Page 16 - HOH
P. 16
Friday 30 august 2019
POST ARUBA emits a new set of stamps “Medicinal Plants 2019”
contain about six seeds. used as a natural remedy
The entire plant finds use in to heal wounds, help pre-
ORANJESTAD — Today, Aru- words "oros," meaning ache, cramps, arthritis, medicine in the dried and vent infection and it man-
ba Post Aruba N.V. will emit mountain, and "ganos," toothache, stress, common stripped form. ages type 2 diabetes and
a new set of stamps called meaning joy. It typically cold and sore throat. It helps very quickly if some- promotes healthy skin.
“Medicinal Plants 2019”. grows around 50 cm tall It is high in antioxidants thing toxic has been con- It is extensively used in aro-
The set consists of four (4) and has purple leaves and also applied topically, sumed and the powerful matherapy and helps com-
stamps namely 90c, 130c, around 2 to 3 cm in length. to the skin, to help reduce laxative effects can clear bat fatigue, anxiety, and
220c and 500c, for a total Oregano is used for treat- swelling due to nerve or out your colon. body odor.
amount of Afl.9,40. ing respiratory tract dis- muscle pain. Aside from its laxative prop-
The first-day-envelope orders, gastrointestinal It helps to speed and ease erties, it can also help to These stamps will be avail-
costs Afl. 11,15. (GI) disorders, menstrual digestion and supports soothe inflammation for able at all the Post Office
The stamps are designed cramps, and urinary tract healthy cholesterol levels. people suffering from hem- locations, namely in Oran-
by Mr. Nigel Matthew and disorders. It is also used as It can also limit the initiation orrhoids. jestad, San Nicolas and Sta.
are printed by the Johan a treatment for a number of chronic inflammation Cruz. Make sure that you
Enschedé Security Print. of skin conditions, such as and is also used as flavor- 500 cent - Malohi (Cymbo- have this set in your collec-
acne and dandruff. ings for foods. pogon) tion as the stock is limited.
90 cent - Oregano (Origa- Malohi (Lemongrass) con-
num vulgare) 130 cent - Menta (Mentha 220 cent - Senneblar (Sen- tains substances that are For more information on
It is a culinary and medici- spicata) na alexandrina) thought to relieve insom- the “Medicinal Plants 2019”
nal herb from the mint, or Menta is a calming and The leaves of the senneblar nia, stomach – and respi- issue, please contact the
Lamiaceae family. soothing herb to be aid are used in teas to help re- ratory disorders, pain and Philatelic Department at
It adds flavor, has a strong with upset stomach or indi- lieve constipation. swelling, reduce fever, im- 528-7678 / main office lo-
aroma, a warm pungent gestion. It's also used to help with prove levels of sugar and cated at J.E. Irausquinplein
taste and it may have a Some people use spearmint weight loss. cholesterol in the blood, # 9, Oranjestad or visit their
number of health benefits. to help alleviate symptoms The fruits are broadly ob- stimulate the uterus and Facebook page: Aruba
The name of the herb of nausea, indigestion, gas, long and horned. They are menstrual flow, and have Stamps and Webpage:
comes from the Greek headache, fatigue, tooth- flat and compressed and antioxidant properties. (It is
Honoring of Loyal and Friendly visitors at La Quinta Beach Resort
EAGLE BEACH — Recently, Darline de Cuba of the
Aruba Tourism Authority had the great pleasure to
honor Aruba’s loyal and friendly visitors as Distin-
guished Visitors of Aruba. The symbolic Distinguished
visitor certificate is presented on behalf of the Min-
ister of Tourism, as a token of appreciation to the
guests who visit Aruba 10 years and more consecu-
The honoree was Mrs. Satera Pollastro, who has been
coming to the island for 10 years consecutively.
Pollastro stated that she loves the island very much,
especially for the year-round sunny weather, nice
sandy beaches, its safety, the delicious variety of
foods and Aruba’s warm and friendly people.
De Cuba together with the representatives of La
Quinta Beach Resort presented the certificates to
the honoree, handed over some presents and also
thanked her for choosing Aruba as her favorite va-
cation destination and as her home away from