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                                                                                                                           Thursday 7 February 2019

             Tierra del Sol helps protecting Aruban Burrowing Owl

            NOORD  —  The  Aruban  Burrowing                                                                            This  diurnal  species  can  be  seen
            owl  is  the  national  bird  of  Aruba                                                                     sitting in open areas in small family
            and is a protected species but due                                                                          groups,  apparently  unphased  by
            to  several  circumstances  these                                                                           the  hot  afternoon  sun.  Burrowing
            species are in danger of extinction.                                                                        Owls are much loved by the native
            The  Aruban  Burrowing  Owl  feeds                                                                          islanders.  The  little  owl  is  endemic
            on  insects  and  rodents  which  it                                                                        (Athene    cunicularia   arubensis)
            typically hunts for from the ground,                                                                        and  only  exists  on  Aruba.  Special
            walking,  hopping  or  running  after                                                                       about  the  Aruba  burrowing  owl
            it. In support of the protection of the                                                                     – also called rabbit owl – is that it
            Aruban  Burrowing  Owl  Tierra  Del                                                                         hunts both during the day and at
            Sol  recently  offered  some  space                                                                         night,  its  diet  consists  of  insects,
            on their golf course to build some                                                                          small rodents, little lizards and small
            artificial  nests  for  these  wonderful                                                                    birds.  Unfortunately  the  owl  is  be-
            creatures.  Not  long  ago,  a  Shoco                                                                       ing threatened by tourism and Boa
            Family  (2  Parents  and  4  Chicks)  the life history of this subspecies is  refuge  where  the  population  can  Constrictors.
            was moved from the driving range  still  unknown.  Burrowing  owls  typi-  recover. They live in burrows on the  Estimation is that only 200 pairs of
            to  one  of  the  nests  on  their  golf  cally lay three to six eggs that are  ground  in  areas  of  cactus  scrub  Owls exist in the Aruban nature. The
            course, thus providing them with a  incubated  for  28  days  and  hatch  and  dry  forest.  It  is  an  endemic  people of Aruba are very proud of
            safer environment.                  after 42 days. It is unclear if this also  sub-species  of  the  burrowing  owl  their Shoco and its picture predict-
                                                goes for the Aruban Burrowing Owl.  that  occurs  only  on  Aruba.  The  ed on many objects on the island,
            About the Aruban Owl                Staff of the Parke Nacional Arikok  Burrowing  Owl  is  a  buffy-colored,  like banknotes and stamps. On the
            The owl is known on occasion to lo-  are constantly monitoring the owl’s  long-legged owl with large, yellow  23rd  of  January  2012  the  ‘Shoco’
            cate prey from a high perch and  population  within  the  protected  eyes. It is a rare small bird of prey of  was  pronounced  national  symbol
            to catch prey with its feet. Much of  area. This park is also an important  only twenty centimeters high.   of Aruba.q

              Celebrate Love!

              ORANJESTAD  —  Valentine’s  Day  is  the  cel-
              ebration of love, beauty and romantic mood
              between couples and/or friends. It is a festive
              day where you would like to emphasis the im-
              portance of this special person in your life. You
              can do this in many ways, by sending cards,
              flowers, gifts, presents or arranging a wonder-
              ful day/night out.

              While  enjoying  your  stay  in  Aruba  you  can
              make this day extra special by surprising your
              love  with  the  help  of  Aruba  Today.  Despite
              the fact that we have wonderful dinner and
              gift options to choose from, advertised in our
              newspaper in the coming days up to February
              14th, we can make this day even more spe-

              Surprise your loved one with a picture of her/
              him or both of you in Aruba Today, accom-      What Do You Do?                                There is only one happiness in this life, to love
              panied  by  your  personal  message.  Imagine   Send  your  selected  picture  (high  resolution  and be loved. ... ~ George Sandq
              taking your vacation breakfast in the morning   JPEG) with short personal Valentine message
              while going through the newspaper and all of   (maximum 40 words) to email: linda.reijnders@
              a sudden you see YOU. This will make her or his LATEST Tuesday February 12.
              day for sure.
                                                             What Will We Do?
                                                             We will put your picture and message in the
                                                             local section of Aruba Today on Thursday Feb-
                                                             ruary 14 in our printed newspaper and on our
                                                             website and Facebook page.

                                                             Make  her/him  smile  on  this  special  day,  do
                                                             something different!
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