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AWEMainta Diahuebs, 9 Februari 2017                                                                                                         13

       Si Gobierno no tin huristanan

       e ora mester huurnan di afo

       Leynan mester cambia pa forsa
       Hueznan y Fiscalnan duna castigonan                                                   AUCTION

       mas pisa na malechornan
                                                                                                ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba

                                                                                 THURSDAY MARCH 16, 2017

                                                                               On Thursday March 16, 2017, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of
                                                                               the Chamber of Commerce, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be
                                                                               auctioned in public:

                                                                               1. Empty lot:

                                                                                     9996 m2 of lease land


                                                                               A parcel of public land, 9996 m2  m2 in size, situated at Barcadera in
                                                                               Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section T number 2283.

                                                                               The period of these lease rights will expire on November 13, 2023.

                                                                               The purpose of the lease land according to the lease conditions is
                                                                               "to be used as a fish farm".

       OTMAR Oduber di plataforma politico POR ta                              Starting price: Afl. 504.000,--
       bisa cu ta inaceptabel cu un mucha ta wordo viola y e
       malechor ta haya 8 luna di castigo of 2 aña di castigo                  2. A residential house locally known as:
       y esey condicional, es decir den 1 aña por ta e persona
       a sali caba of si no tin cel ta laga e persona bay.                               BARCADERA 37-A
       Ademas, ta haya casonan cu ora cu e hendenan aki
       sali nan ta bolbe comete e acto baho aki.                               standing on a parcel of full ownership land, 2321  m2 in size, situated in
                                                                               Barcadera in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section T number
       A cambia ley den Parlamento subiendo e castigo ten                      1675.
       a 8 aña y cu un maximo di 16 aña, pero si hueznan y                     Starting price: Afl. 270.150,--
       fiscalnan no kier carga nan responsabilidad, anto e ora
       Parlamento mester percura pa instrumentonan den                         3. A residential house locally known as:
       ley forsanan pa duna e castigonan necesario contra
       e burduganan aki.
                                                                                        PASCALSTRAAT 3

       Mester bin cu castigonan minimo, “mi no ta hurista,
       pero mi ta tata. Tata di un yiu muher y di tres yiu                     standing on  a  parcel of public land, 414   m2 in size,  situated  in
       homber y mi ta kere cu nos tur den e sala aki si un dia                 Oranjestad in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section E number
       nan mester mishi cu un yiu di nos e dia ey mi ta kere
       cu lo practicamente e final di bo propio bida. Nos no                   The period of the lease rights has expired on February 2, 2012. It
       mester warda esaki tuma lugar. Leynan mester wordo                      will be the buyers responsibility to obtain the extension of this.
       cambia y leynan lo wordo cambia den e prome 6 luna
       cu nos ta den Gobierno”, Otmar Oduber a indica.                         Starting price: Afl. 154.500,--

                                                                               A private written  bid on the  abovementioned properties  can be
       E ta bisa cu e excusa cu tabatin semper cu Depar-                       submitted until March 1, 201
       tamento Huridico no tin suficiente personal y tin
       leynan cu ta dura te hasta 5 aña, no por continua. Lo
       paga pa hendenan di afo traha rib’e leynan manera ta-
       bata e caso di e leynan di All Inclusive, ATA y ANSA.                                      For more information:
       E leynan aki a wordo traha pa huristanan externo y
       despues a wordo coordina cu Departamento Huridico                       WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
       unda cu e departamento aki tin e ultimo palabra.
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