Page 3 - RIU HOTEL
P. 3

                    Friday 11 January 2019
            Honoring of the

            Brown’s at

            Casa Del Mar

            ORANJESTAD — Recently, Jonathan Boekhoudt of
            the Aruba Tourism Authority had the great plea-
            sure to honor Aruba’s loyal and friendly visitors as
            Goodwill Ambassador. The certificate is present-
            ed on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, as a token
            of appreciation to the guests who visit Aruba 20
            years and more consecutively.

            The honorees are Mr. Ray and Mrs. Renee Brown,
            residents of New York. Who have been coming to
            Aruba for over 20 consecutive years.
            Boekhoudt  together  with  together  with  GM  Mr.
            Bob  Curtis  and  Guest  Services  Ms.  Vanessa  of
            Casa  Del  Mar  presented  the  certificate  to  the
            honorees, and also handed over some presents
            and  thanked  them  for  choosing  Aruba  as  their
            favorite vacation destination and as their home
            away from home. q

                                                                      Riu Palace Antillas gave different gifts for

                                                                      dogs and cats to SGT Peppers Friends

            ORANJESTAD  —  The  sea-     SGT  Peppers  Friends’  rep-
            son  of  Christmas  is  to  re-  resentatives  were  happy
            flect and the management  to receive the donations of
            of Riu Palace Antillas used  Riu Palace Antillas.
            this time not only to reflect,  One  more  time  manage-
            but also to gave away gifts  ment  was  so  glad  to  con-
            to  SGT  Peppers  Friends.  tribute with the foundation.
            The  foundation  took  of  the  At this moment there was a
            streets of Aruba many cats  lot  of  happiness  as  for  the
            and dogs and to keep do-     hotel as the foundation.     Everyone  can  come  by  adopt  a  cat  or  dog.    Vol-  The  company  specializes
            ing this, they need help.                                 SGT  Peppers  Friends  and  unteers  of  the  foundation  in holiday resorts and over
                                                                                                   made  sure  that  the  cats  70% of its establishments of-
                                                                                                   and  dogs  received  their  fer  its  acclaimed  All  Inclu-
                                                                                                   vaccination, had their chip  sive by RIU service.
                                                                                                   and  were  operated.  SGT  With the inauguration of its
                                                                                                   Peppers  Friend  wants  to  first  city  hotel  in  2010,  RIU
                                                                                                   say thank you to Riu Palace  is  expanding  its  range  of
                                                                                                   Antillas for the donation of  products with its own line of
                                                                                                   food and other gifts for the  city hotels called Riu Plaza.
                                                                                                   cats  and  dogs.  For  more  RIU  Hotels  &  Resorts  now
                                                                                                   information  about  how  to  has  92  hotels  in  19  coun-
                                                                                                   adopt a cat or a dog, go to  tries  which  welcome  over
                                                                                                   the  website  www.sgtpep-    4 million guests a year and
                                                                                                      provide  jobs  for  a  total  of
                                                                                                                                28,894 employees.
                                                                                                   About RIU:                   RIU  is  currently  the  world’s
                                                                                                   The international RIU chain  34th  ranked  chain,  one
                                                                                                   was  founded  in  Mallorca  of  the  Caribbean’s  most
                                                                                                   by the Riu family in 1953 as  popular, the third largest in
                                                                                                   a  small  holiday  firm  and  is  Spain  in  terms  of  revenue
                                                                                                   still  owned  by  the  family’s  and  the  fourth  largest  in
                                                                                                   third generation.            number of rooms. q
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