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September 30, 2019
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Can Washington
deliver on drug costs
amid impeachment probe?
By RICARDO ALONSO-ZAL- they're giving up.
DIVAR Some questions and an-
Associated Press swers about the legislation
WASHINGTON (AP) — Ma- and its uncertain prospects:
jor legislation to reduce Q: Why, now, is there a big
prescription drug costs for push to lower drug prices?
millions of people may get A: Some would say it’s over-
sidelined now that House due. Drug prices emerged
Democrats have begun as the public’s top health
an impeachment inquiry care concern near the end
of President Donald Trump. of the Obama administra-
Proposals had been mov- tion as people with health
ing in Congress, but there insurance got increasingly
are more ways for the proc- worried about their costs.
ess to break down than to
succeed. Still, nobody says Continued on Next Page The Capitol is seen in Washington, early Friday, Sept. 27, 2019. Associated Press