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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 24 auguSt 2019

            Aruba Photo Room at Talk of the Town Hotel & Beach Club

                                                                                                   sustainable and approach-    can  and  Caribbean  con-
                                                                                                   able way of presenting art.  temporary  art.  It  aims  to
                                                                                                                                highlight  the  four  OAS  pil-
                                                                                                   The Talk of the Town Hotel  lars:  democracy,  human
                                                                                                   &  Beach  Club  will  host  an  rights,  security,  and  devel-
            ORANJESTAD  —  The  Talk  The  Art  Museum  of  the  The  collection  is  curated  opening  reception  with  opment; through the visual
            of the Town Hotel & Beach  Americas is proud to bring  by  Fabian  Gonçalves,  ex-     light refreshments on Thurs-  arts of its member and ob-
            Club  in  collaboration  with  samples of its collection of  hibition  coordinator  of  the  day,  October  24th,  2019  server  countries.  The  col-
            the  Art  Museum  of  the  contemporary       photogra-   Art  Museum  of  the  Ameri-  from 6pm to 8pm.            laboration  with  the  Talk  of
            Americas  is  delighted  to  phy  to  Oranjestad  for  the  cas  since  1998,  and  cura-                           the  Town  Hotel  &  Beach
            announce  the  creation  of  first  time.  The  opening  of  tor  of  photography  since  The  Art  Museum  of  the  Club  will  increase  the  out-
            Aruba  Photo  Room,  taking  the  three-month  series  will  2005.  He  conceptualizes  Americas  of  the  Organiza-  reach and message of the
            place  at  the  hotel  starting  kick  off  with  Intimate  Car-  exhibitions  to  redefine  the  tion  of  American  States  is  collection  by  bringing  it  to
            on Thursday, October 24th,  tographies:  An  Approach  space  and  create  a  one-     dedicated  to  Latin  Ameri-  new audiences.q
            2019. The space will feature  to  Interpersonal  Relation-  to-one  encounter  with  the
            contemporary     photogra-   ships, an exhibition by out-  audience.  Beyond  a  typi-
            phers from countries mem-    standing  artists  from  OAS  cal  installation,  the  room
            bers  of  the  Organization  member  states  Argentina,  becomes  a  communica-
            of  American  States  (OAS)  Chile,  Mexico;  and  OAS  tive  sensorial  experience
            as  well  as  permanent  ob-  permanent  observer  state  where the photographs are
            server states. The collection  Italy.  The  exhibition  will  be  treated like graffiti, placed
            will be updated every three  on view from Thursday, Oc-   directly  on  the  walls,  with-
            months  and  it  will  be  free  tober 24th, 2019 until Thurs-  out  protection,  frame,  or
            and open to the public.      day, January 17th, 2020.     insurance.  Thus  creating  a
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