P. 7

AWEMainta Diahuebs, 9 Februari 2017                                                                                                          7

       Parlamentario Donny Rasmijn (AVP):

       Dunado atencion debido

       na famianan y nos

       hobennan ta e solucion                                                                AUCTION

       pa preveni criminalidad!                                                                 ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba

                                                                                 THURSDAY MARCH 16, 2017
       “PA añanan largo nos ta tende reclamo di pueblo y
       seguramente di politiconan cu criminalidad ta sigui                     On Thursday March 16, 2017, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of
       subi. Esaki ta algo berdad, aunke cu el a baha den                      the Chamber of Commerce, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be
       cierto areanan manera robo di auto, pero nos mester                     auctioned in public:
       puntra nos mes di unda criminalidad riba nos pais ta
       bin? Ken ta e personanan cu ta cay den criminalidad?                    1.  A residential house locally known as:
       Con nan situacion social y especialmente familiar ta?
       Ki educacion e criminalnan tin? Tin trabou pa nan?                                   ROOI BOSAL 1
       Nan ta interesa pa traha?
       En fin, nos mester busca di sa di unda e problema ta                    standing on a parcel of public land, 497 m2 in size, situated in Rooi
       origina pa nos por preveni criminalidad. Actualmente                    Bosal in Aruba, locally recorded as Third Division Section D number
       Gobierno ta invertiendo hopi mas placa cu antes den                     803. The lease rights expire on August 20, 2048.
       combatimento  di  criminalidad.  Aunke  tur  aña  mas                   Starting price: to be announced
       Polis ta gradua y mas di 80% di casonan ta wordo so-
       luciona, toch crimen ta sigui subi”, asina Parlamentario                2. A residential house under construction locally known as
       Donny Rasmijn a declara.
                                                                                                 PAPILON z/n
       “Laga nos ban wak e situacion di nos famianan na
       Aruba basa rib’e poco informacion cu nos tin. Na aña                    standing on a parcel of public land, 811 m2 in size, situated in
       2013 e percentage di divorcio na Aruba tabata 91%.                      Papilon in Aruba, as further described in cadastral measure
       Kiermen di cada 100 pareha cu a casa na 2031, taba-                     document no. 8/2012.  The lease rights expire on March 26,
       tin 91 pareha cu a divorcia. Hopi sigur esaki ta un di                  2074.
       e cifranan mas halto na mundo. Nos sa cu ta derecho
       di cada un riba e pais aki pa cuminsa un relacion cu                    Starting price: to be announced
       ken cu e kier, pero nos mester haci intentonan grandi                   3. A three story office building locally  known as
       pa bin cu programa na scol, na trabou, television, na
       radio of cualkier otro medio di comunicacion, pa educa                                    CUMANA 20
       nos mes con pa lanta famianan y muchanan den un
       ambiente sano”, Parlamentario Rasmijn ta splica.
                                                                               standing on three parcels of public land, situated at Cumana in Aruba,
                                                                               respectively 2.060 m2, 3.970 m2 and 204 m2 in size, locally recorded as
       “Nos sistema social ta un di e mihonan den area, pero                   First Division Section P numbers 1951, 3128 and 3127.
       ayudo financiero no ta tur cos. Nos mester puntra nos
       mes, sigur como Gobernante, con nos ta bay drenta                       All lease rights will expire on January 13, 2059.
       nos scolnan, casnan y comunidad y trece educacion
       familiar pa un y tur. Pa nos por haci esaki nos mester                  Starting price: to be announced
       ta ehempel tambe aunke cu hopi di nos mes a yega di
       contribui na haci nos famia y yuinan dolor”, e Parla-                   AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. Johnson, LL.M.
       mentario a mustra.
                                                                            The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and special
                                                                             auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R. Johnson.
       “Recientemente, Cuerpo Policial di Aruba a duna un                   The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by decreasing
       presentacion den Parlamento unda cu cifranan di na-                   bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
       cionalidad di personanan cu ta comete criminalidad                   Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
       a wordo refleha.                                                     The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
       A sali na cla cu mayoria di e malhechornan ta di Aruba               Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable bank in
                                                                             Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal to the auction
       mes mientras cu tur hende ta culpa extranheronan.                     costs.
       Sigur cu tin extranhero envolvi, pero sin e ayudo di                 A private written bid can be submitted until March 1, 2017.
       nos localnan nan lo no por haci e trabou cu nan ta
       haciendo. Pues si nos kier preveni pa criminalidad den                                                 For more information:
       nos pais sigui crece, nos mester cuminsa focus riba nos
       famianan y nos hobennan”, Parlamentario Rasmijn ta                       WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
       termina bisando.
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