Page 28 - ARUBA BANK
P. 28

                        Friday 21 June 2019

            Foreign exchange earnings from tourism drive NFA growth

            Summary of the Monthly Bulletin of April 2019

            ORANJESTAD  —  Monetary  in April 2019, resulting from                                 change  from  the  public  (CPI)  for  April  2019  noted
            developments:  Compared  increases  in  both  net  for-   The  growth  in  the  net  for-  (+Afl.  228.8  million),  mainly  a  4.7  percent  increase
            to March 2019, money sup-    eign  assets  (+Afl.  43.5  mil-  eign assets of the banking   associated with foreign ex-  year-over-year  (YOY).  The
            ply  expanded  by  Afl.  55.8  lion) and net domestic as-  sector  resulted  from  net   change revenue from tour-  main  contributors  to  this
            million to Afl. 4,461.9 million  sets (+Afl. 12.3 million).  purchases  of  foreign  ex-  ism exports.              rise  were  the  components
                                                                                                                                “Food  and  Non-Alcoholic
                                                                                                   This  was  largely  offset  by  Beverages”,   “Transport”
                                                                                                   net  sales  of  foreign  ex-  and    “Communication”.
                                                                                                   change to the public (-Afl.  Furthermore,  by  exclud-
                                                                                                   185.3  million),  mostly  relat-  ing the effect of food and
                                                                                                   ed to payments for goods,  energy, the core CPI grew
                                                                                                   net transfers to foreign ac-  by  3.0  percent  (YOY).  The
                                                                                                   counts and other services.   12-month  average  infla-
                                                                                                                                tion rate was 4.3 percent in
                                                                                                   The upsurge in the domes-    April 2019, compared to 4.1
                                                                                                   tic component of the mon-    percent in March 2019.
                                                                                                   ey  supply  was  caused  by
                                                                                                   increases  in  non-credit  re-  Government
                                                                                                   lated  balance  sheet  items  Total government revenue
                                                                                                   (+Afl. 11.4 million) and do-  amounted  to  Afl.  87.9  mil-
                                                                                                   mestic credit (+Afl. 0.9 mil-  lion  in  April  2019,  Afl.  4.4
                                                                                                   lion).                       million more than the same
                                                                                                                                month of the previous year.
                                                                                                   The  increase  in  domestic  This outcome resulted from
                                                                                                   credit resulted from an ex-  a rise in tax revenue (+Afl.
                                                                                                   pansion in the net claims of  8.5 million), which was par-
                                                                                                   the  banking  sector  on  the  tially mitigated by a reduc-
                                                                                                   public sector (+Afl. 8.0 mil-  tion in nontax revenue (-Afl.
                                                                                                   lion), which was almost en-  4.2 million).
                                                                                                   tirely  offset by  a  decrease
                                                                                                   in the claims of the banking  The  expansion  in  tax  rev-
                                                                                                   sector on the private sector  enue  resulted  mainly  from
                                                                                                   (-Afl. 7.1 million).         a  growth  in  turnover  tax
                                                                                                                                (+Afl.  9.5  million;  introduc-
                                                                                                   The upturn in net claims of  tion  of  the  B.A.V.P  as  op-
                                                                                                   the  banking  sector  on  the  posed to the same month
                                                                                                   public sector resulted from  in  2018),  income  tax  (+Afl.
                                                                                                   a  decline  in  government  3.2 million) and transfer tax
                                                                                                   deposits  of  Afl.  8.1  million.  (+Afl.  2.3  million).  These  in-
                                                                                                   The  drop  in  the  claims  of  creases  were  mostly  offset
                                                                                                   the  banking  sector  on  the  by  decreases  in  wage  tax
                                                                                                   private sector was attribut-  (-Afl.  3.3  million),  foreign
                                                                                                   ed to decreases in loans to  exchange tax (-Afl. 3.0 mil-
                                                                                                   enterprises (-Afl. 8.9 million)  lion) and profit tax (-Afl. 1.9
                                                                                                   and  consumer  credit  (-Afl.  million).
                                                                                                   3.9  million),  and  a  growth
                                                                                                   in housing mortgages (+Afl.  Tourism
                                                                                                   5.2 million).                Please note that figures on
                                                                                                                                tourism were not yet avail-
                                                                                                    Inflation                   able at the time of publica-
                                                                                                   The  consumer  price  index  tion of this bulletin.
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