Page 14 - FDLP
P. 14
Saturday 1 June 2019
Finish on the Beach!
PALM BEACH — The 2nd edition of the Aruba Marathon,
Half Marathon, 10K and 5K will be held on Sunday, the
2nd of June 2019. The Race is AIMS/ IAAF certified and this
road race is organized on the highest International level.
The beautiful course will show you the best of Aruba, will
take you along from Palm Beach up to the famous Cali-
fornia Lighthouse and Eagle Beach. Runners and walkers
come from all around the world and the main objection is
to make this race for everybody unforgettable. The Start
& Finish is at the Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino.
The Marathon starts at 03:30 am, the Half marathon at
05:30 am, the 10K (walk or run) starts at 06:30 am and the
5K (walk or run) at 8:30 am. Every participant will finish ap-
proximately at the same time at the Beach.
All families and friends are
welcome along the course
and at the Finish (Beach
"Celebration" Party). This
unique Family Running
event is for young and old,
schools and companies.
For everyone is a suitable
distance available. Un- Spectacular diving, snor- participants from all over
deniably, Aruba’s natural keling, fishing and golfing the world. Hope to see you
environment has activi- appeal to families, as do for your “Aruba Runca-
ties for everyone, of any the fantastic white sandy tion” and experience “One
age, interest or nationality. beaches. We welcome Happy Island”.q
Access and opportunity for all: Caribbean Libraries, Archives and
Museums supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals’
Oranjestad — The Association of Caribbean Univer-
sity, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) will
organize their 49th conference in Aruba, starting from
Sunday June 2nd to Thursday June 6. During this con-
ference the focus will be on sustainable development
goals (SDG’s) that from the framework of the United
Nations agenda 2030. The theme of the conference
is: Access and opportunity for all: Caribbean Librar-
ies, Archives and Museums supporting the United Na-
tions Sustainable Development Goals’.
The National Library of Aruba has the honor to host
this year’s conference that will take place at the Re-
naissance Convention Center. The program contains
presentations from renowned speakers, exhibitions
of suppliers of products and systems for libraries and
centers of information. Sub-themes of the confer-
ence are:
1. Information services aimed at poverty alleviation
and food security
2. Promote literacy and lifelong learning
3. Libraries and sustainability
4. Libraries contributing to peaceful and just
5. Integrated strategies to achieve multiple SDGs
Local artists Ryan Oduber has designed the logo of In September 2015 the member states of the United Nations (UN) adopted “Transforming
the conference. He explains: “The conch has a nur- our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development which includes Seventeen
turing reference but is also still a means of communi- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) spanning economic, environmental and social
cation through local and regional music. The “sound development. Caribbean librarians and other information professionals contribute to improved
colors” are from the Sustainable Development Goals outcomes across the SDGs by promoting universal literacy, closing gaps in access to
International logo and represents that we all are part information, advancing digital inclusion, serving as the heart of the research and academic
community and preserving and providing access to the world’s culture and heritage.
of the problem, but most importantly: the solution”.q