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Saturday 18 May 2019
Effective Attention where the patient is Central:
Urgent Care Aruba (UCA) brings
innovation to the healthcare in Aruba:
Now offering the Ultrasound service
Latest technology
Urgent Care Aruba (UCA) at the Medical Centre in Noord
percured to put this ultrasound unit into function with the
sole purpose to offer a more integral and efficient service
to the patient, that way the patient and doctor would
have a more accurate diagnosis. The general strategy of
this image service is centralized on a fundamental objec-
tive: provide the best attention posible to the users based
on quality and policies stated internationally. This way
Urgent Care Aruba (UCA) is always looking for improve-
ments in the services they provide. They also assure to
provide good service to their patients by exceeding their
expectations and strive for continiuos excellency.
Accesible and Timely
The patient doesn’t need to wait a week or a month to
get an appointment. The patient can get same day as-
Dr. Yagua Jr (UCA Director) and Dr. Lopez-McIntyre (Radioloog Specialista) sistance as this is a walk-in clinic. The patient is also able
to choose the day or time of his/her convenience. The
ORANJESTAD — Urgent Care Aruba (UCA) proudly announces that after hardwork, department is open from Monday to Saturday and in
dedication and investing in the latest toptech equipment they are finally able to cases that a ultrasound needs to be done they are also
offer the community of Aruba a private service of Ultrasound. Currently Ultrasound available after working hours. The patient will recieve a
and other images diagnostics are considered fundamental methods in helping de- detailed medical report from the doctor with ample ex-
tect and treat patients severe and chronic diseases. planation on the study conducted. With affordable pric-
es the UCA reafirms its commitment to the community of
Ultrasound Aruba.
Ultrasound is a type of imaging. It uses high-frequency sound waves to look at
organs and structures inside the body. Health care professionals use it to view the Urgent Care Aruba
heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver, and other organs. At Urgent Care Aruba (UCA) Urgent Care Aruba (UCA) at the Noord Medical center
the radiologist is the one conducting the ultrasound procedure and at the same was established 5 years ago. Their main goal was to pro-
time he is able to interpret it immediately. The benefit of this is that the patient will vide medical attention to our locals but also our tourist.
be able to receive the diagnostic right away. The doctor reading the diagnostic The service provided at UCA is for patients that suffers
is specialized in this area and is also registered at the Department of Public Health from any medical condition and does not want to wait till
of Aruba. “Many people need Access to the ultrasound service, this is a very eco- the next day for a consult or check up.
nomical study compared to other studies. It is not invasive since it doesn’t use ion-
izing radiation’, according to General Director of Urgent Care Aruba, Dr. Carlos
Yagua Jr.
For more information please call +297-5860448.
Or visit their website:
or Facebook page: Urgent Care Aruba.