Page 22 - AHATA
P. 22

              Thursday 12 sepTember 2019

            Heritage, an enabler of

            Sustainable Development

            Continued from Page 13

            The SGD framework for the 2030 Agenda, in spite of
            all the references to culture, has not adequately rec-
            ognized culture’s significant contribution to the imple-
            mentation of the 17 SDGs. The precise role and impact
            of  culture  on  sustainable  development  needs  to  be
            systematically researched, measured, and operation-
            alized in order for societies that developing countries
            can get ahead of the challenges. As the implementa-
            tion of the SDGs moves forward, further work is neces-
            sary to build a systematic and measurable evidence
            base to demonstrate each of the contributions of cul-
            ture to sustainable development in all sectors. The in-
            clusion of culture in policy remains imperative for our
            society, even though it is being disregarded and un-
            derestimated by government officials, the private sec-
            tor and community. The time has come (a long time
            ago actually) that Aruba solidifies its future steps and
            make  sure  implementation  is  carried  out  effectively
            and evaluated consistently. Now is the time for action,
            before it is too late.q

                                                Biography – Currently, Thaïs Franken is a 23-year-old Aruban student at the University of Maastricht (UM).
                                                She is studying a Master of Science in Public Policy and Human Development in collaboration with the
                                                Unites Nations University (UNU). Back home, on the beautiful island of Aruba she completed her Bachelor
                                                of Arts in Organization, Governance & Management (OGM) at the University of Aruba (UA). She success-
                                                fully graduated and defended her thesis titled “Placing Culture and Creativity at the Heart of the Aruban
                                                Sustainable Development” on July 6th 2018. Thaïs is very passionate about topics such as sustainability,
                                                innovation, culture and creativity. Next to her academic interests, she enjoys reading, writing, dancing
                                                and cooking.

            Aruba to Me

            ORANJESTAD – We would like         Have a look at Monica Albisu. She has been coming to the island for 30       The  first  time  I  came  to  the
            to portrait you! By inviting you   consecutive years and has been honored as a Goodwill Ambassador.             Island  was  on  a  cruise  ship.  I
            to  send  us  your  favorite  va-                                                                               fell  in  love  immediately  and
            cation picture while enjoying      She wrote:                                                                   since then I have been com-
            our  Happy  Island.  Complete                                                                                   ing  every  year.  I  remember
            the sentence: Aruba to me is                  “Aruba to me is….. Paradise!                                      when I came for the first time
            …….    Send  your  picture  with                                                                                the Concord Hotel stood out
            that text (including your name                                                                                  at  the  coast.  Later  Aruba
            and  where  you  are  from)  to:                                                                                was inhabited and filled with
    and                                                                                        beautiful  hotels.  Aruba  knew
            we will publish your vacation                                                                                   first class businesses and had
            memory.  Isn’t  that  a  special                                                                                a  different  community  com-
            way  to  keep  your  best  mo-                                                                                  pared  to  rest  of  the  Carib-
            ments alive? Please do note:                                                                                    bean.
            By  submitting  photos,  text                                                                                   I  saw  Aruba  grew  gradually
            or  any  other  materials,  you                                                                                 with happiness. I am a plastic
            give  permission  to  the  Aruba                                                                                art-painting  artist  and  I  had
            Today    Newspaper,    Carib-                                                                                   the  opportunity  to  showcase
            bean Speed Printers and any                                                                                     my  work  at  the  Westin  Hotel
            of  its  affiliated  companies  to                                                                              and at Costa Linda Beach Re-
            use said materials, as well as                                                                                  sort.
            names, likeness, etc. for pro-                                                                                  I  enjoy  every  single  thing
            motional  purposes  without                                                                                     about this island. Specially the
            compensation.                                                                                                   weather and its people. I am
                                                                                                                            fully satisfied and happy each
            Last  but  not  least:  check  out                                                                              time  that  I  arrive  and  stay  in
            our  website  and  Facebook                                                                                     this  beautiful  place.  That  is
            page! Thank you for support-                                                                                    why this year for the first time
            ing  our  free  newspaper,  we                                                                                  I had the pleasure of bringing
            strive  to  make  you  a  happy                                                                                 my grandchildren to enjoy this
            reader every day again.                                                                                         beautiful paradise, ARUBA!q
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