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CLASSIFIED Monday 13 February 2017
Trump and Trudeau to meet dOCTOR ON dUTY
face to face for the first time Dr. Gonzalez
Tel. 583 0660
ROB GILLIES But Trudeau also said they San Nicolas
Associated Press are “going to talk about For Sale By Owner: TIMESHARE FOR SALE Dr. Tromp
Tel. 584 7224
OTTAWA, Ontario (AP) — things that I’m sure we dis- Casa del Mar 2BR, 2 Bath RENAISSANCE
The first face to face meet- agree on and we’ll do it in suites for sale/rent. week room price EMERGENCIA 911
wk 13 &14 337
ing between Prime Minis- a respectful way. Cana- Wk 1/1408($20,000); wk 14 340 $5,000
ter Justin Trudeau and U.S. da will always stay true to Wk 2/1113($20,000); wk 35 314 $4,000
President Trump could be the values that have made Wk 5/1315($22,500) & wk 29 332 $3,000
the most important meet- us this extraordinary coun- 1521($25,000); wk 27 103 $3,500
ing for Canada in decades try, a place of openness.” Wk 6/1315($22,500) & wk 25 522 $4,500 POLICE 100
between leaders of the After Trump signed the 1521($25,000); Wk 7/1308 & wk 22 338 $3,800 NOORD 527-3200
wk 44
two neighbors. executive order paus- 1408($22,500); Wk 8/1113, wk 45 128 $3,000 STA. CRUZ 527-2900
Trudeau will be at the White ing entries to the U.S. from on island thru 3/3/17. email: wk 47,48,49,50 203 $4,500each SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
House on Monday at a seven Muslim-majority na- wk 49 344 $3,500 POLICE TIPLINE 11141
time many Canadians fear tions, Trudeau tweeted u.S.(860) 992-3890. wk 51 315 $8,000 FIRE DEPT. 115
Trump will enact protec- that Canada welcomed ___________________206879 wk 51 542 $8,000 FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
tionist measures that could people fleeing persecu- Contact brian Cell: 593 0200 DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
hurt their economy and tion, terrorism and war. FOR SALE BY OWNER AMBULANCE 582-1234
worry the new president Trudeau said “diversity is Divi Village Golf and Beach TIME SHARE SALE IMSAN 524-8833
could be as combative as our strength.” His spokes- Studio week 7 room 7302 BY OWNER Women in Difficulties
he was with the leaders of woman said Trudeau was ocean view 21 weeks on the Divi Aruba Phoenix PHARMACY
Mexico and Australia. looking forward discuss- contract price $7,500 1 bdrm unit 633 Oranjestad:
Trudeau, 45, and Trump, 70, ing Canada’s immigration email: week 1+2 deed, 36 weeks Sta. Anna Tel. 586 8181
$35,000 for 2 weeks
have vastly different out- and refugee policy with 914 715 2151 Call: 215 906 7397 San Nicolas
looks on the world. Trudeau Trump. _________________________________206874 email: Aloe Tel. 584 4606
is a liberal who champions But Trudeau isn’t expected FOR SALE _________________________________206773
global trade and has wel- to poke the new president Tropicana - 1st floor FOR SALE INFORMATION 118
comed 40,000 Syrian refu- like his headstrong father, wks 4-5-6-7-8 Tropicana TAXI-TAS 587-5900
gees. late Prime Minister Pierre 1 bed / 2 queen beds weeks 2 and 3 deeded PROF. TAXI 588-0035
Trump is a protectionist and Trudeau, did to previous $6,500 per wks newly renovated 1 br TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
his moves to restrict entry of presidents during the al- contact 2 dbl beds-sleps 6 $8,000/week SERVICE AUA 583-3232
refugees and immigrants most 16 years he was in of- e-mail: A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
are expected to come up fice. uSa 609 350 5461 ________________________________206855 CruISe SHIP
Monday. But Trudeau is ex- Tall and trim, Justin Trudeau _________________________________206875 FOR SALE
pected to emphasize com- channels the star power of By owner
mon economic interests. his storied father but is less TIME SHARE BY OWNER divi Village
“We’re going to talk about confrontational. DIVI ARUBA PHOENIX week 7- unit 8107
all sorts of things we align American relations are cru- 1 bedroom unit 706 1 bedroom/ 2 bath
on, like jobs and economic cial for Canada as more Sunset Views 34 weeks remain February 13
growth, opportunities for than 75 percent of the Week 6 (24 yearS LeFT) asking $12,500 oosterdam
the middle class - the fact country’s exports and 98 $15,000 uSd February 14
that millions of good jobs on percent of its oil exports Call: 1-760-825-9112 845 416 4351 adventure of the Seas
both sides of our border de- go to the U.S. About 18 email: ________________________________206863 Tui discovery
pend on the smooth flow of percent of U.S. exports go PROFESIONAL MASSAGE Aruba Airport 524-2424
goods and services across to Canada.q _________________________________206784 with miracle hands American Airlines 582-2700
that border,” Trudeau said. CASA DEL MAR For: Sport massage Avianca 588-0059
Same room both relaxing massage Aruba Airlines 583-8300
Jet Blue
School vacation weeks 7+8 Foot reflexology Surinam 582-7896
2 bed 2 bath spacious sleeps 6 We go to your hotel Venezolana 583-7674
4th floor ocean view or at you house Aruba Foundation
Presidential deeded $50,000 Call us at: 562 6172 / 741 0368 For those Visually Incapasitated
Tel. 582-5051 ____________________________________206877
_________________________________206774 AL-ANON group
FOR RENT/SALE Sabana Liber #8, Noord
Tropicana Rent week 8 Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
1 br . Pres. 2/17 start $,
also divi Village Studio Feb 19 FUNDACIONS
start $695 other rentals aval Tel. 582-4433
in 2017 also for sale divi Golf
luxury property floating week Centro Diabetic Arubano
51 to 17 Studio luxury 12/17 to Tel. 524-8888
4/23 $4,600 local 565 9394 until Narcotics Anonymous
2/12 or Tel. 583-8989
e-mail: QUOTA Club
508 651 0016 Tel. 525-2672
Women in Difficulties
Tel. 583-5400
Bloodbank Aruba
Tel. 587-0002