Page 19 - AHATA
P. 19

                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 29 November 2018

            Creativity, the 21st century skill to have?

            Continued from Page 14                          Children are now more than ever exposed tech-   personal level. Implementing a CCI is not only
                                                            nology, so the need for creative development  the government’s job, it also requires the com-
            Many students go abroad after their high school  should be there to balance out the changes.  munity’s  awareness  and  involvement.  In  the
            education to pursue knowledge and a degree  Change is not bad! Technology is not the en-        end,  we  want  positive  sustainable  develop-
            to  one  day  make  their  own  contribution.  De-  emy!  But  creativity  is  power,  gives  opportuni-  ment for our island. Now, we know we should
            veloping a CCI would offer a platform for other  ties, is necessary and is needed. Anne Powers  include creativity to our bag of tricks! q
            types of competencies and skills to shine. The  ends and states that “the key to staying ahead
            technological and design industries have been  and participating in the creation of the future is
            becoming iconic pillars in many industries and  our own creativity. We must embrace and de-
            economies around the world, and Aruba should  velop our creativity, and then use technology
            not discard that. We want our students to come  creatively solve problems of the world” (2018).
            back, but they need adequate jobs for that to  Aruba, as creative as we are as a people, we
            happen. We need to match their skillset within  should take one for the team. Take one for the
            the Aruban labor market.                        future generation before we are too late.

            Besides  the  fact  that  the  CCI  could  provide   I  end  today’s  column  with  some  thoughts,
            more skillful jobs, an important aspect to this is   let’s sit and think about these questions for a
            the realization that the age we are living in is   while:
            a very progressive and technological one. We      -     How  many  students  are  studying
            are living in the social media age, an age where   abroad?
            everything is becoming less personal and more     -     What  are  they  studying?  Is  it  possible
            automated. Each decade, more and more jobs        for them to return to Aruba?
            are being replaced by robots and more tech-       -     Are  our  children  exposed  to  creative
            nological  advanced  mechanisms.  However,        skill development on an early age?
            this is where creativity raises the bar. According   -   Does our community value creativity?
            to Anne Powers of Forbes, “Ultimately a com-      -     Is  the  Aruban  Market  ready  for  the
            puter lacks imagination or creativity to dream    2020 skill shift?
            up a vision for the future. It lacks the emotional
            competent that a human being has. Thus, cre-    Aruba  is  an  island  of  potential,  an  island  of
            ativity will be the skill of the future” (2018).   resilience.  Aruba  and  its  people  wants  to  see
                                                            growth  and  economic  stability.  With  a  CCI
            At this point it is almost impossible to deny the  Aruba could not only create more income, but
            technological changes that are occurring daily.  it can make an impact on an induvial level, a
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