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P. 74
LOCAL Wednesday 12 april 2017
Golfers Ruben Goedhoop & Gregory Croeze win Tierra del Sol’s Golf Tournament
WEST PUNT - The island’s ley Barrow, longest drive
most popular golf tourna- on #16. An extra prize was
ment, unfolded on the awarded to a player who
award winning Robert won the wine quiz, show-
Trent Jones II course, on casing his knowledge of
Saturday, and concluded the Wente brand; he was
with Ruben Goedhoop rewarded with a 3 liter bot-
and Gregory Croeze in tle of Wente Riva Ranch
the lead, father & son duo Chardonnay.
Mike and Maurice DeIisle All players expressed their
in second place, and Nigel complete satisfaction with
Nedd and Luis Camara in the detailed organization
third. of the tournament, and
The annual tournament, the many special touches;
organized here for the compliments were lavished
twelfth year in a row, is on Papiamento Restau-
a fund raiser supporting rant for the creative and
community causes. It is of- inspired sandwiches-to-go
fered by Arion Wine Com- served during the day.
pany NV in conjunction “We are doing the tourna-
with Wente Vineyards from ment again, next year,”
California and Papiamen- and of course tour the pro- declared van der Hout,
to Restaurant. The tourna- duction facilities. ”Eric Wente already an-
ment signed up 124 play- The award ceremony also nounced he will be back
ers, for a fun two person acknowledged the closest for the 13th time in a row
scramble format. to the pin shots including tournament,” which in-
The funds collected were Ron Moser, on #3, Glan Pi- volved meticulous plan-
earmarked for the Funda- eters on #7, Randy Arends ning on behalf of the Arion
cion Guia Mi, a founda- on #13, Jo-Anne Arends
tion offering protection to on #15, and #17, and Shir- Wine Company team. q
minors who have suffered
from neglect, physical or
sexual abuse. Fundacion
Guia Mi’s social workers
can be appointed by a
judge as a family guard- ally overseen by Golf Pro Having enjoyed an excel-
ian; guiding the child, fam- James Kiley and Director lent afternoon on the golf
ily members and other of Golf Oliver Riding, sup- course, participants con-
people involved, with the ported by Govert van der gregated around the pool
goal of solving family prob- Hout of Arion Wine Com- at the clubhouse at sunset,
lems so that children may pany NV and Eric Wente, for some delicious soups
continue living with their Chairman of the Board and sandwiches provided
family of origin. at Wente Vineyard, who by the restaurant at Tierra
The shotgun start at thanked each player their del Sol, paired with Wente
12:30pm was person- participation. Vineyard wines, chased by
an award ceremony, prize
presentation, and picture
opportunities, which con-
cluded the action-packed
All prizes were sponsored
by Wente Vineyards and
included some of the win-
ery’s finest wines, in over-
size bottles, as well as a trip
to the winery in California
for the first place winners to
play on the Greg Norman
designed golf Course, dine
in the famed restaurant