Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13
LOCAL Monday 11 March 2019
More hotel rooms in Aruba! Friend or Foe?
Continued from Page 14 es are not comparable to
ours or our parents quality
4. Mention has been of life. I envision my grand-
made of starting educa- son asking me one day,
tional programs. How will “Opa, tell me about the
we stimulate students and natural pool” and I would
graduates to enter a labor answer, “yes, once it was
market that for the grand a great please to visit but
majority demands working now it is part of a hotel de-
evenings, weekends and velopment”. And, “Opa tell
holidays? me about Baby and Rodg-
5. How many jobs ers Beach”. And what are
would this generate for SN we going to answer? That
and Aruba? we watched from the side
6. What would the lines when this develop-
spin-off be of more stores ment was presented…and
establishing in SN? that we thrusted our politi-
Unfortunately, there has cal leaders to know better
been no dialogue with and have good intentions!
the social partners until this I could be wrong, reason I
project was presented. In am asking my former col-
this light I envy Switzerland leagues of the Aruba Tour-
that thru its democratic sys- ism Authority Michael Kui-
tem conducts referendums projects like Paradera Park, with the owner and em- Rodgers Beach and several peri, Rory Arends, Remigio
4 times a year. It seems that Boardwalk Hotel, Bucuti/ ployees and mother na- restaurants in the SN area. Wever, Mirto Granadillo,
after our vote is cast in the Tara, Manchebo, Amster- ture. This week I spoke to The consequences of the Charlie Ybarra, en Myrna
elections our opinion ceas- dam Manor and Ocean Z Samia who changed Palm hotel and condo develop- Jansen to share their opin-
es to exist. Consequently, just to name a few. Sava- Beach for Savaneta. Her re- ment over the last 15 years ion with us.q
this project came as a to- neta for example already action: ” What is wrong with are noticeable for every
tal surprise and San Nicolas counts a few boutique these people”? It is proper one visiting and living on Jan van Nes
IMHO deserves better! SN developments where the to remark that Samia is a this island. Traffic, school Director of Tourism Aruba
would benefit of boutique visitors have direct contact steady guest at Baby and classes and our experienc- 1995 – 2000