Page 18 - KPA
P. 18

AWEMainta Diabierna, 25 November 2016                                                                                                       13

                                                                            Departamento di Impuesto ta informa:

                                                                  Diabierna e servicio di caha na MFA

                                                                     Noord y Paradera lo ta diferente

                                                                  Lo cuminsa duna servicio un poco mas laat mainta

                                                                  DEPARTAMENTO di Impuesto  MFA Noord e servicio di caha lo habri
                                                                  ta participa cu diabierna, dia 25 di no-    9’or mainta y na MFA Paradera e servi-
                                                                  vember 2016, e servicio di                  cio di caha lo habri 10’or mainta.
                                                                  caha na MFA Noord y MFA Paradera
                                                                  lo ta diferente                             Departamento di Impuesto ta pidi su
                                                                  Debi na trabounan di mantencion rib’e  clientenan pa tuma nota di e cambio
       Cuater persona deteni                                      sistema automatisa, lo habri e servicio  di orario aki pa evita cualkier inconve-
                                                                  di caha un poco mas laat mainta. Na  niencia.
        pa violacion di Ley di

              Arma di Candela

                                                                         Art & Design nv is a full service graphic and sign company with more than 29 years
                                                                         in  the  Aruban  market. We are seeking  a  dynamic  individual  to  plan, manage
                                                                         and  direct daily production  of graphic  systems, ensuring  these are produced
                                                                         and  delivered  competitively,  timeously, efficiently,  cost-effectively and  in  line
                                                                         with customer expectation.

                                                                             PRODUCTION MANAGER - GRAPHIC DEPT.

                                                                         - To coordinate the process of planning, calculating and presenting
                                                                          quotations to clients.
       WILLEMSTAD  –  Diaranson,  23  di  november                       - To coordinate production as well as to negotiate with sub-contractors
       2016, alrededor di 6:00am, personal di Division di                 involved in a project.
       Crimen Organisa den cooperacion cu Duana, KMAR                    - To coordinate and control quality of all in-house production delegated to
                                                                          designers and sign makers.
       Marina Leal y “Afpakteam” a tene un entrada hudicial              - Maintain effective customer contact during projects to ensure customer
       na dos diferente adres, respectivamente Elminaweg                  satisfaction and intervene in the production phase where necessary.
       y Jan Kok.                                                        - Monitor project budgets by comparing and analyzing actual results with
                                                                          planned costs.
       E entradanan hudicial ta den cuadro di un investiga-
       cion penal cu ta andando relaciona cu e Ley di Opio               Skills
       y Arma.                                                           - Must be an analytical, systematic individual with exceptional organizational
                                                                          capabilities that can work well as part of a team as well as on one’s own.
       Durante di e investigacion na e adresnan menciona,                - The ability to work under pressure and to stay focused on completing tasks
                                                                          and delivering production of the final product on time are imperative.
       cu a tuma luga bou di supervision di un Hues Comisa-
       rio y Ministerio Publico, a haya y confisca e. o. ocho            Requirements
       arma di candela, balanan skerpi, un cantidad di cen               - Minimum MBO with 3 years of purchasing or logistics experience within the
       (dollar, florin y euro), atributonan pa prepara droga.             graphics industry.
       Afpakteam tambe a confisca diferente propiedad.                   - Proficiency in computer graphics applications (Adobe) and Project
                                                                          Management Software is a plus.
       A  detene  cuater  persona  pa  violacion  di  e  Ley  di         - Good communication and inter-personal skills in order to deal effectively
       Arma di Candela, e hombernan L.M.Q.Y di 45 aña,                    with clients and colleagues.
       naci na Corsou; E.D.C. di 35 aña, naci na Venezuela;              - Good command of English, Papiamento and Spanish.
       G.A.T. di 58, naci na Boneiro y E.A.W. di 50 aña,                 - Good insight in the technical aspects of producing artwork and printing.
       naci na Corsou.
       A presenta tur cuater sospechoso dilanti un Fiscal                    Applicants must be an Aruban citizen or have a valid working permit.
                                                                             Apply in writing, including your resume and verifiable references, to:
       Auxiliar cu a ordena nan encarcelamento pendiente
                                                                                              ADVANCE HUMAN RESOURCES
       di mas investigacion. Pa e propiedadnan cu “Afpak-                Wayaca 31-A, Att.: Ms. Charlene Nectar - email:
       team” a confisca, nan ta referi na Ministerio Publico.
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