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Pagina 14 Diaranson 21 December 2016
RBC ta lansa Mobile Banking App y website nobo
pa Online Banking
Oranjestad – Dialuna
19 di december, 2016:
Recientemente RBC
Royal Bank a lansa su app
nobo di mobile banking
pa smartphone y tablet di
iOS y Android pa henter
Caribe. E servicio nobo
y inovativo aki ta ofrece
flexibilidad y facilidad pa
clientenan comercial y
priva di RBC. Awor nan
por haci un transaccion
na cada momento di dia,
unda cu ta, haciendo uso
di cualkier aparato.
Tambe e banco a introduci app gratis via Google Play aparato mobil million clients. As one of markets products and
su website nobo pa Online of via Apple App Store. services on a global
Banking cu a wordo Anteriormente a lansa Añadi beneficiario y the Caribbean’s leading basis. We have over
optimaliza pa mobile e version Android di e maneha e templates di 80,000 full- and part-time
devices y pa asina e ta Mobile Banking App na Mobile Banking diversified financial employees who serve
mas facil pa nabega. E Trinidad & Tobago, Dutch more than 16 million
meta di RBC ta pa crea un Caribbean y e parti Eastern Manda transaccion (wire services companies, personal, business, public
solo plataforma digital cu Caribbean. Mientras tanto transfer) sector and institutional
ta ofrece su clientenan un mas cu 18.000 cliente a RBC provides personal clients through offices in
experiencia consistente. download e app. Aproba pago di clientenan Canada, the U.S. and 36
corporativo and commercial banking, other countries. For more
Sr. Pierre Rafini, Country Segun Sr. Rafini e servicio information, please visit
Manager Aruba ta bisa: nobo aki ta contribui na Wak eStatements wealth management,
“Nos ta reconoce e e “suite” existente di e
necesidad di nos cliente “selfservice channels” di corporate and investment
pa cu opcionnan di RBC cu ta capasita cliente
pago digital como parti di maneha nan finansas banking, insurance
di nan servicio bancario den nan propio tempo na
diario. Cliente kier por un manera sigur y rapido. and trust and asset
haci transaccion na un Cu e technologia nobo
manera facil y sigur na RBC ta aspira pa ofrece management services to
cada momento di dia y tur posibilidadnan bancario
caminda. E lansamento di total na su cliente, a wide range of clients,
e RBC Mobile Banking App haciendo uso di cualkier
ta un evento memorabel device y ta mehorando including individuals,
pa nos mercadonan den su canalnan digital
Caribe y ta forma parti di continuamente pa logra e small businesses, general
e meta di e banco pa yuda meta aki.
nos cliente bay dilanti pa Durante e ultimo lunanan commercial entities,
forma nan futuro.” Sr. E RBC Mobile Banking
Rafini ta continua: “Nos App ta ofrece diferente RBC a haci invercionnan regional and multi- RBC helps communities
kier distingi nos mes funcion avansa, manera
dor di ofrece nos cliente entre otro: considerabel den national corporations prosper, supporting a
producto- y servicionan
‘leading edge’. Dor di Cliente por log in y registra technologia. Asina tambe and governments. For broad range of community
inverti den technologia nos directamente for di nan
kier facilita nos clientenan den lansamento di e more information, please initiatives through
pa haci negoshi cu nos na
un manera inovativo y ora Online Payment Solution, visit donations, community
e ta combini nan.”
EZPay y den e upgrade investments, sponsorships
E Mobile Banking App
di RBC ta disponibel di e aparatonan di Point and employee volunteer
pa cliente cu ya ta haci
uzo di RBC NetBank. E of Sale. RBC ta keda ABOUT RBC activities. In 2015, we
cliente por download e
desaroya producto y Royal Bank of Canada is contributed more than
servicionan nobo cu ta Canada’s largest bank, and $121 million to causes
facilita e bida di e cliente. one of the largest banks in around the world.
Pa mas informacion, the world, based on market Name
bishita nos website: www. capitalization. We are one of North America’s leading Rose-Ann A. Ruiz
RBC in the Caribbean diversified financial
With more than 100 years services companies, and RBC Royal Bank
of dedicated service to
the region, RBC has a provide personal and Tel: +297-5233247
presence in 17 countries,
with 77 branches commercial banking,
serving more than one
wealth management, Email: rose-ann.ruiz@rbc.
insurance, investor
services and capital