P. 8

8                                                                              Antilliaans Dagblad Woensdag 4 september 2019

                                 Bezoek Braziliaanse studenten Rotary Club                          HET WEER OP
                                                                                                    DE ANTILLEN

                                                                                                  Verwachting voor  N
                                                                                                  vanmiddag 12 uur
                                                                                                               W     O
                                                                                                  windkracht 3 - 5 bft
                                                                                                  golfhoogte 1 m  Z
                                                                                                   BOVENWINDSE EILANDEN
                                                                                                           Sint Maarten
                                                                                                  Saba      Philipsburg 31
                                                                                                   The Bottom 29
                                                                                                      St. Eustatius 30
                                                                                                   BENEDENWINDSE EILANDEN

                                                                                                         30       30
                                                                                                     Aruba  Willemstad
                          Onlangs hebben twee uitwisselingskandidaten uit Brazilië een bezoek gebracht aan het Gemeenschap-  Curaçao
                          pelijk Hof van Justitie in het kader van het Rotary Club Curaçao Young Professionals Exchange Program.
                          De studenten Karolina Naso en Debora Guarneri werden ontvangen door vicepresident van het Hof,
                          Mauritsz de Kort, samen met rechter Sigmar Carmelia. Naso en Guarneri werden vergezeld door de  29
                          vertegenwoordiger van de Rotary Club Curaçao, Alba Martijn. ,,Beide studenten waren zeer geïnteres-  Kralendijk  Bron:
                          seerd in de werkzaamheden van het Hof. Naso had daarbij wel extra interesse omdat zij in haar thuis-  27  Bonaire
                          land strafadvocate is”, aldus het Hof.    FOTO GEMEENSCHAPPELIJK HOF VAN JUSTITIE  Venezuela

                          First anniversary Think

                          To DO in Curaçao

                                                  research areas.  Those areas are  practical solutions to influence
                                                  Governance, and Education,  the community to become more
                          By Bonnie Benesh        Formation and Mindset. These  resilient.           VANDAAG
                              he Think To DO Institute  topics are the result of concerns  I believe that the abundance
                              will celebrate its first anni-  born out of the responses to a  mindset of those who have  Mogelijk een bui van korte
                          Tversary in October of this  set of interview questions ans-  chosen to be dynamic thinkers  duur. Later op de dag weer
                          year. The first independent  wered by leaders of the local  in the think tank will make the  vrij warm en droog. De wind
                          global think tank in the western  community in 2018. Those  work of the think tank succes-  waait uit richtingen tussen
                          Caribbean was launched Octo-  individual interviewed were  sful.        oost en zuidoost en is matig
                          ber 11, 2018 in Curaçao. The  selected because of their long-  Bastiaan Kooyman, who is  tot vrij krachtig, windkracht 3
                          Think To DO Institute is an  term successes in the commu-  the founding board member of  tot 5. De zee is vrij rustig met
                          independent, virtual think tank  nity or because they are emer-  the unique global think tank,  golfhoogtes tussen 1 en 1,5
                          based in Curaçao and created  ging global shapers within the  shared: ,,What an honor to be  meter.
                          through a unique network of  community who share concerns  part of this great initiative now
                          global think tanks across the  about the lack of resilience  called the Think to DO Institu-  MORGEN
                          world that researches best prac-  within the local society.  te. I have been very concerned
                          tices around the central ideas of  Other research topics that are  over the years about the devel-  Overwegend half bewolkt
                          ‘resilient societies’ and ‘the 4th  being addressed are economic  opment of our country Curaçao  zonder neerslag van beteke-
                          Industrial Revolution’.  growth, and the future of em-  and am now exited to be part of  nis. Aanhoudend warm.
                            With its network with other  ployment; environmental sus-  this project. We have to take it
                          independent think tanks on all  tainability and energy; and  upon ourselves to see to it that
                          other continents in the world,  integrity and corruption.  the community as a whole be-
                          the aim is to focus on essential  In October the Think To DO  nefits and shares in a good
                          good ideas, best practice and  Institute will launch its interna-  quality life. To do this we need
                          key policies that offer practical  tional Speaker Series for the  change. Great people were
                          solutions to make our society  community-at-large. Globally  successful in being different.
                          more resilient and mitigate the  recognized experts on such  Not so by reinventing the wheel
                          risks of the disruptive forces  topics as the effects of Brexit on  but by opening new horizons
                          such as geo-politics, climate  the Caribbean, Global Migrati-  and as a result the eyes of our
                          change, economic growth, res-  on Trends and Best Practices,  nation. We must stop talking
                          killing the workforce and the  and Agile Governance, have  and talking, find the best suc-
                          future of work.         confirmed their participation in  cesses in the world, and see
                            Combining the expertise of  this vital program to bring new  how we can adapt and adopt
                          local dynamic thinkers and  ideas to the local community.  those practices, thinking diffe-
                          international experts, the think  The dynamic thinkers in the  rently and doing differently.”
                          tank has in its first year organi-  think tank will also work with  The community is invited to
                          zed its research around two  these experts to create and offer  visit the website of the Think To
                                                                         DO Institute. Individuals who  Dinsdag 3 september
                                              Advertentie                would like to become a dynamic
                                                                         thinker are invited to apply on    6041
                                                                         the website.
                           TE HUUR RUIM APPARTEMENT TE SUN VALLEY
                               2 slaapkamers met airco, 1 badkamer, ruime keuken,
                                 voor- en achterporch, washok, elektronisch hek.   Bonnie Benesh is de ceo van de  3746
                             Incl. Alarm, Wi-Fi, Direct-TV. Excl. water/elektra (PagaƟ nu).   Think To DO Institute. Voor
                                           Geen huisdieren.              meer informatie zie ook:
                           Voll. gemeub.: Ang 1400,- / Ongemeub. Ang 1200,-. Tel: 5283080
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