Page 26 - HOH
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PHC 30-30-30, PAHO’s new Regional

                Compact on Primary Health Care for

                Universal Health

               9 HORA PASA , 11 DI APRIL 2019 11:47
               SECCION: SALUD

               Following the presentation of a report with recommendations to achieve universal health, which
               highlights the central role of Primary Health Care (PHC) and the need to eliminate barriers to
               access,  the  Director  of  PAHO  launched  a  new  regional  compact  with  goals  to  achieve  it.

               Mexico  City,  11  April  2019  (PAHO)  -  In  order  to  help  the  countries  of  the  Americas  achieve
               universal  health,  the  Pan  American  Health  Organization  (PAHO)  has  launched  the  Regional
               Compact  on  Primary  Health  Care  for  Universal  Health  :  PHC  30-30-30.  This  Compact
               establishes goals to eliminate barriers to health access, and to increase funding by 30% to the

               first level of care by 2030.

               The presentation of the Compact took place yesterday following the launch of the report of the

               High-level Commission “Universal Health in the XXI Century: 40 years of Alma-Ata.” The report
               emphasizes  that  achieving  health  for  all  will  only  be  posible  by  ensuring  the  right  to  health,
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