Page 25 - ARUBA BANK
P. 25
Dialuna, 27 Augustus 2018 AWEMainta 11
Lider di fraccion di MEP ta menasa Homber haya morto tras di stuur
di no sostene protocol y cambio di Tin masha pregunta sin contesta ainda
ley di CAFT
Sinembargo Parlamento no a AYERA diadomingo mainta pa 6:40 e hende homber, cu den prome instante
Central di Polis ta haya yamada cu lo no por a ser identifica.
haya nada ainda tin un homber den auto sinta para di- E auto a wordo getakel pa por haci e
lanti Subway Paradera kende no ta investigacion mas rigoroso. Mas lat den
duna señal di bida. dia, a logra identifica e persona, como
Falta solamente algun den verboden, ya cu nan Na yegada di patruya policial a resulta G.J.K. naci 30 juni 1971 (47 aña) na
dia pa Gobierno entrega tin mag. cu no ta dilanti Subway Paradera sino Aruba.
presupuesto 2019 na dilanti Lox Sing Supermarket. Kico ta causa di su morto, Polis no por
Parlamento segun lider Awor cu ta yegando Enberdad patruya policial a haya un bisa, mientras tin un cantidad di rumor
di fraccion di AVP, sr. na presupuesto 2019, hende homber kende no ta duna señal ta circula e.o. cu ta un caso di asesinato.
Marlon Sneek, segun atrobe protocol no ta cla, di bida. Recherche Noord a yega n’e
palabracion cu Gobi- atrobe e ley di CAFT no sitio, BFTO y slachtofferhulp tambe a Vocero interino di Polis, Liliana Rasmi-
erno tin cu Hulanda y a wordo cambia, p’asina yega ne sitio di e sucedido. jn a duna di conoce cu pa mas informa-
CAFT, pero den henter e e tin un base legal pa Dr Texiera a constara morto pa 7:50 di cion, a referi nos na Ministerio Publico.
desaroyo aki, mester se- CAFT por funciona na
ñala cu ainda Gobierno Aruba y mas cu tur cos,
no a firma e protocol cu duna un advies riba pre- JOIN OUR AWARD - WINNING TEAM
a logra cu Hulanda y lo supuesto.
mas tristo ainda, ainda Riba dje nos por a scu- Ranked among top 10 Hotels in the World by TripAdvisor
Parlamento no sa nada cha lider di fraccion di Featured in top 10 Hotels in the Caribbean by Travel + Leisure
di e protocol ey, mien- MEP, Rocco Tjon ta de- EXCELLENT BENEFITS:
tras cu tampoco a logra clara cu nan fraccion no Compeuuve Salaries, Pension Plan, Health-Disability-Life Insurances, Dental & Vision Insurance,Savings
di manda e cambio di ta bay di acuerdo cu e Plan, Loan Availability, Shio Meal, General Bonus.
ley di CAFT pa duna e protocol cu nan Prome OFFICE MANAGER & PUBLIC RELATIONS
comision aki un base le- Minister ta bezig cune, - Lead employee development and training iniuauves, to ensure maximum performance in accordance
gal. pero aki ta bon pa men- to hotel standards and staff engagement
Pa colmo segun Parla- ciona cu nos conoce - Maintain and update HR procedures & stay updated on labor laws and ensure company compliance
mentario Sneek, e lider e lider di fraccion aki - Liaison with accounung on payroll, and other issues
di fraccion di MEP a bay caba, kende ta manera - Interest in community involvement projects & sustainability
- Social Media Markeung
prensa y informa cu su un tiger di papel sali - Organize and host press/journalist visits
- O
fraccion lo no coopera brul duro manera un - Maintain overview of tech stack, opumize use of current plaaorms and consider new sooware and
pa firma e protocol cu leon pa despues sali na or procedures and oversee implementauon with the IT team
Gabinete Wever Croes careda.
a acorda cu Hulanda y RESTAURANT MANAGER
tampoco su fraccion lo Esey ta su estilo cu nos - Exemplify the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
sostene e cambio di ley a tuma nota di dje caba - Highly confident in your abiliues and detail-oriented.
- A team player and excellent communicauon skills.
LAFT cu ta duna CAFT caminda e ta sali riba - Genuinely get joy out of making people happy and able to have fun while working
su base legal. tur tema, haci desorden - Have a love and passion for the hospitality industry.
y despues hunga su rol - Over two years of restaurant management experience. (preferably in fine dining)
- Lead the team by example and know when and how to support the staff
“Sinembargo apesar di bisa cu “awor nan a - Lead the
- Ready to take on ownership of the complete front of the house operauons
di a sali bin dilanti cu splica mi bon,” y “nos
hopi pikete, tin cosnan ta di acuerdo cu loke
cu nos no por caba di nan a splica,” pero no FRONT DESK SUPERVISOR
compronde den henter tin consistencia, simple- - Previous experience is an asset
e bruhacion aki, ya cu menta ta bin dilanti y - Excellent leadership and team management skills
- Fluent in English with excellent wriaen and verbal communicauon
fuera cu CAFT ta ‘no- play masha controlador - Strong guest service orientauon and training skills preferred
where to be seen,’ y te di Gobierno, cu su per- - Degree or diploma (preferred in hospitality and/or Tourism Management)
ainda no tin base legal sona e si ta controla, cu
pa CAFT funciona ya e si ta wak, pero ora cu HOTEL CONCIERGE / FRONT DESK AGENT
cu e comision aki a bin a nota cu cosnan no ta - Preferably with experience in customer service
na vigor pa medio di corecto, nos no ta mir’e - Proficiency in English; Italian or European language is a plus
un Landsverordening y tuma accion tampoco. - Excellent communicauon skills
den esaki ta papia kico Te ainda no tin cambio - Polite and confident with a great deal of pauence
t’e normanan basa riba riba e posicion di CAFT, - Ability in mulutasking and ume-management
- Aputude in resolving issues with a customer-focused orientauon
cual CAFT mester toets fraccion di AVP a dirigi - High school diploma; degree in hotel management or relevant field will be a plus
- High school diploma; deg
nos presupuesto. pregunta na Gobierno
Na 2018 esaki no a tuma pero sin haya reaccion PART-TIME HOTEL DOORMAN
lugar, supuestamente y nos no a haya copia - Previous customer related experience is an asset
mucho riba man, no tin di e protocol pa studia - Excellent communicauon skills, strong interpersonal abiliues and a professional presentauon
tempo p’esaki, a yega na of si atrobe nos ta bay - Highly responsible & reliable
un protocol, a yega na pasa un presupuesto sin - Ability to work well under pressure in a fast paced environment
un acuerdo, cu otro pa- cu tin base legal pa loke - Ability to work cohesively with fellow colleagues as part of a team
- Ability to focus aaenuon on guest needs, remaining calm and courteous at all umes
labra pasa den luz cora ta e adviesnan cu CAFT
numa y no worry cu tin ta duna,” Parlamentario Please send your resume by Email: or Fax: 582-5272 or Call: 583-1100 ext 136
Polis y Gobierno a pasa Marlon Sneek a mustra. for appointment. Before applying, please register at DPL