P. 10
Wednesday 13 March 2019
Spring Fever
they ask “is something wrong with my liver? A sexual hormones.
“hot” or “liver fire” will not show up on any med- Traditional Chinese Medicine views a healthy
ical test, except as possibly liver hepatitis. If a Liver as “The General” who sends energy in
medical symptom cannot be measured on a the form of fluid to various parts of the body. If
laboratory result sheet, does it really exist? To the General’s “palace,” the liver, is on fire, the
some doctors, if all the tests come back “nor- chain of command is broken. Menstrual flow
mal,” then the problem is in your head, espe- becomes heavy or “reckless” and menstrual
cially, if the original complaints are emotional. problems; bladder and painful lower stomachs
Regular doctors are trained to only look at the develop. Although, sexual desire drops, satisfy-
physical structure or anatomy of organs. ing sexual activity is a great way to help “calm”
An Oriental Medical Doctor (OMD) is trained to the Liver. Acupuncture treatments are fantas-
look at the amount of energy being consumed tic in improving a “hot” Liver. Dandelion, Milk
by an organ in relation to the others. We use Thistle, and Chicory Root herbs are beneficial
three positions in both radial pulses to deter- to the liver. Eating natural healthy food that has
mine the amount of energy being, or not being not been fried and slowing down alcohol con-
used by each organ. The third position tells us sumption helps dramatically.
about Kidney Yin. Without this there is no Yin In the People’s Republic of China, when some-
energy to send to the Liver. Deficient liver Yin one becomes angry, we tell them “Don’t show
develops hyperthyroidism or over-active thy- me your liver.” Excess anger hurts the Liver and
roid gland, hypertension or high blood pressure, Gall Bladder. How many people do you know
and/or eye problems. If the deficiencies persist that have had their gall bladder removed? Had
the rising “Liver Fire” affects the stomach and they been treated for “Liver Fire,” many would
By: Dr Carlos Viana heart. Heart Yin becomes deficient. Disturbed have saved their gall bladder. An excess of Liv-
sleep becomes full blown insomnia, heart pal-
er can mean a feeling of being STUCK. People
pitations and disturbed hearing. Unchecked, with “hot Liver” are angry ALL the time, or have
Spring in Aruba is characterized by strong Trade the continuing deficiencies become “Heart an inability to express anger, feelings of frustra-
winds; we call this time of the year Charisma. Fire Blazing Upwards” which reaches the head tion and inner conflict.
As we approach clinic, many people are quiet- and produces ringing in the ears, dry/watery or Get The Point! The healthy balance for you is
ly waiting for their Traditional Chinese Medicine twitching eyes, headaches and migraines. to be able to appropriately feel and express all
consultation. Others are restless and are talking Insufficient Kidney Yin starts the over- produc- emotions. For us Oriental Medical Doctors ev-
loudly, almost shouting. Aruba is unbearable tion of epinephrine also called adrenaline, ery imbalance or illness is coupled with an emo-
with no wind, but for some heavy wind becomes which stimulates the sympathetic nervous sys- tion. Listen to your voice. Is there a shouting,
destructive. In China we call the destructive ef- tem. Epinephrine makes the heart beat faster, aggressive, or forceful tone? Are you unable to
fects of breeze “wind evil.” Most people can and closes or dilates the blood vessels. People make decisions, particularly, whether to leave
withstand the negative consequences, but complain of heart trouble. High blood pressure your spouse, your job, your city, because you
some, who have been consuming greasy food, is affected by epinephrine. Epinephrine’s over feel you are going “nowhere?” Many medical
drinking too much alcohol, or working over- production is the basis of emotional problems problems could in fact be your Liver crying out
time, fall “sick.” Anger, frustration, resentment, of people of “Liver Fire.” for help, learn to take care of it. And, enjoy the
and hatred, over a long period of time can also Unfortunately, pharmaceutical drugs to lower refreshing winds of spring.q
make one susceptible to the negative effects of blood pressure, tranquilizers, blood building CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is an Oriental Medi-
heavy wind. tonics that contain iron, birth control pills and cal Doctor (O.M.D.) having studied in China;
numerous other chemical drugs including rec- a US Board Cert. Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.), a
Today’s symptoms include: anemia, hepati- reational drugs and alcohol are injurious to the Knight/Deacon (Licentiate - SMOCH), an Ad-
tis, menstrual problems, pale broken finger- liver which tries to breakdown these poisons diction Professional (C.Ad.), Chairperson of the
nails, eye and muscle twitching and sleeping into simpler compounds. Western medical re- Latin American Committee of the International
problems. Some, wind afflicted people, can searchers at Duke University reported when Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
be spotted from afar. They have a green hue women with high hostility levels take oral con- (IAOMT), a Rejuvenating Cell Therapist special-
around their mouths. Some, as they walk, leave traceptives, they may have a sharply higher izing in Age Management, has a weekly radio
a trail of strong perfume being used to cover up blood pressure when under stress. Any OMD program, writes and lectures extensively. For
a sour body smell. Others barely walk in before already knows this. Hostile women are the ones information: VIANA HEALING CENTER, Kibaima
they cry out that they are “going crazy.” with existing “liver Fire” whose livers are further 7, St Cruz TEL: 585-1270 Web Site: www.viana-
Many hear me say: “Your liver is hot!” “What?” burdened by trying to break down the synthetic