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Pagina 14                                                                                                             Diabierna 20 Januari 2017

        RBC Royal Bank conhuntamente cu                                                           Embahador di Suiza,

       TOPCAR cu oferta ‘Out of this World’  Urs Breitner a bishita

                 riba prestamo pa auto nobo                                                         minister Yrausquin

                                                                 80,000  full-  and  part-
                                                                 time   employees      who
                                                                 serve      more      than
                                                                 16    million   personal,
                                                                 business,  public  sector
                                                                 and  institutional  clients
                                                                 through      offices    in
                                                                 Canada,  the  U.S.  and
                                                                 36  other  countries.  For
       RBC      Royal      Bank     Manager        Marketing     more information, please
       conhuntamente          cu    Aruba                        visit
       Topcar  ta  presenta  un     RBC Royal Bank
       oferta “Out of this World”        RBC  helps  communities
       riba  tur  modelo  di  auto.                              prosper,       supporting  Den Haag  – Minister Plenipotenciario Juan David Yrausquin
       Esaki  lo  tuma  lugar  dia   About      RBC         in   a    broad    range     of  a  ricibi  recientemente  bishita  di  embahador  di  Suiza  na
       21 y 28 di Januari entre     the Caribbean                community       initiatives  Hulanda, Urs Breitner.
       9’or di mainta te cu 1’or di   With more than 100 years   through        donations,
       atardi na TOPCAR.            of  dedicated  service  to   community  investments,      E  razon  di  bishita  di  embahador  Breitner  ta  pa  informa
                                    the  region,  RBC  has  a    sponsorships          and  minister Yrausquin riba e sucesor di e actual consul honorario
       RBC  conhuntamente  cu       presence in 17 countries,    employee        volunteer  pa Suiza na Curaçao, Mike Koch.
       TOPCAR  lo  ofrece  un       with     77     branches     activities.  In  2015,  we
       oferta  cu  no  por  iguala   serving  more  than  one    contributed  more  than  Tambe  Minister  Yrausquin  y  embahador  Breitner  a
       unda cu ta ofrece            million clients. As one of   $121  million  to  causes  intercambia idea riba topiconan di interes mutuo entre Aruba
       financiamento  completo      the  Caribbean’s  leading    around the world.            y Suiza.
       riba  prestamo  pa  auto     diversified      financial                                Nota pa redacion: Potret ta di Gabinete di Aruba
       na  un  interes  reduci  di   services     companies,
       solamente  6%  APR  +        RBC  provides  personal
       Topcar ta paga e BBO y       and           commercial
       BAZV pabo!                   banking,           wealth
       E  oferta  aki  ta  valido   management,  corporate
       solamente riba 21 y 28 di    and investment banking,
       Januari  riba  tur  modelo   insurance     and    trust
       di auto.                     and  asset  management
                                    services to a wide range
       RBC  no  solamente  ta       of   clients,   including
       ofrece  un  interes  super   individuals,        small
       abao,  pero  tambe  te       businesses,       general
       unico  banco  cu  duna       commercial        entities,
       bo   e    posibilidad   di   regional    and     multi-
       paga  bo  prestamo  te       national     corporations
       cu  7  aña  largo,  cual  ta   and  governments.  For
       baha  bo  pago  mensual      more information, please
       pa  luna  mas  ainda.  Pa    visit
       aplica  mester  trece  dos
       ID  valido,  dos  ultimo
       payslips  si  ta  cobra      ABOUT RBC
       pa  luna,  cuatro  ultimo    Royal Bank of Canada is
       payslips  si  ta  cobra      Canada’s  largest  bank,
       pa  quincena  y  carta  di   and  one  of  the  largest
       referencia di trabao. Pues   banks in the world, based
       RBC  conhuntamente  cu       on market capitalization.
       Topcar ta invita pueblo di   We  are  one  of  North
       Aruba  pa  bishita  Topcar   America’s         leading
       diasabra awor y probecha     diversified      financial
       di e oportunidad “ Out of    services companies, and
       this World” aki pa busca     provide  personal  and
       nan auto nobo cu e mihor     commercial       banking,
       oferta  y  pago  mensual     wealth     management,
       mas abao na Aruba!           insurance,        investor
                                    services    and    capital
       Pa  mas  informacion  por    markets  products  and
       tuma contakto cu:            services  on  a  global
       Rose-Ann Ruiz                basis.  We  have  over
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