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               Saturday 22 december 2018

            Enjoy Bugaloe’s Christmas Celebrations with Live Entertainment!

            PALM  BEACH  ―  Merry                                                                                               live  entertainment,  drink
            Christmas  from  Bugaloe!                                                                                           specials, and more!
            Come  celebrate  the  holi-
            days at the best beach bar                                                                                          The  Travel  Sessions  Band
            on the island. On Monday,                                                                                           and the Bugaloe Entertain-
            December  24th,  and  Tues-                                                                                         ers  will  be  performing  live,
            day, December 25th, Buga-                                                                                           starting at 10pm until 3am,
            loe  will  be  hosting  special                                                                                     so  you  can  spend  the  last
            Christmas events for every-                                                                                         night of 2018 dancing your
            one to enjoy.                                                                                                       cares away. Bugaloe has a
            On  December  24th,  join                                                                                           360° view of all the hotels’
            Bugaloe’s  Christmas  Din-                                                                                          fireworks shows and will be
            ner  show  with  great  food,                                                                                       providing a complimentary
            amazing     drinks,   sunset                                                                                        New  Year’s  champaign
            views,  and  lots  of  music!                                                                                       toast,  as  well  as  Dutch  Ol-
            At 7pm the Bugaloe Enter-                                                                                           liebollen!
            tainers will perform, dance,
            and  sing  your  favorite                                                                                           Are  you  ready  to  join  the
            Christmas  tunes  as  well  as                                                                                      best  beach  party  on  the
            top 40 hits. Bring your danc-                                                                                       island? Entrance is free, so
            ing shoes and get ready to                                                                                          come  see  us  at  Bugaloe
            swing,  boogie,  and  move                                                                                          this  year  for  a  night  you
            your feet!                   Come  down  to  celebrate  Celebrate this Christmas at  hello to 2019 than to spend  won’t forget! Bugaloe is lo-
                                         the holidays in style!       Bugaloe!                     this night at Bugaloe, mak-  cated on the De Palm Pier
            On Christmas Day, Decem-                                                               ing memories with old and  between the RIU Hotel and
            ber 25th, Bugaloe will have  Bugaloe  is  located  on  the  Enjoy  an  epic  New  Years’  new  friends.  Come  down  the Hilton Resort. On Janu-
            live  music  from  the  Joy-  De Palm Pier between the  Eve at Bugaloe Beach Bar!      to  Bugaloe  on  New  Years’  ary 1st Bugaloe will open at
            ride  Band  starting  at  7pm.  RIU  Hotel  and  the  Hilton  Are  you  ready  to  ring  in  Eve on Monday December  10:30am, and will be open
            Bugaloe will have their reg-  Resort.  For  more  informa-  the  New  Year  at  the  best  31st  to  celebrate!  Watch  until midnight. For more in-
            ular  Happy  Hours  with  live  tion  or  to  make  a  reserva-  beach  bar  on  the  island!?  the sunset, enjoy the warm  formation  visit  www.buga-
            entertainment from 5-6pm,  tion,  email  info@bugaloe.    There’s  no  better  way  to  ocean breeze, and dance  or  mail  to  info@
            and  again  from  10-11pm.  com or call 00297-586-2233.  say  goodbye  to  2018  and  the  night  away  with  great q
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