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U.S. NEWS Saturday 3 december 2016
Trump, backers ask courts to halt or block 3 state recounts
Continued from front to continue while the court
considers their lawsuit. A
“In an election already hearing on the lawsuit is
tainted by suspicion, previ- scheduled for Dec. 9.
ously expressed by Donald The lawsuit says Wiscon-
Trump himself, verifying the sin is violating the U.S. Su-
vote is a common-sense preme Court’s 2000 Bush
procedure that would ad- v. Gore ruling because it
dress concerns around doesn’t have uniform stan-
voter disenfranchisement, dards to determine which
“Stein said in a statement. votes should be counted in
“Trump’s desperate at- a recount. They also argue
tempts to silence voter de- that it threatens due pro-
mands raise a simple ques- cess rights because it may
tion: why is Donald Trump not get done by the fed-
afraid of these recounts?” eral deadline to certify the
Wisconsin is the only state vote, putting Wisconsin’s
where a recount is under- electoral votes in jeopardy.
way. It began Thursday, If states miss the deadline,
and one of the state’s Congress would allot their
72 counties had already electoral votes.
completed its task by Fri- The Wisconsin Department
day, with Clinton gaining of Justice was reviewing Attorney Mark Brewer, who appeared on behalf of Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein,
a single a vote on Trump. the lawsuit, said Johnny addresses the Michigan Board of State Canvassers regarding Stein’s request of a statewide
Clinton lost to Trump in Koremenos, spokesman presidential election recount, Friday, Dec. 2, 2016 at the Lansing Center in Lansing, Mich.
Wisconsin by about 22,000 for Attorney General Brad (Julia Nagy/Lansing State Journal via AP)
votes, or less than 1 per- Schimel.
centage point. Michigan’s elections
Two pro-Trump groups, board deadlocked Friday
the Great America PAC on a Trump campaign re-
and the Stop Hillary PAC, quest to deny Stein’s re-
along with Wisconsin voter count request and on how
Ronald R. Johnson went a recount would be con-
to federal court late Thurs- ducted. Both Republican
day to try and stop the re- members voted to prevent
count. U.S. District Judge the recount while both
James Peterson on Friday Democrats voted to allow
rejected their request for it, meaning it likely would
a temporary restraining begin Wednesday unless
order to immediately halt the courts intervene. It also
the recount, saying there would be conducted by
was no harm in allowing it hand, as Stein requested.q
Panel urges better cybersecurity
to President-elect Trump: report
TAMI ABDOLLAH urged more immediate
DARLENE SUPERVILLE actions within two to five
Associated Press years. It suggested the
WASHINGTON (AP) — A Trump administration con-
national commission on Fri- sider some items “deserv-
day delivered urgent rec- ing action” within the first
ommendations to improve 100 days.
the nation’s cybersecurity, It recommended that
weeks before President- Trump create an assistant
elect Donald Trump takes to the president for cyber-
office. The report follows security, who would report
the worst hacking of U.S. through the national secu-
government systems in his- rity adviser, and establish
tory and accusations by an ambassador for cyber-
the Obama administra- security, who would lead
tion that Russia meddled in efforts to create interna-
the U.S. presidential elec- tional rules.
tion by hacking Demo- It urged steps, such as get-
crats. ting rid of traditional pass-
The Presidential Commis- words, to end the threat of
sion on Enhancing National identity theft by 2021 and
Cybersecurity, which was said Trump’s administration
expected to spell out ac- should train 100,000 new
tions the U.S. can take over cybersecurity workers by
the next 10 years, instead 2020.q