Page 21 - ARUBA BANK
P. 21

                    Monday 20 august 2018

            Exhibiting the national count of the population of Aruba (1960-2020)

            ORANJESTAD — A census is  gust  20-24  at  the  National      • 25-64 years (57%)      ployeed,    with  the  age  of
            the procedure of systemati-  Libray of Aruba in Oranjes-      • 65 years of ouder (10%)  15  years  or  older,  in  which
            cally acquiring and record-  tad  Visitors  will  receive  an                          62.7% were men and 54.2%
            ing  information  about  the  ample  explanation  of  the  The  school  goers  between  were women.
            members  of  a  given  pop-  development  of  Aruba’s  the age of 0 to 25 are divid-
            ulation.  The  term  is  used  population since 1960 and  ed into these categories:    In  2010,  the  5  top  nation-
            mostly  in  connection  with  what the projection will be      • 0-5 years  (64,4%)    alities  on  the  island  were:
            national  population  and  for 2020.                          • 6-11 years  (98,8%)    Dutch,  Colombians,  Ven-
            housing  censuses;  other  .                                  • 12-17 years            ezuelans,  Dominicans  and
            common censuses include                                   (96,0%)                      Haitiens. 66% of the popula-
            agriculture,  business,  and  Here is a view of the num-      • 18-24                  tion was bornin Aruba and
            traffic censuses.            bers for Census 2010         (43,7%)                      34% was born abroad.
                                                                          • 25 years of ouder (1,2%)
            This  week  the  National  Li-  The  total  population  of  The  marital  status  of  the  Exhibition  will  be  starting
            brary  of  Aruba  together  Aruba in 2010 was of 10.484  population:                   August  20th  till  Friday  24th
            with the Central Bureau of  people                            • Never married (51,7)   from 8.00 AM till 7:00PM on
            Statics  will  be  holding  an  48%  were  men  and  52%      • Married (34,7%)        Monday,  Wednesday,  Fri-
            exhibition about the popu-   women                            • Divorced (9,6%)        day  and  from  8.00  AM  till
            lation count of Aruba regis-                                  • Widow (3,9%)           5:00  PM  on  Tuesday  and
            tered from 1960 till 2020.   The  poplution  is  divided                               Thursday.  For  more  infor-
                                         into these categories:       In 2010 there were 234.880  mation  visit  the  facebook
            The  exhibition  will  take      • 0-14 years (21%)       households. A total of 58.2%  page  of  Biblioteca  Nacio-
            place  this  week  from  Au-      • 15-24 years (12%)     of the population was em-    nal Aruba.q

            Increase in RevPar due to the situation in the Caribbean

            ORANJESTAD  —In  order  to                                                                                          It  is  projected  that  by  mid
            know  if  there  was  an  in-                                                                                       2019 the mayority of these
            crease or decrease in tour-                                                                                         hotels in the region will be
            ism, Aruba hotel and Tour-                                                                                          up  and  running  with  their
            ism  Association  (AHATA)                                                                                           completely      renovated
            receives  from  all  associat-                                                                                      properties.
            ed hotels a monthly report                                                                                          Hotels  revenues  are  very
            of their numbers.                                                                                                   important   because    the
                                                                                                                                room tax paid by the tourist
            For  the  month  of  July  the                                                                                      goes  back  to  Aruba  Tour-
            hotel   occupancy      was                                                                                          ism  Authority  (ATA)  to  be
            87.3%  which is a bit higher                                                                                        used  for  marketing  and  to
            compared  to  June  2018.                                                                                           attract  more  visitors  to  our
            This  is  a  normal  format  for                                                                                    island.
            the months of July and Au-
            gust for the occupancy to                                                                                           Aruba  Hotel  and  Tourism
            be  higher  comapred  to                                                                                            Association  (AHATA)  was
            May  and  June.  Neverthe-                                                                                          funded  in  1965  to  repre-
            less July 2018 was 0.9 points                                                                                       sent  the  tourism  sector  of
            lower  compared  to  July                                                                                           Aruba.  AHATA  represents
            2017.  Eventhough  there                                                                                            at the same time 100 mem-
            were less visitors staying at                                                                                       bers which are companies
            the hotels in July 2018, ho-                                                                                        providing  their  services  to
            tels managed yo charge a                                                                                            the tourism of Aruba. Mem-
            higher  average  daily  rate   The reason they were able  close  due  to  severe  dam-  close  Aruba  can  benefit   bership  varies  from  hotels,
            (ADR)  with  a  result  of  the   to  charge  more  per  room  age.  Hotels  in  these  island  from  it  due  to  the  lack  of   timeshares,  tour  operators
            RevPar (revenue per avail-   in the first 7 months of 2018  that  suffered  severe  dam-  rooms i the Caribbean and   and watersports, and many
            able  room)  to  be  $213.05   was  because  of  the  huri-  ages are being renovated  theefor  can  charge  more   more  companies.  AHATA’s
            which  was  11.8%  higher    canes of Sepetember 2017  and are starting to operat-     and see a positive increase   main role is to influence sus-
            compared to same month       caused  for  many  hotels  in  ed again. In the meanwhile  in RevPar.                  tainable  achievement  for
            of 2017.                     the  Caribbean  region  to  while  these  hotels  remain                               the indutsry of Aruba. q
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