P. 28

Pagina 28                                                                                                     Diarazon 21 December 2016

       CHAPI VERF                   TA HUUR na Santa Cruz                                                          Contractors

        Nos ta chapi, verf cas,       Tereno pa pone trailer max. 40 pia.                                              Painters
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           Automatic, Price fl 17,500                            Kilometer stand 5000 Vehiculo       Ta tuma pedido te cu 22 di december.
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       wordo garantisa durashon di motor                           transmishon den su mihor            lo ta combina cu cuminda di Pasco
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            electronico di e auto .      manera nobo.              resto por bai riba huurkoop.        bon Pasco y un prospero anja 2017

       Second Chamber’s plans for ‘Special Observer’ in Statia rejected

       Civil society organizations   any  move  on  the  part  of   criteria  for  full  internal   through  an  informed  and   The  Hague  strengthens
       Brighter  Path  Foundation   the  Dutch  Government  to   self-  government,  which   democratic  process;  (b)     the   resolve    of   the
       and  Nos  Ke  Boneiru  Bek   impose administrative rule   according to UN resolution   Fully  integrated  into  an   organizations  to  assist
       have strongly condemned      on  the  island  territory,  is   1541  (XV),  can  only  be   independent  state  on  the   the   democratically-
       the move from The Hague      in  direct  violation  of  the   achieved  in  one  of  three   basis of complete equality   elected  government  to
       to  appoint  a  “Special     people’s human rights.      ways namely:                 between  the  peoples  of     put  all  measures  in  place
       Observer” in St. Eustatius,                                                           the  Non-  Self-  Governing   to  obtain  the  status  that
       as was recently reported in   “Disregarding        the   (a) Being in free association   Territory  and  those  of   the  people  desire,  the
       various  Dutch  Caribbean    democratically-   elected   with    an    independent    the  independent  date,  (c)   organizations said.
       news media.                  island    representatives   state  as  a  result  of     Independence.
                                    can  be  considered  an     a  free  and  voluntary                                    Source: The Daily Herald,
       The  group  said  in  a  joint   undemocratic  act  on  the   choice  by  the  people  of   The  unilateral  exercise   Monday,  December  19,
       statement:  “Bearing  in     part of The Hague.”         the  Territory  expressed    of  power  and  control  by   2016
       mind  that  the  Public
       Entity status was formally   The  organizations  see
       rejected  by  the  people  of   the  increasing  sanctions
       Statia  in  the  December    being  imposed  on  the
       2014          referendum,    local   government    and
       whereby an overwhelming      the  people  of  Statia  as
       majority  voted  for  more   confirmation   that   the
       autonomy, and which was      Public  Entity  status  is
       later ratified by the Island   profoundly  deficient,  as
       Council  of  St.  Eustatius,   it  does  not  meet  the  UN

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                                          PG                       People stand at the site where a truck speeded into a christmas market in
                                ὸ                                  Berlin, on December 19, 2016 killing nine persons and injuring at least 50
                                                                   people. / AFP PHOTO / John MACDOUGALL
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