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ADVERTENTIE                      Antilliaans Dagblad Maandag 15 april 2019

      FirstCaribbean International Bank (Cayman) Limited
      Financial Statements
      For the year ended October 31, 2018 (expressed in thousands of United States dollars)

       MANAGEMENT REPORT                                       KƋŝŶĮžČĨŹĀǦÄŤŶ†ŝÄŶŹĮŶĮžŹ†ĀġŶŝĆŤĮġ†žđÄŶ†ŤŤƋŝ†ġ¨ÄŶ†žĮƋŹŶǧûÄŹûÄŝŶŹûÄŶ¨ĮġŤĮđĀ¸†ŹÄ¸ŶÜġ†ġ¨Ā†đŶŤŹ†ŹÄĜÄġŹŤŶ†ŤŶ†ŶǧûĮđÄŶ†ŝÄŶÛŝÄÄŶ
                                                               from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditors’ report that includes our opinion.
       We are pleased to report the results for FirstCaribbean International Bank (Cayman) Limited (“the Bank”) for the year ended   Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs
       October 31, 2018 pursuant to the Provisions of the Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten for the Disclosure of Financial   will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered
       Highlights. The Bank comprises of branches in the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Sint Maarten, Aruba and Curacao.
       The Bank is active in the local markets of Curacao, Aruba and Sint Maarten through branches of the Bank, and services   Ź†ĎÄġŶĮġŶŹûÄŶž†ŤĀŤŶĮÛŶŹûÄŤÄŶ¨ĮġŤĮđĀ¸†ŹÄ¸ŶÜġ†ġ¨Ā†đŶŤŹ†ŹÄĜÄġŹŤŋ
       international clients through its subsidiary FirstCaribbean International Bank (Curacao) N.V.
                                                               As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism
       Despite the economic rebound in the USA and Canada during 2018 – the Caribbean’s major trading partners, regional   throughout the audit. We also:
       performance did not necessarily follow suit. Most Caribbean markets experienced some expansion in real GDP through   §Ŷ 0¸ÄġŹĀÛǭŶ†ġ¸Ŷ†ŤŤÄŤŤŶŹûÄŶŝĀŤĎŤŶĮÛŶĜ†ŹÄŝĀ†đŶĜĀŤŤŹ†ŹÄĜÄġŹŶĮÛŶŹûÄŶ¨ĮġŤĮđĀ¸†ŹÄ¸ŶÜġ†ġ¨Ā†đŶŤŹ†ŹÄĜÄġŹŤ³ŶǧûÄŹûÄŝŶ¸ƋÄŶŹĮŶÛŝ†Ƌ¸ŶĮŝŶ
       2018, with the exception of those countries affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017. Those who depend on South
       America and in particular Venezuela for tourist arrivals such as Aruba and Curacao, experienced either modest or negative   Ŷ  ÄŝŝĮŝ³Ŷ¸ÄŤĀéġŶ†ġ¸ŶŅÄŝÛĮŝĜŶ†Ƌ¸ĀŹŶŅŝĮ¨Ä¸ƋŝÄŤŶŝÄŤŅĮġŤĀǦÄŶŹĮŶŹûĮŤÄŶŝĀŤĎŤ³Ŷ†ġ¸ŶĮžŹ†ĀġŶ†Ƌ¸ĀŹŶÄǦĀ¸Äġ¨ÄŶŹû†ŹŶĀŤŶŤƋÛܨĀÄġŹŶ†ġ¸
       economic growth over the period. However, increased capital expenditure in hurricane-affected St. Maarten has partially        appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud
                                                                is higher  than  for one resulting  from error, as  fraud may involve collusion,  forgery, intentional omissions,
       offset the fall-out from fewer tourist arrivals. In Curaçao, spillovers from Venezuela, an important trading partner is taking
       a toll on the economy with real GDP contracting throughout 2018. There was a decline in manufacturing, transport storage      misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
       further as the supply of crude oil from Venezuela continued to shrink due to the seizure of Pertróleos de Venezuela, S.A.
       ŇX s^ ňŶ†ŤŤÄŹŤŶ†ŤŶǧÄđđŶ†ŤŶđĀĜĀŹÄ¸ŶŤŹÄ†ĜŶ¸ÄđĀǦÄŝĀÄŤŶžǭŶŹûÄŶ Ƌŝ†¬†ĮŶZÄÜġÄŝǭŶhŹĀđĀŹĀÄŤŶŇ ZhňŶŅđ†ġŹŋŶ ŤŶ†ŶŝÄŤƋđŹ³Ŷ†¨ŹĀǦĀŹĀÄŤŶĀġŶŹûÄŶ     appropriate in  the circumstances, but not  for  the purpose of expressing an opinion on  the effectiveness of  the
       û†ŝžĮŝŶ ŝÄéĀŤŹÄŝĸŶ †Ŷ ¸ĮƋžđÄÿ¸ĀéĀŹŶ ¨ĮġŹŝ†¨ŹĀĮġŶ †ŤŶŹûÄŝÄŶǧ†ŤŶ †Ŷ ŤĀéġĀܨ†ġŹŶ ¸ŝĮŅŶ ĀġŶŹûÄŶ ġƋĜžÄŝŶ ĮÛŶ ÛŝÄĀéûŹÄŝŤŶ †ġ¸ŶŹ†ġĎÄŝŤŶ     Bank’s internal control.
       channeled into the port of Curacao. Economic activity remains modest across much of the Dutch Caribbean with real GDP
       declining in both Curacao and St. Maarten, and sharp declines in arrivals from Venezuela continue to constrain faster   §Ŷ  Ǧ†đƋ†ŹÄŶŹûÄŶ†ŅŅŝĮŅŝĀ†ŹÄġÄŤŤŶĮÛŶ†¨¨ĮƋġŹĀġéŶŅĮđĀ¨ĀÄŤŶƋŤÄ¸Ŷ†ġ¸ŶŹûÄŶŝĆŤĮġ†žđÄġÄŤŤŶĮÛŶ†¨¨ĮƋġŹĀġéŶÄŤŹĀĜ†ŹÄŤŶ†ġ¸ŶŝÄđ†ŹÄ¸
       growth in tourist arrivals in Aruba.                       disclosures made by management.
                                                               §Ŷ  Įġ¨đƋ¸ÄŶĮġŶŹûÄŶ†ŅŅŝĮŅŝĀ†ŹÄġÄŤŤŶĮÛŶĜ†ġ†éÄĜÄġŹŚŤŶƋŤÄŶĮÛŶŹûÄŶéĮĀġéŶ¨Įġ¨ÄŝġŶž†ŤĀŤŶĮÛŶ†¨¨ĮƋġŹĀġéŶ†ġ¸³Ŷž†ŤÄ¸ŶĮġŶŹûÄŶ†Ƌ¸ĀŹ
       Despite these economic realities, management believes they have delivered satisfactory results for all our stakeholders   Ŷ  ÄǦĀ¸Äġ¨ÄŶĮžŹ†Āġĸ³ŶǧûÄŹûÄŝŶ†ŶĜ†ŹÄŝĀ†đŶƋġ¨ÄŝŹ†ĀġŹǭŶÄǬĀŤŹŤŶŝÄđ†ŹÄ¸ŶŹĮŶÄǦÄġŹŤŶĮŝŶ¨Įġ¸ĀŹĀĮġŤŶŹû†ŹŶĜ†ǭŶ¨†ŤŹŶŤĀéġĀܨ†ġŹŶ¸ĮƋžŹ
       with net income after tax of $61.9 million compared to $46.6 million in 2017, representing an increase of 33%. Contributing      on the Bank’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required
       to the current year results were; increases in revenue, largely due to higher net interest income as a result of rising interest
       rates in addition to increased credit appetite; partially offset by increases in expected credit losses, primarily as a result of   Ŷ    ŹĮŶ¸ŝ†ǧŶ†ŹŹÄġŹĀĮġŶĀġŶĮƋŝŶ†Ƌ¸ĀŹĮŝŤŚŶŝÄŅĮŝŹŶŹĮŶŹûÄŶŝÄđ†ŹÄ¸Ŷ¸ĀŤ¨đĮŤƋŝÄŤŶĀġŶŹûÄŶ¨ĮġŤĮđĀ¸†ŹÄ¸ŶÜġ†ġ¨Ā†đŶŤŹ†ŹÄĜÄġŹŤŶĮŝ³ŶĀÛŶŤƋ¨û
                                                                disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to
       the implementation of the IFRS 9 accounting standard and its forward-looking nature. The Bank continues to maintain      the date of our auditors’ report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Bank to cease to continue as
       strong capital levels with a Total Capital ratio of 20.2%. The emphasis  for 2019 is to continue to  focus on our client
       relationships, existing and new, by further improving our sales and service capability throughout the Dutch Caribbean with      a going concern.
       the aspiration of making all of our interactions with our clients personalized, responsive and easy. Key to optimizing the   §Ŷ  Ǧ†đƋ†ŹÄŶ ŹûÄŶ ĮǦÄŝ†đđŶ ŅŝÄŤÄġŹ†ŹĀĮġ³Ŷ ŤŹŝƋ¨ŹƋŝÄŶ †ġ¸Ŷ ¨ĮġŹÄġŹŶ ĮÛŶ ŹûÄŶ ¨ĮġŤĮđĀ¸†ŹÄ¸Ŷ Üġ†ġ¨Ā†đŶ ŤŹ†ŹÄĜÄġŹŤ³Ŷ Āġ¨đƋ¸ĀġéŶ ŹûÄ
       processes, and providing information  to our clients  faster  through paperless options.  We continue  to build digital   Ŷ    ¸ĀŤ¨đĮŤƋŝÄŤ³Ŷ†ġ¸ŶǧûÄŹûÄŝŶŹûÄŶ¨ĮġŤĮđĀ¸†ŹÄ¸ŶÜġ†ġ¨Ā†đŶŤŹ†ŹÄĜÄġŹŤŶŝÄŅŝÄŤÄġŹŶŹûÄŶƋġ¸ÄŝđǭĀġéŶŹŝ†ġŤ†¨ŹĀĮġŤŶ†ġ¸ŶÄǦÄġŹŤŶĀġŶ†
                                                                manner that achieves fair presentation.
       capabilities across our sales and delivery channels in the Dutch Caribbean to provide our clients with a modern omni-chan-
       nel banking experience.
                                                               We communicate with the Board of Directors regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit
       While  the hurricanes of 2017 challenged our  teams in  the affected markets, 2018 saw our people in  those affected
       countries demonstrate a high level of resilience.  We continue  to  work on once again achieving our pre-hurricane
       performance levels and are happy to report that the renovations to our physical locales are complete.

       work of cancer care and awareness organisations around the region. In the Dutch Caribbean over $33,000 was raised to   January 23, 2019
       support such local initiatives.

       Across the markets we serve in the Dutch Caribbean, CIBC FirstCaribbean continued to support a wide range of causes that
       raise social awareness, as well as maintained its focus on creating lasting social value in the community through projects
       such as Adopt-A-Cause as well as support to organizations that are involved in sports, arts, education and culture.  CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION
       The Bank remains committed  to  working  with our clients and other stakeholders and in supporting  the economic
       development in the Dutch Caribbean. We are working hard to satisfy our clients and provide them with the best possible   2018  2017
       advice and to service the investments we have made, and continue to make, positioning the institution for growth as the
       economies improve.
                                                               Assets                                     $       $
       We wish to thank our customers and staff for their support and loyalty during the year.
                                                               Cash and balances with Central Banks    181,687  121,411
                                                               Due from banks                         ĸ³ǷÝǷ³űÌŬ  1,321,361
                                                                ÄŝĀǦ†ŹĀǦÄŶÜġ†ġ¨Ā†đŶĀġŤŹŝƋĜÄġŹŤ          8,986   8,173
                                                               Other assets                             ä³ÝǷŽ   ݳŬäŽ
       _________________________      _________________________
                                                               Taxation recoverable                      837     ŬűÝ
       Mark McIntyre                  Edward Pietersz          Securities                              724,112  724,480
       Managing Director              Curacao Country Head     Loans and advances to customers        ĸ³ŬŽĦ³ÝƆĦ  ĸ³űĸǷ³ÝűŬ
       FirstCaribbean International Bank (Cayman) Limited
                                                               Property and equipment                  31,004  Ɔ̳ŬÝÌ
                                                               Deferred tax assets                       ĦÝä     710
                                                               Intangible assets                       140,806  140,806
                                                               Total assets                           ŶŽ³ÌÌŽ³ĸǷÝ   3,962,774
                                                                ÄŝĀǦ†ŹĀǦÄŶÜġ†ġ¨Ā†đŶĀġŤŹŝƋĜÄġŹŤŶ         9,631  ĸݳÌäĸ
                        Ernst & Young Ltd.  Main tel: +1 345 949 8444   Customer deposits             2,876,676  Ɔ³ĦƆĦ³äŬÝ
                        62 Forum Lane     Fax: +1 345 949 8529  Due to other banks                     397,093  436,119
                        Camana Bay               Other liabilities                       22,938  21,061

                        P.O. Box 510                           Taxation payable                          246     181
                        Grand Cayman KY1-1106                  Deferred tax liabilities                  ÝǷÌ     347
                        CAYMAN ISLANDS                         ZÄŹĀŝÄĜÄġŹŶžÄġÄÜŹŶĮžđĀ醬ĀĮġŤ            3,001   3,261
                                                               Total liabilities                      3,310,093  ŶŽ³äǷű³ƆÌÝ
       Independent Auditors’ Report                            Shareholders' Equity
                                                               Issued capital                               294,789           294,789
       The Board of Directors                                  Share premium and reserves            ŶŶŶŶŶŶŶŶŇäݳŬǷŽň           (39,972)
       FirstCaribbean International Bank (Cayman) Limited      Retained earnings                            323,926            301,672
                                                               Total  Shareholders' Equity             ÝŬŽ³ǷĸƆ  ÝÝű³äÌĦ
       Report on the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements
       Opinion                                                 Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity  Ž³ÌÌŽ³ĸǷÝ  3,962,774
       accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
       Basis for Opinion
       We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). Our responsibilities under those
       section of our report. We are independent of the Bank in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board for
        ¨¨ĮƋġŹ†ġŹŤŚŶ  Į¸ÄŶ ĮÛŶ  ŹûĀ¨ŤŶ ÛĮŝŶ XŝĮÛÄŤŤĀĮġ†đŶ  ¨¨ĮƋġŹ†ġŹŤŶ Ň0 ^  Ŷ  Į¸Äň³Ŷ †ġ¸Ŷ ǧÄŶ û†ǦÄŶ ÛƋđÜđđĸŶ ĮƋŝŶ ĮŹûÄŝŶ ÄŹûĀ¨†đŶ
       appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
       Responsibilities of Management and the Board of Directors for the Consolidated Financial Statements
       accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, and for such internal control as management determines is
       whether due to fraud or error.
       as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related  to going concern and using  the going concern basis of
       accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Bank or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative
       but to do so.
       Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements
       This report is made solely to the Board of Directors, as a body. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state
       to the Board of Directors those matters we are required to state to them in an auditors’ report and for no other purpose.
       To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Bank and the
       Board of Directors as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.
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