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A6   U.S. NEWS
               Monday 19 deceMber 2016

                Massive 2013 oil spill in North Dakota still not cleaned up

            JAMES MacPHERSON                                                                                                    line.
             Associated Press                                                                                                   The  Dakota  Access  pipe-
            BISMARCK,  N.D.  (AP)  —                                                                                            line  builder,  Texas-based
            Three  years  and  three                                                                                            Energy  Transfer  Partners,
            months  later,  a  massive                                                                                          has  said  the  project  will
            oil  spill  in  North  Dakota                                                                                       be  safe  and  that  workers
            still  isn’t  fully  cleaned  up.                                                                                   remotely  monitoring  the
            The  company  responsible                                                                                           pipeline will be able to shut
            hasn’t even set a date for                                                                                          it down if a leak is detect-
            completion.                                                                                                         ed.
            Though  crews  have  been                                                                                           Owen  said  didn’t  know
            working  around  the  clock                                                                                         how  long  it  would  take
            to  deal  with  the  Tesoro                                                                                         to  clean  the  Belle  Four-
            Corp.    pipeline   break,                                                                                          che  spill,  given  that  wintry
            which  happened  in  a                                                                                              weather was slowing down
            wheat  field  in  September                                                                                         the progress, or how much
            2013,  less  than  a  third  of                                                                                     it would cost.
            the  840,000  gallons  that                                                                                         Patty  Jensen  is  aware  of
            spilled has been recovered                                                                                          the glacial pace of oil spill
            — or ever will be, North Da-                                                                                        cleanups.  For  more  than
            kota  Health  Department      This Oct. 11, 2013 file photo shows cleanup at the site of a Tesoro Corp. pipeline break that spilled   three  years,  it’s  been  part
            environmental  scientist  Bill   more than 20,000 barrels of oil into a Tioga, N.D., wheat field.                   the couple’s life.
            Suess said.                                                                                        Associated Press  “They  are  there  working
            A  farmer,  Steve  Jenkins,   Both the Tesoro break and  Tesoro  spokeswoman  Des-     toring  equipment  didn’t    away 24 hours a day, sev-
            who’d  smelled  the  crude   the Belfield break occurred  tin Singleton said she could   detect  the  leak,  accord-  en days a week — it’s pret-
            oil  for  days,  discovered   on 6-inch steel pipelines —  not  immediately  confirm   ing  to  Wendy  Owen,  a     ty amazing,” she said. “The
            the spill in his northwestern   a  part  of  a  large  network  the  numbers,  and  noted   spokeswoman  for  Casper,   noise  from  the  equipment
            North  Dakota  field  near   pipelines   that   crisscross  the  cleanup  completion   Wyoming-based True Cos.,     used to bug us but we’ve
            Tioga — his combines’ tires   western  North  Dakota’s  oil  date remains unknown. The   which  operates  the  pipe-  grown used to it.”q
            were covered in it.          patch. By comparison, the  pipeline was monitored re-
            While  the  nearest  home    Dakota  Access  pipeline  is  motely,  but  the  company
            was a half-mile away and     made of 30-inch steel and  has said the spill wasn’t de-
            the  state  said  no  water   will  carry  nearly  20  million  tected.
            sources   were    contami-   gallons daily.               Crews have had to dig as
            nated and no wildlife hurt,   The  Tesoro  spill  was  not  deep as 50 feet to remove
            one of the largest onshore   far from where oil was first  hundreds   of   thousands
            oil  spills  recorded  in  the   discovered  in  North  Da-  of  tons  of  oil-tainted  soil,
            U.S.  serves  for  some  as  a   kota  in  1951.The  Texas-  Suess  said.  The  company
            cautionary example, espe-    based  company  and  fed-    has  now  switched  to  spe-
            cially given a recent pipe-  eral  regulators  have  said  cial equipment that cooks
            line break about 150 miles   a lightning strike may have  hydrocarbons  from  crude-
            south  and  ongoing  de-     caused  the  2013  rupture  soaked  soil  in  a  process
            bates  over  the  four-state   in  the  pipeline,  which  runs  called  thermal  desorption
            Dakota Access pipeline.      from Tioga to a rail facility  before  putting  it  back  in
            “What  happened  to  us      outside of Columbus, near  place.
            happened  and  we  can’t     the Canadian border.         The Dec. 5 spill on the Belle
            go  back,”  said  Patty  Jen-  North  Dakota  regulators  Fourche  pipeline  also  was
            sen,  Steve’s  wife.  This   initially thought just 750 bar-  discovered  by  a  land-
            month’s  pipeline  break  in   rels  of  oil  was  involved  in  owner. Crude oil migrated
            Belfield,  which  belched    the spill, but later updated  about  almost  6  miles  from
            an  estimated  176,000  gal-  the  amount  exponentially.  the spill site along Ash Cou-
            lons of oil into a creek that   They  also  expanded  the  lee  Creek,  and  fouled  an
            feeds into the Little Missouri   affected  acreage  from  unknown  amount  of  pri-
            River, a tributary of the Mis-  about 7 — the size of seven  vate and U.S. Forest Service
            souri  River,  really  rankled   football  fields  —  to  about  land  along  the  waterway.
            her.                         13  acres,  Suess  said.  The  Seuss said it appears no oil
            “But I get really upset when   cleanup  has  cost  Tesoro  got as far as the Little Mis-
            I hear of a new one and I    more  than  $49  million  to  souri River, and no drinking
            wonder what is being done    date  and  is  expected  to  water sources were threat-
            to prevent these spills,” she   top  $60  million,  according  ened.
            said.                        to recent filings to the state.  It’s not yet clear why moni-
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