Page 16 - MIN ECEM 13 MAY 2017
P. 16

                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 13 May 2017

            Loyal Aruba Ambassadors Celebrate Special Milestones:
                Festive Beach Surprise for Maria and Andrew Gifford from New Jersey!

                                                                      plex  General  Manager
                                                                      Tom  Calame  and  Hotel
                                                                      Manager  Leslie  Prea  both
                                                                      thanked  the  couple,  very
                                                                      well known in the hotel for
                                                                      their many return visits and
                                                                      loved  by  all  staff,  for  their
                                                                      loyalty.  “You  are  the  best
                                                                      Aruba  ambassadors  our
                                                                      island  could  wish  for,  and
                                                                      at  the  same  time  you  do
                                                                      an  exceptional  job,  serv-
                                                                      ing  as  our  most  success-
                                                                      ful, non-paid staff in guest
                                                                      relations,  public  relations,
                                                                      beach  and  pool  commu-
                                                                      nications,  F&B  promotions
                                                                      and much more”, Calame
                                                                      The  lovely  Andrew  couple
                                                                      will stay in Aruba until mid-
                                                                      May  and  return  to  Aruba
                                                                      in December to celebrate
                                                                      their 30th wedding anniver-
                                                                      sary.  Maria  and  Giff,  ‘ma-
                                                                      sha pabien’ and cheers to
                                                                      many more years in good
                                                                      health and to making new
                                                                      friends  and  memories  in

            PALM  BEACH  -  A  festive  Aruba in 1988 on our hon-
            ceremony  was  organized  eymoon.  Since  the  open-
            for  birthday  girl  Maria  An-  ing of the Aruba Marriott in
            drew,    who    celebrated  1995  we  have  been  com-
            her  70th  birthday  on  May  ing  to  this  hotel  twice  a
            10 in Aruba. A mix of long  year  and  in  recent  years
            time as well as brand new  up  to  five  times  a  year.
            Aruba-friends,  along  with  We  love  it  here  and  col-
            a  group  of  Marriott  asso-  lected  so  many  memories
            ciates  and  management  and  dear  friends  over  the
            awaited  Maria’s  arrival  on  years, from Marriott staff to
            the  beach  with  a  cham-   hotel guests and other visi-
            pagne  toast  and  3-layer  tors. I even keep a special
            birthday  cake  on  Palm  notebook  in  which  I  keep
            Beach.                       track of all the new people
            The  surprised  Maria  was  I  meet  in  Aruba,  so  that  I
            speechless at first, yet then  can  remember  all  the  dif-
            shared  with  those  present  ferent  people  and  their
            some  special  moments  in  stories, there are so many”,
            Aruba.  “My  husband  Gif-   said Maria.
            ford  and  I  first  came  to  Aruba   Marriott’s   com-
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