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Etnia Nativa

                                                                                          June 25, 2019
                                                                                          T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                                            Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            AP-NORC Poll: Democratic voters not fully tuned in to 2020

            By N. RICCARDI
            Associated Press
            WASHINGTON       (AP)   —
            Nearly  two  dozen  Demo-
            cratic  presidential  candi-
            dates  have  crisscrossed
            the  country  for  six  months
            selling  their  vision  for  the
            United  States.  But,  on  the
            eve  of  the  first  debates  in
            the campaign , a new poll
            from The Associated Press-
            NORC Center for Public Af-
            fairs  Research  shows  most
            Democratic voters haven’t
            fully tuned in.
            Only  22%  of  Democrats
            registered to vote say they
            know a lot about the can-
            didates’  positions,  while
            62% say they know a little.
            And  only  35%  say  they’re
            paying  close  attention  to
            the campaign, with almost
            two-thirds  saying  they’re
            paying  some  or  no  atten-
            tion.  “It’s  kind  of  a  blur,”
            said  Maggie  Banks,  32,
            of  suburban  Denver,  who    In this June 12, 2019, file photo, Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at Clinton Community
            has  two  young  children    College in Clinton, Iowa.                                                                          Associated Press
            and only has a chance to
            glean a few details about    her  state’s  senior  senator,  implying  there’s  great  po-  combination of Sens. Bernie  wide  range  of  contenders
            the  race  while  listening  to   Michael  Bennet,  or  former  tential for change in what’s  Sanders  of  Vermont,  Eliza-  from  Senate  veterans  like
            National Public Radio dur-   governor,  John  Hicken-     essentially  been  a  static  beth Warren of Massachu-    Amy  Klobuchar  of  Minne-
            ing her commute.             looper, were in the race.    race  to  date.  Former  Vice  setts  and  Kamala  Harris  of  sota to lesser-known candi-
            Banks  said  she  has  only   Voters  like  Banks  comprise  President Joe Biden holds a  California and Mayor Pete  dates like internet entrepre-
            a  “vague”  idea  of  who’s   the  vast  majority  of  the  solid but not dominant poll-  Buttigieg of South Bend, In-  neur Andrew Yang.
            running  and  didn’t  realize   Democratic   electorate,  ing lead , followed by some  diana.  Behind  them  are  a         Continued on Page 3
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