P. 18

Pagina 18                                                                                                     Dialuna 19 December 2016
                                                   INGESTUURD DOOR REMIGIO A. Wever

                                                                   By Alex Zozaya

       CEO of Apple Leisure Group                      renovate existing properties or build new hotels   stay and ultra-luxury.
                                                       to  meet  this  imminent  demand,  but  a  lot  is
       History  was  recently  made  when  American    dependent on the loosening of current business  Incredible Potential
       Airlines  and  Jet  Blue  became  the  first  U.S.   restrictions, particularly on the part of the Cuban
       airlines  to  land  passenger  flights  in  Havana   government.                                The  potential  for  opportunity  remains  high.  A
       in  more  than  50  years.  More  U.S.  airlines  are                                           record-breaking 1 million travelers visited Cuba
       expected to launch regularly scheduled flights to   Meanwhile,  the  Cuban  government  is  also   in the first three months of 2016. The growth of
       Cuba’s capital this month as well. While this was   aware of their own growth potential. GAESA,   travel to Cuba could easily rival that seen in the
       another significant step forward, it remains to be   the largest military-run conglomerate on the   Dominican Republic or Mexico’s Riviera Maya.
       seen how U.S.-Cuba relations will manifest with   island,  plans  on  introducing  30,000  more
       the recent passing of Fidel Castro and under the   rooms, most of which will be in all-inclusive   Cuban  businesses  and  workers  are  well-
       new presidential administration.                beach resorts according to Fox News.            prepared  to  welcome  American  travelers,  as
                                                                                                       they already have years of experience catering
       Donald  Trump  is  unpredictable,  and  how  he   Through  Apple  Leisure  Group’s  subsidiary   to  tourists  from  Europe,  Canada  and  Latin
       chooses to handle the United States’ relationship   AMResorts, I’ve seen firsthand that the all-  America.
       with Cuba is a serious concern of mine.  If he   inclusive industry attracts a diverse mix of
       decides  to  reverse  the  positive  progress  that   travelers—one  being  the  luxury-minded   If  the  trend  for  increasingly  open  travel  and
       President Obama made in this regard over the    traveler.                                       business relations continues between the United
       last two years, Americans may not be allowed                                                    States  and  Cuba,  more  hotel  companies  will
       to travel to Cuba whatsoever.  It is my hope that   Although high-end, luxury destinations in Cuba   likely step up and invest in the Cuban market, its
       relations  keep  moving  forward  under  the  new   are limited at the moment, I foresee adventurous   people and its future.
       administration  and  that  the  embargo  is  lifted   American travelers willing to trade the comforts   Cuba  holds  incredible  potential  not  only
       soon.                                           of traditional amenities for being among the first
                                                       to experience the uniqueness of the island.     as  a  unique  tropical  destination,  but  also
       Regardless  of  these  uncertainties,  travelers                                                as  a  crucial  opportunity  for  U.S.  travelers
       and  investors  are  likely  to  continue  to  have   Going   forward,   modern,   sustainable   and  hoteliers  to  make  their  mark  in  this
       the  Caribbean  island  on  their  radar  in  2017.   accommodations will be needed to cater to more   burgeoning market.
       But before they can take full advantage of the   high-end U.S. travelers. To speed up the entry   This  article  originally  appeared  in  the  Cuba
       country’s  offerings  and  allure,  more  changes   of  these  types  of  hotels  into  this  new  market,   Journal,  the  world’s  leading  website  covering
       must happen.                                    U.S.  companies  may  choose  to  reflag  existing
                                                       properties  while  making  aesthetic  updates.   Cuba.
       Room to Grow                                    Others may develop new, self-contained resort   COMMENTAAR  VAN  REMIGIO  WEVER:
                                                       destinations on the island, pending government
       the question is: can the island support a sudden   allowances.                                  ARUBA MOET HEEL GOED GAAN OPPASSEN
                                                                                                       EN KAN HIER HEEL VEEL VAN LEREN. ZIE
       spike in visitors?
                                                       Variety will be key. In order to cater to the diverse   DE  FOCUS  IN  CUBA  OP  ALL-INCLUSIVE
       At  the  moment,  Cuba  has  a  limited  number  of   travelers entering the market, we can expect to   LUXURY  RESORTS!  ZIE  HET  POTENTIEEL
       hotel rooms and faces infrastructure challenges.   see various hotel sectors beginning to emerge   VOOR VERDERE GROEI; ER WORDEN NU AL
       Hospitality  leaders  are  already  looking  to   on the island: from limited-service to extended-  OVER 1 MILJOEN TOERISTEN ONTVANGEN
                                                                                                       PER KWARTAAL!!

         Steelers come back to beat Bengals, 24-20, in Cincinnati

       Chris Boswell tied the club   penalties on Vontaze Burfict                                            touchdown     extended       Cincinnati’s
       record  with  six  field  goals,   and Adam “Pacman” Jones.                                           pass  to  Eli   opening  field  goal  drive.
       and  Ben  Roethlisberger     Burfict and Jones each got                                               Rogers  for   He  also  injured  his  right
       threw a touchdown pass in    a personal foul on Sunday --                                             a    24-20    knee on the drive and didn’t
       the  fourth  quarter  Sunday,   Pittsburgh’s Marcus Gilbert                                           lead.         return.
       rallying  Pittsburgh  to  a   had  one  as  well  --  as  the
       24-20  victory  over  the    animosity continued.                                                     KICK SIX      Last  December  at  Paul
       Cincinnati Bengals that kept                                                                                        Brown    Stadium,    Tuitt
       the Steelers in control of the   So   did   the   Steelers’                                           G a r y       intercepted  one  of  Dalton’s
       AFC North.                   dominance  at  Paul  Brown                                               Anderson      passes and the quarterback
                                    Stadium,  where  they’ve                                                 (1988  vs.    broke  his  right  thumb
       The  Steelers  (9-5)  have   won four in a row.                                                       D e n v e r )   tackling him. ... TE Ladarius
       won  five  straight  and  can                                                                         and    Jeff   Green  caught  a  28-yard
       clinch the division title with   Running  back  Jeremy  Hill                                          R e e d       pass on the final drive and
       a  victory  at  home  next   had  an  early  take-that                                                (2002  vs.    then  went  to  the  locker
       Sunday  against  Baltimore   moment  as  the  Bengals                                                               room  to  be  tested  for  a
       (8-6).  As  a  first  step,  they   scored on each of their first   Pittsburgh’s  first  15  points                 concussion.
       rallied  from  a  14-point   four possessions for a 20-6   with kicks from 45, 49, 49,   Jacksonville) also kicked six
       deficit -- kick by kick -- and   lead.                    40, 49 and 30 yards.         field goals for the Steelers,   Bengals:  WR  A.J.  Green
       eliminated  the  defending                                                             who  beat  the  Broncos  39-  was  inactive  for  the  fourth
       champions at a place where   As  part  of  his  touchdown   In  the  end,  there  was   21 and the Jaguars 25-23 in   straight   game   with   a
       they’re right at home.       celebration,  he  grabbed  a   another Bengals meltdown.   those contests.             strained right hamstring.
                                    Terrible  Towel  a  fan  threw   They  had  penalties  on
       They  beat  the  Bengals  (5-  on  the  field,  tried  to  tear   four   consecutive   plays   INJURIES             He returned to practice on a
       8-1)  in  the  opening  round   it,  and  then  threw  it  to  the   --  including  Pat  Sims’   Steelers:  DE  Stephon  Tuitt   limited basis last week and
       of  the  playoffs  18-16  last   ground.                  personal foul -- that set up   had  a  facemask  penalty   hopes to play in one of the
       January, getting the winning                              Roethlisberger’s   24-yard   against  Andy  Dalton  that   two final games.
       field  goal  with  the  help  of   Boswell   accounted   for
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