P. 34
34 AWEMainta Diabierna, 17 Augustus 2018
“Cristo Jesus ta amor" “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada With deep sadness and sorrow but in acceptance of
Señor, mi tarea n'e mundo aki a termina y mi ta na e Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega. God's Holy Will we announce the passing of our beloved
lugar cu Bo a prepara pa mi (Juan 14:2-3) E ta hibami na awa trankil, husband, father, grand-father, brother, brother-in-law,
Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. uncle, great-uncle and godfather
Nós cu a keda atras cu tristeza y dolor ta participa Salmo: 23
fayecimiento di nos querida Mama y Oma: Ramon
Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
Sra.Vda.Damasa Alfredo Sharpe
(also known as: Fritz,
Laclé -van Fritzy, Pappie, Opa)
Sunrise: 14-09-1933
der Biezen Sunset: 12-08-2018
*11 december 1932 -
†12 augustus 2018 Left to mourn are
Wife: Lucy Joan Sharpe-Bardouille
† Esposo sr. Pedro Ambrosio (Booshi) Laclé
Children: Tirza and Chris van Kordelaar-Sharpe and
Yiunan: Marciano children Sachelle and Axel Aitza Sharpe and Diederik
Goddeeris and daughter Daniella Christopher Sharpe
Sra. Vda. Lucia E. Anthony-Laclé y yiunan also Sonia Cham-Sharpe and Lidia Sharpe and family
† Carlos Martines (Rudy) Laclé Francisco Boekhoudt
† Anselmo Furtunato (Shona) Laclé Mihor conoci como “Chani” Brothers and Sisters:
Juan Roberto (Roby) y yiu; *09-03-1967 - †14-08-2018 * Leoncio Sharpe USA
Pedro Sebastian (Jani) y esposa Grenda Laclé-Lopez y * Roberto Sharpe USA
yiunan Na nomber di su rumanan: * Lidia Sharpe, Ramon's twin sister, the Netherlands
Virginia (Gina) Laclé y compañero Modesto i Maria Boekhoudt-Sanchez i yiunan Louisa Elvira de Palm-Sharpe Aruba
Beata Laclé y yiu Martin Boekhoudt i yiunan * Cynthia Sharpe St. Maarten
Elio i Ludwina Boekhoudt-Koolman i yiunan Hugo Sharpe Venezuela
Lucia i Boysie Geerman-Boekhoudt i yiunan
Sheila Nathaly van der Biezen, Shonn y Zaik de Cuba Gladys Boekhoudt i yiu Julieta (Eta) Moons-Sharpe Aruba
Marcia Kock- van der Biezen, esposo Audrin Kock, Gilbert i Yira Boekhoudt-Pedroza i yiunan Roy Sharpe the Netherlands
Audry y Auryann Kock Denise (Dotty) Sharpe the Netherlands
Rachelle Anthony, esposo Roger Solagnier Su subrino(a) nan: * Dennis Sharpe (Dottie's twin brother) Germany
Michel Laclé Roel, Clifford i Anamaria Boekhoudt Rita de Caluwé-Sharpe the Netherlands
Janine Marilyn Laclé Giovanni i Lisette Geerman-Gomes i yiunan * Franklin Sharpe Aruba
Shamir Laclé Angelique Geerman i Rodney Kelly i yiunan In-laws:
Lugelca Geerman i Alex da Silva Menezes i yiunan
Rashid Laclé, compañera y yiu Lisandra i Lixienne Boekhoudt Goya Sharpe-Aleman USA
Billy Robert Laclé y yiu, compañera Giandra i Gilliani Boekhoudt i Benjamin di Filipo i famia Mariana Vanterpool USA
Janisse Laclé, compañero y yiu Brandon Boekhoudt Juan de Palm Aruba
Ian Laclé, compañera y yiu Moises Sanchez Jacky Añasgo-Sharpe Venezuela
Gèndra Laclé * Hendricus (Harry) Moons Aruba
Nicole Vermeer Sobra sobrino(a) nan: José Swart the Netherlands
Jilliane Laclé Shaqion, Shulaika, Shandrick, Xiara, AJ, Alixienne, Khloë, * Antoine (Toine) de Caluwé the Netherlands
* Leroy Bardouille and wife Eleonor
Rumanan: Su omo i tantanan Errol Bardouille and wife Berthy
Sra. Vda. Carmen Werleman Su iha: Angelique Geerman * Felix Bardouille and wife Jacky
Sra. Vda. Eulogia Thiel y famia Franklin Bardouille and Cheryl
† Sr. Bertran van der Biezen Esun nan ku e la stima manera ruman: Graciela, Ramona, (and deceased Marie Bardouile-Mers)
Sr. Marcelo van der Biezen y famia Kaon, Maria, Mena, Loy, Oecha i Mai.
Sra. Vda. Maria Kock van der Biezen Nephews and nieces:
Sra. Filomena van der Biezen y famia Su primo i primanan mucho hopi pa mensiona pero semper e Sharpe, de Palm, Peterson, Moons, Vandormael, Croes,
Martina, Wright, Spieker, Prinssen, de Caluwé, Dirne
Sr. Epifanio van der Biezen y famia la aprecia tur.
Sr. Godfried van der Biezen y famia Esun nan ku e la stima manera un tata i un mama: sr. Other relatives: Bardouille, van Heynigen, Philips,
Sra. Vda. Teresita van der Biezen Winterdaal y famia Francisco i sra Lourdes Croes-Figaroa Chittick, Bryson, Cyrus, Brown, Smith, Richardson, Tearr,
Sra. Vda. Imelda Laclé-Maduro Poterson, Hanson, Henson, Hamlet, Romney,
Sra. Stella Geerman Su bon amigo: Eugene Kelly Beauperthuy, Rolon, Cannegieter, Gumbs, Lejuez, Eights,
Sra. Lies Werleman James, van Dinter, Richardson,Kingsale, Nicholson
Su coleganan di CEA, Su coleganan di team di futbol: Centro
Demas famia, bisiñanan, conocirnan, famia na Deportivo Ayo i Sporting Caretakers: Broeder Neil Romero and Germina Koolman
Curacao, Hulanda y USA : Su bon amigonan di Tipico Los Campesinos neighbours and good friends too numerous to mention...
van der Biezen, Laclé, Webb, Anthony, Maduro, Lopez, I demas famia: Boekhoudt-Kelly-Geerman-Koolman-Pedroza-
Vis, Vermeer, de Cuba, Kock, Werleman, Willems, Sanchez-Martijn-Kock-da Silva Menezes-di Filipo-Gomes- On Thursday August 16th 2018 from 7.00 p.m-9.00 p.m
Solagnier, Thiel, Chirino, Thielman, Baars, Rodriguez, Lopez-Navas-Croes-Werleman-Thiel-Schwengle-- the family will accept your condolences at the Aurora
Vrolijk-Zievinger-Ras Funeral Home
Ta invita pa e acto di despedida cual lo tuma lugar
Diahuebs anochi di 7 pa 9or (pm) dia 16 augustus Ta invita tur bisiña, amigonan, coleganan i conocirnan pa asisti On Friday August 17th 2018 the funeral service will take
2018 na Royal Funeral Home y e acto di entiero cual lo na acto di entiero dialuna 20 di augustus 2018. place at the Capiya Santa Famia Pos Chiquito
tuma lugar diabierna 17 augustus 2018 for di 9 pa 11or Difunto lo ta reposa den misa Santa Filomena na Paradera for
di 2or te ku 4or di atardi. Dia pa condoleer famia lo ta diasabra
di mainta (am) na Kapel Santa Famia na Pos Chiquito, 18 augustus 2018 pa 7or te 9or di anochi na Aurora Funaral The body of the late Ramon Sharpe will be laid out from
2:30 p.m.
despues saliendo pa Santana central na Sabana Home na Cumana.
Basora. Opportunity for Rendition from 2:30p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Lo tin un box disponibel pa donacion pa Wilhelmina Kanker- The funeral service will commence at 4:00 p.m. followed
Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa y dolor nos por a fonds. by interment at Sabana Basora Cemetery
lubida algun famia, ademas nos ta lamenta cu después Nos ta pidi nos disculpa ku si den nos dolor nos por a lubida
di entiero no ta ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas. un familiar of conocir. May his soul rest in Peace