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on our way, we have our work cut out for us in the year to come because let’s be clear, we
               are behind. As a matter of fact, Minister Martina and I have already discussed it, and plan to

               update the plan in 2019.

               Let’s come back to 2018. How have we performed so far this year? Stayover arrivals are up
               7%, cruise arrivals are up 23%, and total visitor arrivals are up 16%. The top three markets
               for stayover arrivals are the Netherlands, the USA and Colombia, in that order.

               As the fastest growing economic segment, the tourism sector has the greatest potential to
               spawn  new  jobs  and  create  sustained  economic  growth.  In  2018,  our  hotel  partners’
               average daily rates (ADRs) rose by 12%, RevPar increased by 16% and average occupancy
               rates were at 75%. In total, the economic impact of the tourism sector accounted for $974

               million  USD,  a  5%  increase  from  the  previous  year.  Direct  economic  impact  accounts for
               $593  million  of  the total,  and  indirect economic  impact accounts  for  $381  million  of the

               2018 has been a solid and encouraging year, and in moving forward, the Curaçao Tourist
               Board will build off that momentum and strive to meet the visitor arrival targets set forth in
               the Master Plan. As mentioned before, the implementation of the 2015-2020 Master Plan is
               a bit behind schedule, but it is my intention to work on accelerating the implementation of
               this plan.

               Accelerating the implementation, by the way, does not only mean increasing arrivals; it also
               means  refocusing  the  CTB  on  its  core  mission  of  marketing  the  destination,  as  well  as
               monitoring the product. In that regard, one of my primary goals is to increase efficiencies at
               the  CTB.  With  limited  resources,  we  have  to  be  strategic  in  exploring  new  avenues  for
               growth  and  seek  out  productive  ways  to  stretch  those  resources.  We  have  to  be  both
               cognizant of, and keep up with, global trends and employ the newest methodologies and
               technologies to get our message to an emerging market of discerning travelers.

               The  very  first  mandate  of  the  TMP  is  to  create  a  new  value  proposition  by  positioning

               Curaçao to stand out in the region and capitalizing on its unique attributes. This approach
               began with the  introduction  of  our  new  “Feel  It  For  Yourself”  global  branding  campaign,
               which highlights the island’s rich history, authenticity, and overall feeling that encourages
               travelers  to  explore  Curaçao  on  their  own  terms.  Drawing  inspiration  from  the  island’s
               vibrant aesthetic, the striking new ads are anything but ordinary with purple oceans and
               tangerine-colored  skies,  elements  intended  to  differentiate  Curaçao  from  the  rest  of  the
               region and make a splash in what we called the “sea of sameness.”
               Sun, sea and sand have been the primary driver of the island and the region’s marketing in

               the past, but today’s traveler is looking for an enriching, culturally immersive experience.
               Anyone  in  this  audience  or  anyone  who  has  visited  Curaçao  can  tell  you  that  this  444

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