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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 5 July 2019

            Aruba Marriott Resort Honored with Operational Excellence Award 2018

            For top Performance within The Caribbean & Latin America region

            PALM BEACH – Aruba Marriott Re-
            sort & Stellaris Casino was recently
            named  the  winner  of  the  Opera-
            tional Excellence Award 2018 with-
            in the Caribbean & Latin America
            region for the Premium Full Service
            category, during the Marriott Oper-
            ations Summit in Cancun Mexico.

            The hotel was awarded this presti-
            gious  accolade  based  on  its  suc-
            cessful year, achieving high results
            on  the  operational  hotel  wide
            scoreboard.  This  includes  impres-
            sive  achievements  on  all  audits
            (brand  standard  audit,  safety  au-
            dit, Marriott Bonvoy audit) and high
            scores  on  all  key  parameters  of
            guest  service  satisfaction  (check-
            in  experience,  staff  service,  food
            quality,  room  cleanliness,  internet
            speed and performance, and elite

            “Congratulations  to  the  entire
            team  on  winning  the  Operational
            Excellence  Award  2018,”  shared  and dedication to the hotel’s suc-   honors  Marriott  hotels  that  exem-  during  principle  set  forth  by  the
            Karen Chastain, Complex General  cess year over year”.                  plify  the  legendary  spirit  to  serve  company’s founder J. Willard Mar-
            Manager. “I want to thank our As-   This  property-based  performance  the  customer  and  communities  riott, “if you take care of your as-
            sociates and Management Team,  accolade is one of the ways Mar-         in which they operate. It is part of  sociates, they will take care of the
            for  their  continued  commitment  riott  celebrates  its  associates  and  Marriott’s  most  important  and  en-  customer”. q
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