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CLASSIFIED Friday 12 april 2019
How big should a clam get? 527 4000
Maine eyes new harvest rules For Sale By Owner: Imsan- San Nicolas
524 8833
By PATRICK WHITTLE 2 Bedroom/2 Bath Oranjestad
Associated Press 7/1308($18,000); Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — 7&8/1408($18,000/Wk.);
The nation's clam haul is 8/1113 ($17,000); San Nicolas
steadily dwindling, and a 8/1409($17,000); Women in Difficulties
IMSAN 24 Hours
push to try to save it in the 9/1218($15,000); PHARMACY ON DUTY
state with the largest indus- 10/1207($15,000);
try is dividing harvesters, 11&12/1419($13,000/Wk.); Oranjestad:
Centraal Tel. 585 8077
conservationists and scien- 13/1509($13,000); San Nicolas:
tists who question whether 14/1308($13,000);and, Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
proposed new measures 15/1217($10,000).
will help. (Earlier weeks available) Women in Difficulties
Maine is the country's lead- OTHER
ing producer of soft-shell U.S. (860) 992-3890 Dental Clinic 587 9850
clams, which are steamed _________________________________210950 Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
or used to make New Eng- Urgent Care 586 0448
land staples such as fried In this Sept. 2, 2016, file photo, a basket of clams sit in the water Women in Difficulties
as Mike Suprin, of Rollinsford, N.H., calls it a day after filling his
clams and clam chowder. basket with softshell clams at Cape Porpoise in Kennebunkport, EMERGENCY
The harvest has fallen in Maine.
recent years to the point Associated Press Police 100
527 3140
where the nationwide haul Noord 527 3200
for 2017 and '18 was the ity to reproduce more as 2 inches, it has a chance Sta. Cruz 527 2900
lowest for any two-year pe- they get older and bigger, to seed out more clams, San Nicolas 584 5000
riod in more than 60 years. McCreight said. which makes a future," he Police Tipline 11141
In Maine, the shellfish busi- "They can leave clams in said. Ambulancia 911
ness is challenged by grow- the ground. Possibly, that But Chad Coffin, a Freeport Fire Dept. 115
582 2219
Red Cross
ing populations of preda- would produce more seed clammer who is president
tors that eat clams and a and allow the clams to re- of the Maine Clammers As- TAXI SERVICES
declining number of clam- produce," she said, adding sociation, said it's a better Taxi Tas 587 5900
mers. that increasing the harvest idea to lower the minimum Prof. Taxi 588 0035
The Maine Legislature is is "definitely the goal." size to 1 1/2 inches. Pro- Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
set to consider a bill that McCreight's proposal is up tecting the largest clams Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
would allow municipali- for a public hearing Tues- makes sense, he said. But A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
ties to establish their own day that clammers said when a clammer discards Women in Difficulties
minimum and maximum would be well attended a clam that is too small to TRAVEL INFO
size limits for shellfish. Pro- — but the harvesters aren't be legally harvested, it runs Aruba Airport 524 2424
ponents, including pre- necessarily all on the same the risk of being eaten by a American Airlines 582 2700
senting Democratic Rep. page about it. predator before it reaches Avianca 588 0059
Joyce McCreight, said the Wendell Cressey, a clam- market size, Coffin said. Jet Blue 588 2244
change would allow towns mer who lives in Harpswell Both clammers agreed the Surinam 582 7896
to set stricter parameters and digs clams in Harpswell state's harvest is in rough
than the state's minimum of and Arrowsic, said the cur- shape. Women in Difficulties
2 inches. rent statewide minimum "The biggest thing to un- CRUISES
The new limits would al- standard of 2 inches is ad- derstand is, overall, clam
low towns to protect larger equate. landings are terrible," Cof-
clams, which have the abil- "By leaving a clam until its fin said.q
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