million
            after reviewing the most recent economic and                                                    compared  to  December  2017,  resulting  from
            monetary  data.  The  following  information  and   Inflation                                   expansions in the net domestic assets (+Afl. 71.8
            analysis were considered in reaching this deci-  In October 2018, the CPI index rose by 4.2 per-  million) and in the net foreign assets (+Afl. 11.5
            sion, based on October 2018 data.
                                                            cent,  compared  to  the  corresponding  month  million, excluding revaluation differences). q
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