P. 26
Dialuna 2 September 2019
“Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada For God so loved the world, that he gave
Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega. his only begotten Son, that whosoever
E ta hibami na awa trankil, believeth on him should not perish, but
Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. have eternal life. John 3:16
Salmo: 23
With great sadness, we announce the
A fayece cristianamente
passing of our beloved husband, brother,
uncle, nephew and friend:
Wilfred Elicario Rafaёll
Mihor conoci como : ‘Fechi’
*01-08-1946 - †29-09-2019
Na number di su:
Mayornan: † Maria Rafaёll
Elviro Filomeno Geerman
† Eduardo Nivillac
*25-01-1949 - †30-08-2019
Yiunan:Zanette Rafaёll y famia
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
Danny y Mary-Jean Rafaёll y famia Herbert Lynn
Carlos (Calito) Rafaёll y famia Better known as: ‘Herbie’
*02-11-1958 †28-08-2019
Rayen Rafaёll
Nietonan: Taynousha, Toshca, Jeanuar, Left to mourn are his:
Celine, Carvin, Kevin, Shermain
Y bisanietonan Wife: Gui-fen (Jennifer) Lynn-Yang
Mi ke alabá SEŇOR tur tempo, Sister: Carol & Boei Wever
Su alabanza lo no kita fo’I mi boca, Rumannan: † Jhon Rafaёll y famia Families: Lynn, Yang, Wever, Ling,
Mi alma ta gloria den SEŇOR, Damasa (Chichi) y †Bert Heidweiller y famia
Laga humildenan bin tende y gosa. Rasmijn.
Canta grandesa di SEŇOR huntu cu mi, Efrain y †Maria Rafaёll y famia
ban alabá SU Nomber tur huntu! Relatives and friends in USA, Suriname
Salmo 34 Greta (Sira) y †Egbert Wever y famia & China
†Mirto y Milda Rafaёll y famia
Cu dolor na nos curason, pero conforme cu Elsa Rafaёll Hebries Self Service Neighbours,
boluntad di Señor, nos ta anuncia helpers and fireworks team and all his
fayecimento di nos ser keri: Eddy y Iris Rafaёll y famia shooting Buddies.
Lucia y Ursulo Croes y famia
Roberto y Theolinda Rafaёll y famia We apologize if during our grief we
forgot to mention any name or family
Ramiro y Elsa Rafaёll y famia
Helena (Leny) y Juan Dirksz y famia The funeral will take place on Tuesday
Sobrino y sobrinanan September 3 , 2019 at 4:00 pm at
Evangelical Church in San Nicolas
Amigonan: Carlos Rosa, Rufo, Tico y (Jasmijnstraat 7) and from there to the
demas amigonan Catholic Burial Ground in San Nicolas.
The body of Herbie will be laid out
Demas famianan: Rafaёll, Kelly, Heidweiller,
from 2:00 pm at Church.
Semeleer, Wever, Richardson, de Cuba,
Virginia J. Geerman Croes, Petrochi, Dirksz, Tromp, Manubulu,
Mihor conoci como ‘Reina’ Nivillac, de l’Isle, Medina. Opportunity for condolences will be on
*23-09-1959 - †30-08-2019 Monday September 2 , 2019 from 7.00
Ta invita pa acto di despedida cual lo tuma p.m. to 9.00 p.m. at Ad Patres Funeral
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues lugar na Aurora Funeral Home diaranson 4 di Home.
September 2019 di 2or pa 4or di atardi.
Cremacion lo tuma lugar den seno familiar. Instead of wreaths and flowers there
Nos ta lamenta cu despues di despedida di will be a donation box available for
nos defunto stima, nos no lo por ricibi Evangelical Church
bishita di condolencia na cas.
We regret that after the funeral we
Disculpa nos si den nos tristesa nos por a cannot accept condolences at home.
lubida algum famia of conocir.
Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home extend
their most sincere condolences to the family.