Page 20 - ARUBA BANK.
P. 20
Diaranson 19 aPriL 2017
“Let not you heart be
Troubled: ye believe in God, Lagrima y flornan por seca su recuerdonan y tur
Believe also in me” John 14: 1 loke e la hasi y significa pa nos lo keda graba pa Dios ta amor… y amor ta Dios.
semper den nos mente y curason. “Maske mi no ta na e mundo aki, tur dia lo mi
With great sadness we announce the passing of our “Cerca Dios mi alma ta na paz, ta di dj’E mi sal- ta banda di boso curason, mi por stens di loke
beloved husband, father, grandfather bacion ta bini” Señor ta hasi”
brother, uncle, cousin and friend: Salmo 62:1 Salmo 33
Cu inmenso tristesa na nos curason nos ta par-
A bai sosega den Nomber di Señor ticipa fayecimento di:
John Alfred Athelbert
Leslie Bibiana Rasmijn-
Born June 1937 Ushered into glory Thomas Solagnier
April 15th 2017 Croes Mihor conoci como “Tommy”
To continue his legacy are his: Mihor conoci como “Nana” *27-12-1929 - †11-04-2017
*07-02-1937 - †17-04-2017 Vdo di Trees Solagnier-Smit
Wife: Elisabeth Leslie-Hunt
Daughter: E. Gwen Leslie Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
Grandson: Jason Bird Na nomber di su yiu:
His brothers: Dudley & Gwendolyn Leslie & family Mirjam Solagnier Bateman
Harold Leslie & family y Karl Freeman
Aubrey Leslie & Chela Paskel & family Su rumannan: Ray, Tina Solagnier-Ras y famia
His sisters: Velda Plummer- Leslie & family Felipe, Cecilia Solagnier-Duarte
Eleanor Euson – Leslie & family Candy Solagnier
Etheline Melbourne – Leslie & family Betty Solagnier
Violet & Rubynel Bernabela Leslie & Met verdriet maken wij het overlijden bekend van Su cuñanan: Vda Carmen Solagnier-Maduro
family : Vda Frans Blomsma-Smit
His In-laws: † Ernant & Juliana Ellis & family In Su sobrinonan y sobrinanan: Alex Solagnier, Hu-
SXM bert Solagnier, Leny Hanse-Solagnier, Jos Solag-
†Dale & Eddie Richardson & family nier, Rene Solagnier, Marcel Solagnier, Antoine
in NY Solagnier, Audric Solagnier, Jeanine Solagnier,
†Shirley Hunt & family In Holland
Victor Hunt & family in Aruba Radinka Solagnier, Magda Smit, Emile Smit,
Felix Hunt & family in Holland Virgilia Dos Ramos- Wilma Smit-Belfort, Tonny Pouw-Smit, An-
Frank Hunt & wife In Aruba neke Molenaar-Smit, Anton Smit, Johan Smit,
Nephews & Nieces in Aruba, Jamaica, US, Holland Caldeira Frans Smit, Mirjam Banus-Smit, Koos Smit,
Cousins in Barbados & USA Emile Smit, Marleen Donk, Luc Blomsma,
Like family: Gina Mardenbourough, Gloria Arias, Emile Blomsma
Family & friends in Aruba , Barbados, Jamaica, USA, ”Vi”
Holland Family: Leslie , Hunt, Melbourne, Plum- *19-01-1923 - †14-04-2017 Primo y primanan y demas famia: Bermudez,
mer, Bernabella, Euson, Bird, Gilkes, Richardson, Blomsma, Croes, Duarte, Every, Freeman,
Dorand , Novels, Jones, Muhki, Matrona, Violinus, Namens haar: Giraldo, Hanse, Jong, Koppelman, Lampe,
Bute, Laken ,Javior , leonard, Esteves ,Arends, Tuit, Kinderen: Leonardo, Maduro, Marugg, Martinez Portacio,
Spellen Kock, Caraballo , Balbina Marilyn en Nanette Pouw, Quandt, Ras, Schrauwen, Smit, Sologni-
er, Van Den Boogaart, Velez, Vis, Zuidhoek
His hotel friends, His beloved Doctor Dr. Britt- Kleinkinderen:
Croes and dedicated staff, his favorite nurses Olivia Jason en Zayenne Acto di condolecia, despedida y cremacion lo
Sijlman and daughter Gwen Mireille tuma lugar Diaranson April 19, 2017 for di 2:00
His fishing friends from rancho Spaans Lagoen the pa 4:00 di atardi na Royal Funeral Home. Re-
barrio Pos Chiquito and many more Diane en Kherwin spons ta cuminsa 3.30 pm. Cremacion lo tuma
We apologize if during our grief we forgot to men- Achter kleinkinderen: lugar den seno familiar.
Nos ta pidi disculpa si den nos tristeza nos por a
tion any family members or friends. Zoey, Kher’Dion, Khe’ Diangly, Kher’Diandro lubida un y mas famia.
The funeral will take place on Thursday 20 April Angenomen kleinkinderen:
2017 at 4:00 pm at Inglesia El camino pos chiquito Francois en Idmarg
19...ex Radio Victoria and from there to the Central Naaste vrienden: Ga maar papa
Burial Ground in Sabana basora. The body of Mr. Glenda, Vera, Racquel, Zuli, Indra en Regina, Ga maar papa……volg het licht.
John will be laid out from 2:00 pm at Church. Sheila, Anneke, Douwe, Carol en Arthur Volg de liefde, die je wenkt.
Opportunity for condolences: Ad Patres Funeral Volg mama die je roept.
Home Familie, buren en kennissen: Blijf niet hier, want je leven hier is voorbij.
Wednesday 19 April 2017 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Dos Ramos-Caldera, Steigenberger, Kock, Odu- Je leven daar is begonnen.
ber, Tromp, van der Zee-Oppedijk, Kaffner, Ga naar hen die jou liefhebben, die jij lief hebt!
Alfred John Leslie was a jolly man so we ask to come Winklaar, Mac-David, Chin-A-Fong Wij volgen jou tot waar zij wachten.
joyfully dressed Onze verontschulding als we iemand vergeten De liefde zal je leiden, het verdriet zul je ver-
We kindly request no condolences after the service zijn in onze verdriet. geten.
Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home Gelegenheid tot condoleren is op donderdag Mijn liefde blijft, maar nu nog intenser,
extend 20 april 2017 van 7pm tot 9pm Aurora Funeral Want jij bent niet weg.
their most sincere condolences to the family. Home. Op 21 april 2017 is er gelegenheid tot af- In mijn hart zal je altijd blijven bestaan!
Condolences can be sent through our e-mail ad- scheid van 9 tot 11 am Aurora Funeral Home, Ga maar lieve papa, ze roepen jou……
dress or website waarna de crematie zal plaatsvinden. Rust zacht……ik houd van jou!