Page 12 - ATA
P. 12
Monday 24 april 2017
Donna & Vincent Frattura and Margi & Michael
Frattura honored at the Marriott Ocean Club
On the pictures Mr. Ricardo Croes from ATA together with the
honorees also with staff from the Marriott Ocean Club.
Recently Donna & Vincent resenting Aruba Tourism
Frattura and Margi & Mi- Authority conducted the
chael Frattura were hon- ceremony at the Marriott
ored as an Ambassador of Ocean Club
Goodwill for the island of Vincent commented that
Aruba after he will never change his
visiting for more than 20 vacation island for any
years consecutive. other island ,top reason for
The symbolic honorary title returning provided by the
is presented in the name honorees were they con-
of the Minister of Tourism as sider
a token of appreciation to Aruba to be the “Hap-
guests who visit Aruba for py Island”, the great
between weather,and Friendly Aru-
10 and 20 years consecu- ban Hospitality, white sand
tive. beaches and the local
Mr. Ricardo Croes rep- food.
Special guests honored
at the Marriott Surf Club
On the pictures Mr. Ricardo Croes from ATA together with the
honorees and also Jenny & Joop from the Marriott Surf Club.
Recently Kathryn Otoski guests who visit Aruba for
Macwhorter was hon- between
ored as an Ambassador 10 and 20 years consecu-
of Goodwill for the island tive. Mr. Ricardo Croes
of Aruba and also Kaye y representing Aruba Tour-
Mike Powell ism Authority conducted
were honored as an distin- the ceremony at the Mar-
guished visitor for the island riott Surf Club Katryn com-
of Aruba after visiting for mented that she will never
more than 11 years con- change his vacation island
secutive. John & Shelagh for any other island ,top
Farley were honored reason for returning provid-
as an Emerald Ambassa- ed by the honorees were
dor after returning to Aruba they consider Aruba to be
for 35 consecutive years. the “Happy Island”, the
The symbolic honorary title great weather,and Friendly
is presented in the name Aruban Hospitality, white
of the Minister of Tourism as sand beaches and the lo-
a token of appreciation to cal food.