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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 21 december
             Obama bans future oil leases in much of Arctic, Atlantic

            KEVIN FREKING                ecosystem to an oil spill to
            Associated Press             justify his directive.
            HONOLULU  (AP)  —  Presi-    Obama also noted the lev-
            dent  Barack  Obama  on  el of fuel production occur-
            Tuesday  designated  the  ring  in  the  Arctic.  Obama
            bulk  of  U.S.-owned  waters  said  just  0.1  percent  of
            in  the  Arctic  Ocean  and  offshore  crude  produc-
            certain areas in the Atlan-  tion  came  from  the  Arctic
            tic Ocean as indefinitely off  in  2015,  and  at  current  oil
            limits  to  future  oil  and  gas  prices,  significant  produc-
            leasing.                     tion would not occur in fu-
            The  move  helps  put  some  ture decades.
            finishing   touches     on  “That’s  why  looking  for-
            Obama’s      environmental  ward,  we  must  continue
            legacy  while  also  testing  to focus on economic em-
            President-elect    Donald  powerment for Arctic com-
            Trump’s promise to unleash  munities  beyond  this  one
            the nation’s untapped en-    sector,” Obama said.
            ergy reserves.               Still, industry officials object-
            The   White    House   an-   ed to Obama’s proclama-
            nounced  the  actions  in  tion,  calling  it  “last  minute
            conjunction  with  the  gov-  political rhetoric.”
            ernment of Canadian Prime  “Instead of building on our
            Minister   Justin   Trudeau,  nation’s position as a global   In this photo, with the Olympic Mountains in the background, a small boat crosses in front of an oil
                                                                      drilling rig as it arrives in Port Angeles, Wash. President Obama on Tuesday designated the bulk of
            which also placed a mora-    energy leader, today’s uni-  U.S.-owned waters in the Arctic Ocean and certain areas in the Atlantic Ocean as indefinitely off
            torium on new oil and gas  lateral mandate could put      limits to future oil and gas leasing.
            leasing in its Arctic waters,  America  back  on  a  path                                                    (Daniella Beccaria/
            subject to periodic review.  of energy dependence for
            Obama is making use of an  decades  to  come,”  said
            arcane provision in a 1953  Dan Naatz of the Indepen-
            law to ban offshore leases  dent  Petroleum  Associa-
            in the waters permanently.  tion of America.
            The  statute  says  that  “the  In  issuing  a  permanent
            president  of  the  United  ban,  Obama  appears  to
            States  may,  from  time  to  be  trying  to  tie  the  hands
            time, withdraw from dispo-   of his successor. Trump has
            sition  any  of  the  unleased  vowed  a  domestic  en-
            lands  of  the  outer  Conti-  ergy  revolution  and  is  fill-
            nental Shelf.”               ing  his  Cabinet  with  nomi-
            Environmental groups hope  nees  deeply  opposed  to
            the ban, despite relying on  Obama’s     environmental
            executive  powers,  will  be  and  climate  change  ac-
            difficult for future presidents  tions.
            to reverse. The White House  Environmental       groups
            said it’s confident the presi-  were  calling  for  a  perma-
            dent’s  order  will  withstand  nent ban even before the
            legal  challenge  and  said  presidential  election,  but
            the  language  of  the  stat-  Trump’s  victory  has  pro-
            ute  provides  no  authority  vided  greater  urgency  for
            for  subsequent  presidents  them  and  for  businesses
            to  undo  permanent  with-   that  rely  on  tourism  and
            drawals.                     fishing.  Trump  has  said  he
            The Atlantic waters placed  intends to use all available
            off limits to new oil and gas  fuel reserves for energy self-
            leasing  are  31  canyons  sufficiency  —  and  that  it’s
            stretching  off  the  coast  of  time  to  open  up  offshore
            New  England  south  to  Vir-  drilling.  This  decision  will
            ginia,  though  some  had  help protect existing lucra-
            hoped  for  a  more  exten-  tive  coastal  tourism  and
            sive  ban  that  would  have  fishing  businesses  from  off-
            extended further south.      shore  drilling,  which  prom-
            Existing  leases  aren’t  af-  ises  smaller,  short-lived  re-
            fected  by  the  president’s  turns and threatens coastal
            executive actions.           livelihoods,”  said  Jacque-
            The  administration  cited  line  Savitz,  a  senior  vice
            environmental concerns in  president at the advocacy
            both  regions  to  justify  the  group, Oceana.
            moratorium.  Obama  also  A  key  question  to  be  an-
            cited  the  importance  of  swered is how difficult it will
            the  Chukchi  and  Beaufort  be  for  future  presidents  to
            seas  in  providing  subsis-  overturn  Obama’s  deci-
            tence  for  native  Alaskans  sion should they seek to do
            and the vulnerability of the  so.q
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