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A22      SPORTS
                  Wednesday 24 May 2017
                                          A is for ACUPUNCTURE

                      Chapter One, Prescriptions from Paradise, Introduction

                                             to Biocompatible Medicine,

            By Carlos M. Viana           therapeutic    value,   un-  ample,  at  the  organ  level  Having  been  trained  in
            Although  pharmaceuticals  able  to  believe  that  the  it  can  beneficially  treat  all  Shanghai,  I  make  my  di-
            have  a  valued  place  dur-  simple  act  of  inserting  fine  symp toms of liver chi stag-  agnoses  in  the  traditional
            ing a life-threatening emer-  needles  into  tissue  could  nation, which include fibro-  manner from two wrist puls-
            gency,  they  change  the  elicit  any  positive,  long-  myalgia;  migraine  head-    es,  tongue,  mouth,  face,
            body’s  chemistry  and  are  lasting  response.  The  an-  aches; arthritic joints; symp-  and  nails  rather  than  first
            therefore not the treatment  cient  practice,  however,  toms  of  irregular  periods;  asking  about  client  symp-
            of  choice  for  all  medical  is  now  gaining  increased  PMS;  dark-colored  men-   toms. If a physician trained
            conditions.  Instead,  alter-  acceptance  in  the  West-  strual blood with small clots;  in   acupuncture   exam-
            native treatments are used  ern  world.  In  recent  years,  breast pain with distension;  ines  you,  asks  a  couple  of   and is therefore a far safer
            by  holistic  physicians,  who  more people in the United  yeast  infections;  dizziness;  questions,  and  then  tells   option.”q
            view  humans  as  beings  of  States  have  consulted  en-  spleen damp ness and liver  you  what  you  have  been   CARLOS  VIANA,  Ph.  D.    is
            light and energy and eval-   ergy  physicians  than  con-  heat;  as  well  as  irritability,  feeling,  you  have  found  a   an  Oriental  Medical  Doc-
            uate disease from a broad  ventional doctors, prompt-     depression, and frustration.  good one.                   tor  (O.M.D.)  having  stud-
            perspective that takes into  ing  the  American  Medical  In  terms  of  pain  manage-  My  protocol,  “biocompat-  ied  in  China;  a  US  Board
            account  many  aspects  of  Association to recom mend  ment,  the  number  of  nee-    ible  medicine”  recognizes   Cert.  Clinical  Nutritionist
            bodily processes.            that  their  member  doctors  dles and specific treatment  acupuncture’s  ability  to   (C.C.N.), an Addiction Pro-
            As  an  Oriental  medical  either buy an existing com-    depends  on  whether  the  help reestablish healthy en-   fessional (C.Ad.), Chairper-
            doctor,  one  of  my  pre-   plementary practice or at-   pain  is  acute  or  chronic.    ergy flow and also empha-  son  of  the  Latin  American
            ferred treatment modalities  tend an acupuncture certi-   Additionally,  at  the  Viana  sizes  the  use  of  nontoxic   Committee of the Interna-
            is acupuncture.  Acupunc-    fication course to maintain  Healing  Center,  we  have  materials  in  medical  treat-  tional  Academy  of  Oral
            ture  is  an  ancient  Chinese  their  business’s  cash  flow.   seen good results when us-  ments.                 Medicine  and  Toxicology
            medical  practice  that  is  A  consensus  panel  con-    ing  acupuncture  as  part  GET  the  POINT!    Although   (IAOMT),  a  Rejuvenating
            effective  in  addressing  a  vened by the National Insti-  of  a  protocol  reliving  skin,  acupuncture  can  trigger   Cell  Therapist  specializing
            wide  variety  of  ailments.  tutes of Health in 1997 con-  stress related issues, and to  emotional release, it tends   in  Age  Management,  has
            This  treatment,  developed  cluded  that  acupuncture  aid in the spiritual opening  not to be physically painful.   a  weekly  radio  program,
            over  4,000  years  ago  re-  treatment  is  effective  for  of  the  Chakras.  Acupunc-  If you have needle phobia,   writes  and  lectures  exten-
            flects  the  theory  that  con-  many medical and painful  ture is safe if practiced by  mention your anxiety to the   sively.    For  information:
            ditions  that  cause  disease  conditions.                trained acupuncturists. Our  acupuncturist  and,  during   VIANA  HEALING  CENTER,
            interrupt energy flow in the  Generally  during  a  treat-  clinic  uses  only  sterile  dis-  your session, use your mind   Kibaima 7, St Cruz TEL: 585-
            body. Acupuncture aims to  ment,  which  usually  lasts  posable needles.              to achieve relaxation.       1270 Web Site: www.viana-
            reestablish  healthy  energy  about twenty minutes, pa-   Chinese  physicians  also  The  World  Health  Organi-
            flow through the insertion of  tients feel deep relaxation,  know about how emotions  zation’s  position  on  acu-  “Prescriptions  from  Para-
            thin  sterile  needles  at  spe-  in part caused by brain en-  correlate  with  specific  or-  puncture, stated as follows:   dise”  -  Dr.  Viana’s  Award
            cific points, sometimes with  dorphins  released  during  gans  however,  most  acu-   “Gen erally  speaking,  acu-  Winning  BOOK:  Prescrip-
            the  application  of  heat  the  procedure.  Relaxation  puncturists  do  not  inte-   puncture  treatment  is  safe   tions  from  Paradise,  Intro-
            and pressure. The needles,  is  further  enhanced  in  our  grate  this  information  into  if it is performed properly by   duction  to  Biocompatible
            which are used only once,  clinic in Aruba by the aro-    treatments.  It  is  as  though  a  well-trained  practitioner.     Medicine  –  Available  at
            have  nothing  inside  them  ma  of  moxa  herb  burning  the  discussion  of  emotions  Unlike many drugs, it is non-  local Bookstores, Hotel Gift
            and are a finer gauge than  on  the  handles  of  inserted  is  sometimes  taboo.    The  toxic,  and  adverse  reac-  shops and Boticas. Signed
            even the finest hypodermic  acupuncture needles, min-     path to health is facilitated  tions  are  minimal.”  For  ex-  copies  at  Viana  Healing
            needles. With a healthy en-  gling with the scents of or-  when  there  is  recognition  ample,  while  comparable   Center,  EBooks:  Amazon
            ergy flow reestablished, the  chids  and  other  tropical  that the body, mind, emo-   to  morphine  preparations   kindle, Nook, Itunes check
            body can balance itself, re-  plants.                     tions,  and  spirit  are  inter-  in  its  effectiveness  against   for  Events  at:  facebook.
            gaining health.              Acupuncture  works  to  sta-  twined and affect one an-   chronic  pain,  acupunc-     com/vianahealingcenter.
            In the past, Western medi-   bilize  energy  among  the  other.  This is an important  ture  lacks  the  narcotic’s   Join  the  discussion:  www.
            cal  experts  have  been  organs,  relieve  pain,  and  part  of  my  diagnosis  and  adverse     consequences,
            skeptical of acupuncture’s  reduce  swelling.  For  ex-   treatment protocol.          including    dependency,     tionsformparadise
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