Page 22 - AHATA
P. 22
Diamars, 21 Augustus 2018 AWEMainta 7
Loke por ta dañino pa W-Aviation
Gigi Helder a logra pone un ilegal traha n’e compania
lo por surgi un kiebro di contracto cu Helder como socio
LOKE ta sumamente peligroso, te hecho cu
n’e compania di aviacion general, W-Aviation,
durante un razzia apart diabierne anochi,
Guarda nos Costa a haya un persona trahando
ilegalmente na dicho compania.
E persona aki a keda deteni, pendiente su
deportacion. Esey ta masha normal, pero loke
ta ser cuestiona, con e compania Mericano aki,
W-Aviation por emplea un persona, kende tin
un status ilegal.
Ta resulta cu ta Gigi Helder, kende ta socio
den W-Aviation, lo a emplea e persona aki, cu
manera menciona, ta pendiente deportacion of
Gigi Helder lo a cumpra pasashi p’e bay prome
di wordo deporta, pero un hecho castigable a
keda prueba.
Di acuerdo cu denuncia di e.o. Diego de Cuba,
Presidente di STA, e no por caba di compronde
con e compania aki a emplea un persona cu Your future.
status di ilegal.
Now open.
E persona ilegal aki por subi rampa y haci cualkier
descabaya, loke sigur lo tin consecuencia pa cu
nos aviacion, si mira como ta hopi compania
Unlock your potential for growth by helping the world’s most dynamic organisations unlock
Mericano ta bulando pa Aruba. Pesey STA ta theirs. At Grant Thornton, we’re looking for people who are looking for tomorrow’s solutions.
solicitando un reunion di caracter di urgencia For our office in Aruba we have the following opportunities:
cu AAA N.V., pasobra loke a sosode aki no por Tax Assistant
y ta di lamenta. As a tax assistant, you assist the Senior Advisors in the preparation of tax advice.
Brand & Communication Officer
As a Brand & Communication Officer you’ll be continually enhancing our brand image and
Pero Diego de Cuba ta duna e impresion cu implementing our communication and PR strategy.
AAA N.V. ta fout, pero t’e operador di general
Assistant Manager IT Audit
aviation, esta e compania W-Aviation mester You are responsible for the implementation of IT and operational audits, Revenue Assurance,
Risk Management and consultancy assignments.
evita esaki, y pa evita esaki, mester duna un
boet pisa. Associate Audit
As an Associate you conduct audits of financial statements in accordance with applicable
accounting and reporting frameworks.
Mientrastanto, nos tin informacion cu e For more detailed information about each opportunity, visit our Facebook or
CEO Ignacio Martinez, di W-Aviation no a LinkedIn page, or send an e-mail to before 30 August 2018.
gusta e practica aki di su socio Gigi Helder, cu To explore your opportunities, visit us at:
ta dunando un mal nomber n’e compania e.o
na Aduana y Imigracion Mericano, estableci
na Aruba, kendenan por tuma tur medida cu
Audit | Tax | Advisory
por, maske cu W-Aviation tin su base na Fort
Lauderdale. © 2018 Grant Thornton. All rights reserved. Grant Thornton in Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao and St. Maarten is a member firm of Grant
Thornton International Limited (GTIL). GTIL and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered by the
member firms. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts
or omissions. Please see for further details.