P. 17

CONDOLENCIA/rIbA CAyA                                           Diaranson 24 Mei 2017

                                             Auto a ranca palo di luz na Jucuri

            SABANA  GARNDI  -  Diamars  merdia  riba
            caminda di Jucuri pa Sabana Grandi a sucede
            un accidente unda un auto a ranca un palo di
            luz. E impacto fuerte a laga un persona herida.

              Ambulance  tabata  na  e  sitio  y  paramediconan  a
            brinda asistencia na  e victima. Personal di Elmar
            a presenta  na e sitio pa asina haci nan trabounan

              The Lord is my light and my salvation
              Whom shall I fear
              The Lord is the strong hold of my life
              Of whom shall I be afraid?
              Psalm 27:1

              Alex Jeralde Bayubay

                       *08-05-1958 - †18-05-2017

              Left to mourn:
              Wife:         Evelyn Bayubay Flores
              Children :    Alvin Kris Bayubay
                            Aileen Maissy Bayubay
              Sibling:      Elsie Dunque , brothers & sis-
              ters in the Philippines
              Nephews:      Roel Bayubay Dunque
                            Wendel Ray Ratunil
                            Erwin Dormido
              Other family members: Fe Dormido
                                    Julimie Dunque
                                    Ella Dormido
                                    Valerie Dunque
              Brother-in-laws:      Ruben Flores
                                    Nelson Flores
              Funeral will take place at Aurora Funeral Home
              on Wednesday May 24 from 9am to 11am after
              the ceremony we will lay his soul to rest at Sa-
              bana Basora
              Condolences will take place at Aurora Funeral
              Home on Saturday May 20 and  also on Tues-
              day May 23 from 7pm to 9pm
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